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Author Topic: Taijitu v. Govindia  (Read 17539 times)

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #75 on: December 19, 2007, 01:14:38 PM »
Honourable Justices,


Most of my client’s time, prior to joining Taijtu this past summer, has been with Feudal Japan, now known as Tokugawa Japan.  At this time, the defence would like to present testimony from more trusted individuals of Feudal Japan regarding the defendant's character.  The statements were made prior to their re-founding of the region from Feudal Japan to Tokugawa Japan, in the wake of an invasion led by Catlandatopia.

"To the best of my knowledge and to the extent of my experience with him (in excess of one year, now), the player I know as Romabengal has proven himself dedicated to the furtherance of Tenka Fubu Alliance development. As such, I continue regard him as a key member of our current government going forward." - Knights of Zion (KoZ)

Romabengal is what Govindia goes by in Feudal Japan. Unlike a previous testimony where the player did not know Govindia very long, as you can see Knights of Zion does have a lot of experience with Govindia.  Knights of Zion is the Acting Delegate of this region.  Should there be more questions required about his testimony, we will contact him to get answers to any such questions.


Here is another one:

To whom it may concern:

I, The Shadow Warrior, as the Kanrei (Prime Minister) of Feudal Japan and one of it's founding members, I wish to speak on behalf of Lord Romabengal.

In the entire time that I have interacted with Lord Romabengal within the bounds of Nation States and it's off-site fora, I have found him a respectful and dedicated player who works for his region with a determination seen in few others.  I have never had cause to question his behaviour or ethics as they pertain to the game or his loyalty to which region in which he resides.  He has never made uninvited advances towards me or any other female player, but rather, been the gentleman that is lacking in so many of the players of this game.  A wonder that there are so few of us playing.

An questions or concerns may be TG'd, PM'd or Emailed to me.


The Shadow Warrior

As you can see, this testimony, from the prime minister of the region (the second in command), contradicts the testimonies of the feeder delegates, as she has trusted the ethics and behaviour of my client, and is not aloof about his dealings in other regions. Since Shadow Warrior has offered to have you contact her, her nation is Kagemusha.


The next is from a former Shogun in this region, Madazi:



Ladies and Gentlemen,  I take this time to write to you on behalf of my good co-worker, region-mate, and friend.

It seems that he has, again, been called into question on grounds of being a security threat.  I would like to put my voice in as former Shogun of Feudal Japan that I can honestly find no better person for almost any capacity than this man.  Having him serve under me was a privilege that every leader can enjoy.  He does his job, and brings abouts improvements.   However, the highest thing that can be said about him is his brutal honesty, and his trustworthiness.  Then and now, I can give him any information in confidence that it will remain only with him.  Not once have I, or my successor, found any information given him to have been mishandled.  I believe that any accusations that he has jeopardized any sensitive material to be groundless and utter insanity.  If this man says that he is innocent, which I am sure he has, then believe him.

He has the tendency to have an abrasive personality, especially if someone hasn't acted on something in a while, or if he feels he is being ignored.  Make no mistake, this is not him being rude, or threatening, or aggressive.  This is not a predecessor to him abusing trust and leaking information.  This is his way of making sure that his job is done to its fullest, and that he's been given all tools, opportunities, and options possible to do his job to the best of his ability.

I hope that you will take what I've said to heart, and understand that he is a good-hearted, trustworthy, and loyal person.  As an Eagle Scout, I can see that he has fine qualities in him, and that he will not let you or anyone of his friends down.


~Former Shogun of Feudal Japan
~Adviser to current Shogun

For some who may not know, Feudal Japan – now known as Tokugawa Japan – closely tries to portray itself in a manner similar to that of the feudal period in Japan.  The Shogun is the ruler of the region, with the Delegate held by someone else for UN purposes.   As such, the Shogun is best described, for the purposes of this trial, as a benevolent dictator, whose word is final.  As this testimony pointed out, the personality of my client in no way, shape, or form, indicates that my client is a security threat, and that he wishes to help improve and contribute to regions he is involved with as much as he can.


Below is the testimony from the current Shogun of that region, Viktor:





This is acting Shogun of Feudal Japan.


Character named Romabengal asked me to write a testimony about his behavior in our region – Feudal Japan. You know him as Govindia in your region. Here at FJ he is admin, deputy of second in command and foreign minister and respectable member so far. He does act aggressively sometimes but these outbursts are not too frequent and when they happen it is relatively easy to explain him what he did wrong and that helps. So far he did not abuse his Admin powers and was a quite good Foreign Minister. He sometimes failed to negotiate peacefully with some regions but there are many other regions he was able to persuade to become our allies and while his success as FM is mixed, he achieved good results as well.


