I thought Dyr was saying the same thing?
I can't say much until you fill out the content, but I'd rather you not phrase it as "I will mostly be in GP/RP" - give them different sections, but that phrasing emphasizes a divide that I'd rather not see
I made sure to separate Role-Playing and Politics. I think everything will become more clear once I put actual content in those spoilers. 
I hope so, b/c now I'm confused again. There's basically four "ways to play," right?
NS alone - respond to issues, make a flag, etc.
NS Game Play - join a region and do the attacking/ddefending thing
Regional politics - join a region and legislate, run for office like Citizen-Liaison etc.
Role Playing - creative fiction based on a having a nation on the planet of Taijitu.
What am I missing? I don't know who I'm agreeing with, but I think the above is the best way to separate the guide because you can do any of those things independently of the others.