There was a wave of Catlandatopian gossip and lie that was meant to break trust to Romabengal and initially they achieved their aim (the false

accusations) but as no real proofs were provided of Romabengal’s guilt as a traitor to FJ all suspicions were dropped.


Other than some minor disagreements there and here Romabengal, known as Govindia here, is ok person in FJ. Noone’s perfect but Romabengal was able to be part of our community for a long time now and did that quite well.


Just a note – here in FJ we have no constitution as such, we have laws as such but I, acting Shogun have sole power of decisions – we are feudal dictature but most of the time I act as democratic president.


Here from the current Shogun, shows the level of trust that my client has been given, a level of trust that he has not abused.  This is a further sign that my client is dedicated and committed to contributing to the communities he is in.  Even when it shows that Catlandatopia tried to discredit my client with waves of gossip and false accusations to get him pushed out of that region, but Viktor’s administration was able to see otherwise and reaffirmed their trust in my client.


Honourable Justices of the court, even if these testimonies are from people not many have heard about, from other regions, it does point out a strong fact: he loves the regions he is in and he wants to do what he can to help be a part of it.  In Tokugawa Japan and England, he has made great contributions to these regions and they trust him well enough that they know he is genuine and not a security threat to their regions.  These people also have good experience and are also experts in security and intelligence themselves.  You don’t necessarily have to be from a  feeder to do that.  If these people can trust him, and know about his background in TWP or elsewhere, surely they are not foolish if they give him their trust.  They have seen how he cares about those regions he is in and have realised my client, flaws and all, is a trustworthy, honourable man that is willing to be friendly with everyone who makes a seasoned attempt to do so in return.


Below is a statement from a Taijituan, Myroria:



I don't have the best memory, so excuse this testimony for it's shortness. In IRC, Govindia had, overall, not been very well liked. I was largely neutral or benevolent to him, but I admit I didn't do a whole lot about the things that happened in there. When Govindia was banned, the evidence indeed was never given to me, and I'm a founder, so personally I doubt it was done in any other reason than that of he was not well liked. I asked about evidence on IRC and Taijitu, because I did consider this a travesty of justice, but eventually I got over this and just wanted the trial done so my trial with Balt could be started. I was not supplied with evidence, or even a reason, so all I could tell you is that he was banned and I have no idea why.


The testimony above by Myroria, albeit short, shows that even the Prosecution has withheld evidence from one of the founders of this region, despite his asking not only on the IRC channel, but in the forum as well, and was never given evidence nor a reason for the treatment of my client here.


We will be continuing our statement in the next few posts.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #76 on: December 19, 2007, 03:30:01 PM »
*smiles* What the defense fails to mention is that the NS region of Feudal Japan is divided between one half that believes Govindia has conspired to the recent invasion of the region and its submission by foreign forces and the other half that is not sure if that is the case. Oh, pardon me, the current dictator of the region does mention it, not surprisingly in a favorable manner, since the rumors have practically stated that Govindia himself has conspired in his favor. Your Honors, allow me to again point out the faint power of this so-called character descriptions. The defense is trying to fight statements of esteemed feederite delegates, and respectable and well-known members of this region as well as of NS regions we have worked together with with statements from regions that are hostile to Taijitu or have never had any type of relation with our region and/or are not even democratic establishments.

Now, let us look at Myroria's statement:
Myroria is mirroring his own personal problems with the fact that once order was restored to the IRC channel of Taijitu (Govindia being one of the mayhem-factors) he himself was not named a Chanel Operator and had to wait for the order to be re-established to get his Ops back. As a founder he had no special business to be shown that evidence, especially in IRC. He may doubt the evidence as anyone in the region can. What the forum evidence is concerned, again Myroria must not be shown any of it based on his quality as a founder. This is again, for all to see, the classic Govindia if I may call it so, namely he has always been trying to refuse the established decision factors and circumvent them by going to other players, and pressuring them into speaking in his behalf. Any of you who has come in contact with the defendant will know what I am talking about.

I would be interested to hear what the defense has to say about Senator's Meridianland statement, which clearly tells us that the defendant himself has admitted to working for foreign interests through his presence in our region.

 Perhaps a statement from Feudal Japan could clear up that matter? I suggest that the defense hurry though, because given that the official religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, Christmas is a more commercial event than anywhere else and the esteemed Japanese players might be wandering the shops for new katanas to put under the bonsai-tree.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2007, 03:47:07 PM by PoD Gunner »
Co-Founder of Taijitu
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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2007, 03:45:46 PM »
What I did say in my last post though, is that being as it is, I am not willing to release personal data for you or Osamafune to see, nor I am willing to release it for other eyes than the Judges and the administration *but others are not in question here, so that is why I referred only to you*.

Please PM said data to the Justices so we may deliberate on its sensitive nature (and, you know, see the evidence).

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2007, 04:02:29 PM »
What I did say in my last post though, is that being as it is, I am not willing to release personal data for you or Osamafune to see, nor I am willing to release it for other eyes than the Judges and the administration *but others are not in question here, so that is why I referred only to you*.

Please PM said data to the Justices so we may deliberate on its sensitive nature (and, you know, see the evidence).

Again, in the interests of ensuring this is a fair trial, we ask the prosecution not to withhold evidence from the defence team and present it to us as well.  However, since the Prosecution refuses to do so, we will formally request that the evidence mentioned in the above quote be suppressed as inadmissible as the Prosecution deliberately continues to withhold vital information in this case from the defence team.  Information that is vital for the defence to provide adequate counsel to the defendant and vital to ensuring that this trial remains fair and impartial with equal access to evidence from both sides.
United States of Arvengovi - Citizenship obtained 8 Aug. 2007!
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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #79 on: December 19, 2007, 04:03:48 PM »
A request for the sensitive data in its original form has been issued to the administration that may release it and will be PMed to all three Judges. Please also note that I would rather have that this evidence be refused by the Judges as proof than have any of it reach the defendant. If any of that evidence should however reach the defendant or his team, the one providing it will be responsible for the possible damages inflicted to those we are serving and protecting. Please also note that I would rather have that this evidence be refused by the Judges as proof than have any of it reach the defendant or his counsels.

I would also respectfully request the Court to please look upon all statements that have been presented in this thread, as most of them do speak about relevant circumstances and refer directly to Govindia's actions, and as direct testimonials are clear and solid evidence to this trial, no matter what the defense might say about the lack of evidence. The Prosecution does defend the interest of the region of Taijitu and for the Court to ignore the meaning of such statements would be, as far as our power of insight can reach, a great danger to our region.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2007, 04:08:19 PM by PoD Gunner »
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Osamafune

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #80 on: December 19, 2007, 04:05:14 PM »
*smiles* What the defense fails to mention is that the NS region of Feudal Japan is divided between one half that believes Govindia has conspired to the recent invasion of the region and its submission by foreign forces and the other half that is not sure if that is the case. Oh, pardon me, the current dictator of the region does mention it, not surprisingly in a favorable manner, since the rumors have practically stated that Govindia himself has conspired in his favor.

This is a flat out lie! First of all, did you not read the part where Viktor acts as a democratic president? Anyone who has visted their forum can plainly see that the region is NOT split on their support for Govindia. No where in any of the Feudal Japan testimonies do the witness's testify to this either, even in Viktor's where you claim that he "mentioned it." Re-read the testimony, he said that all suspicions were dropped when Catlandtopia tried to convince them that Govindia could not be trusted. This tactic is not new to Catlandtopia; in fact, spreading lies and gossip is part of their strategy.

We ask again that the prosecution refrains from making insults. While it may not be to Govindia directly, would you take kindly to someone insulting Taijitu?

I would be interested to hear what the defense has to say about Senator's Meridianland statement, which clearly tells us that the defendant himself has admitted to working for foreign interests through his presence in our region.
There were so many problems with Meri's testimony that we're not done formulating a rebuttal yet, because every time we turn around, there's another.

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #81 on: December 19, 2007, 04:33:34 PM »
Concerning Meri's testimony, it is the position of the defence that the testimony from Meri is not credible due to much the same reason that Durnia was asked to be recused: bias. Several times in the TNP, she would troll the IRC channel and TNP’s IRC channel and insulting various people, including my client, at one point asking about his religion and accusing him of being a fake Hindu for forgetting that he celebrated a Hindu religious festival.  At various other times she has been known to abuse her op powers in the Taijitu IRC channel, banning various people whom she does not like and felt offended by.  Most, if not everyone, has seen such behaviour in the Senate and in the IRC channel.

< 13meri > Many things. He always seemed to be complaining about one thing or another going on in Taijitu.  One topic that emerged that pertains to this trial is the subject of his UN nation.

How does this relate? Several people here have complained about things going on in our very own region. This trial, separation of powers, the TRR event, the fact that Meri is the current Speaker, etc.

So I guess Tacolicious is a threat to Taijitu now? He's "complained" about one thing or another since I came here (no offense intended to Taco since I mostly agree with him on just about everything it seems).

< 13meri > At the time that we began discussing the subject, and i believe to this day, he has refused to disclose the location or identity of his UN.  Since in this game, each player is allowed to have only one UN, and UNs can in many instances, particularly in military and intelligence contexts represent power, the dedication of one's UN is usually an indication of a player's loyalty.

In regards to the lack of trust between the two, Meri is a pro-raider in a raider region, the DEN. Govindia is extremely pro-defender, only joining neutral regions such as Taijitu or defender-oriented regions. Govindia did not want to disclose information such as his UN nation that Meri, being a raider that has little trust for defenders, could exploit. This is also why he repeatedly asked if Meri trusted him; Meri has little trust for defenders and they are in the same region now, Taijitu.  At the time, Govindia was in TWP, which is a defender region, and has stated that he was in TWP’s military, a defender force as well.   

Nonetheless, while Meri may be in the dark about Govindia's UN nation, the government of Taijitu should not be. The only way to become a citizen of Taijitu was for him to disclose his UN nation. Take a look here, and you will read where Gnoled said:
After Govindia sending me a link to his UN nation over IM, his request to become a citizen is approved. Welcome!

Also, where one keeps their UN nation is not necessarily and indication of their loyalty. Are you willing to say that Limi, myself, and many others are not loyal because our UN nations do not reside in Taijitu?


The other quote that Meri is mentioned in, where there are claims of Govindia working in a different region – that can be easily explained by the fact that he was in a defender region.  He has never worked against Taijituan interests, and just because he is in a defender region, does not mean he is disloyal to Taijitu.  No one is required to have their UN nation here in this region and still be active.  Meri has shown that those who are not of a raider alignment are heavily distrusts whom she calls “fendas,” which is the term she uses for defenders. 


Gnoled Ttam has confirmed my UN nation via IM, and has approved my citizenship request.  If Meri wanted to know Govindia's UN nation, why could she not have asked him?  Why was she so adamant to keep pressing my client, a known defender, and she a known raider ?  Why did St. Oz claim my client was a regional security threat as a reason for not placing my nation on the map after a legitimate map request was made, and then proceeded at one point to go over his constitutional authority and ban him from both the channel and the forum at least 3 times in the span of 15 minutes?


Your honour, this just goes to show the level of discrimination that my client has been receiving at the hands of people like Meri and St. Oz for no justifiable reason. 


Additionally I would like to point out that in Korinn’s testimony, he was listed as Assistant Prosecutor, yet no declaration has been made at the start of this docket that he is Assistant Prosecutor, thereby stating possibly false information? 




I suggest that the defense hurry though, because given that the official religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, Christmas is a more commercial event than anywhere else and the esteemed Japanese players might be wandering the shops for new katanas to put under the bonsai-tree.



Such statements by the prosecution are not only ignorant, but insulting as well.  Just because a region my client is in has Japanese-style themes, does not mean that all the players there are Japanese.  If the Prosecution must know, the player makeup is at least 4 or 5 Canadians, 4 Americans, one Lithuanian, two Britons, and one American living in the Philippines.  They all have a common fascination though, for Japan.  The comment above is insulting and a cheap derogatory remark to my client’s association with that region, and I request the court deal with such attacks on my client, something he has repeatedly continued through the duration of this trial.

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #82 on: December 19, 2007, 04:48:27 PM »
I would also respectfully request the Court to please look upon all statements that have been presented in this thread, as most of them do speak about relevant circumstances and refer directly to Govindia's actions, and as direct testimonials are clear and solid evidence to this trial, no matter what the defense might say about the lack of evidence. The Prosecution does defend the interest of the region of Taijitu and for the Court to ignore the meaning of such statements would be, as far as our power of insight can reach, a great danger to our region.

If my memory serves me correctly, the reason Govindia was banned was because of this evidence. We have seen what people have said about it and about Gov yet still not the thing itself. I can find 100 or 1000 people who say Hitler was a bad person yet what does this show except people dont like him? Without evidence of the acts he implemented against the Jews it is still just views.
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #83 on: December 19, 2007, 05:03:08 PM »
I want to signal the Court that if the way the counsel Osamafune is understanding to address me, I will have to ask for him to be banned from this Court. I have not insulted the defense team but referred to their statements. Osamafune has chosen to insult me more than one time, and frankly I do not know if I should allow this to go on. I will not be the one to allow this trial to divide the region of Taijitu. But I am not willing to sit and allow such behavior to go on. I can bring testimonies who will state what the suspicions on Govindia's role in Feudal Japan are, and I am aware of the fact that official charges were dropped. I never stated anything else. But for the defense counsel to cry out and call me a liar, that is too much.

 I will either have him take that statement back and apologize in this thread or my part in this trial is done with. I am representing the Government of Taijitu is this trial, and not a two-faced cheating player. I am awaiting your decision.
Thank You.
Co-Founder of Taijitu
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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #84 on: December 19, 2007, 05:11:30 PM »
I want to signal the Court that if the way the counsel Osamafune is understanding to address me, I will have to ask for him to be banned from this Court. I have not insulted the defense team but referred to their statements. Osamafune has chosen to insult me more than one time, and frankly I do not know if I should allow this to go on. I will not be the one to allow this trial to divide the region of Taijitu. But I am not willing to sit and allow such behavior to go on. I can bring testimonies who will state what the suspicions on Govindia's role in Feudal Japan are, and I am aware of the fact that official charges were dropped. I never stated anything else. But for the defense counsel to cry out and call me a liar, that is too much.

 I will either have him take that statement back and apologize in this thread or my part in this trial is done with. I am representing the Government of Taijitu is this trial, and not a two-faced cheating player. I am awaiting your decision.
Thank You.

You accused me of stating that I conspired against Feudal Japan and that Viktor's testimony points that out, when clearly Osafune and the testimony otherwise has indicated that your claims, none of which have been backed with direct evidence other than character witness testimonials, are false as to the nature of Tokugawa Japan's invasion by CLT.

Furthermore, this trial has seen plenty of times where the prosecution has insulted the defendant, most recently mocking his association with residents of Tokugawa Japan by the comment about the trees and katanas.  A blatant display of ignorance, prejudice, and inflammatory remarks if I ever saw one.

Furthermore, the motion to suppress any and all evidence only visible to the Court, but not to us, is still being put forward to the Court to show how the Prosecution is once again refusing to respect the nature of the court, by ignoring the fact that this is supposed to be a fair trial and the fact that the prosecution is admitting to withholding evidence, in an effort to reduce the ability of the defence team to provide adequate and proper counsel.

We will also later today show that this is not the first time Taijituans have seen one of their own discriminated against, as a testimony and deposition will soon show.
United States of Arvengovi - Citizenship obtained 8 Aug. 2007!
Ambassador to The Exodus (14 Aug. 2007 - 14 Oct. 2007)

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #85 on: December 19, 2007, 05:21:08 PM »
How and where have I insulted you? I certainly can't tell.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2007, 05:24:41 PM by Osamafune »

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #86 on: December 19, 2007, 05:22:11 PM »
Perhaps a statement from Feudal Japan could clear up that matter? I suggest that the defense hurry though, because given that the official religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, Christmas is a more commercial event than anywhere else and the esteemed Japanese players might be wandering the shops for new katanas to put under the bonsai-tree.

Sorry, but that paragraph is unnecessary, offensive and insulting to both the members of that region and the Japanese people.
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #87 on: December 19, 2007, 05:49:53 PM »

This is a trial and not a playground. Govindia, you are the whole purpose of the case and were banned, it is obvious that some of the things said about you, you won't like. So long as it does not degenerate into name calling/insult throwing simply for the sake of it, there is no reason for the court to step in.

Counsels - You will keep to the case and will not say things about the other counsel that are offensive. The court will decide when/if a problem has occured and we are capable of seeing such things.

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #88 on: December 19, 2007, 06:51:07 PM »
TGR is quite correct; this trial will not be allowed to turn into a circus.  Counselors on both sides are reminded to be civil and as courteous as possible, with nothing unnecessary or unrelated to the trial added to the discussion.  As of now I see no need to have anything either side has said retracted... what's done is done and getting all upset over it will only make things more difficult to resolve, but this absolutely must not continue.  We are stretching our patience to the limit.

Additionally, Govindia - you need not petition upwards of 3 times for the same thing.  We read it the first time and will make our decision whether to consider evidence of a sensitive nature once we have seen it.

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #89 on: December 19, 2007, 06:55:35 PM »
Additionally, Govindia - you need not petition upwards of 3 times for the same thing.  We read it the first time and will make our decision whether to consider evidence of a sensitive nature once we have seen it.
What, may I ask, will happen to the evidence if it is considered to be of a sensitive nature?