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Author Topic: Roma Confrence - LCF  (Read 9884 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Roma Confrence - LCF
« on: April 26, 2007, 01:24:28 AM »
The conference will be held across from the Great hall in a Legion Installation in the city. The massive office complex was the military command center of Irnotia. The meeting would be in a underground location in the building.

In it the Imperator waited with his guards for the others to arrive
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Offline Novus Parco

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 01:39:54 AM »
Titus and Cleomenes walked down the steps of the executive jet that carried them across Taijitu to the mother empire of Irnotia. Waiting for them was a military escort with their luggage. They both stepped into the middle vehicle with their guards occupying the rest of the seats. They passed the time by looking at a strategic map of the world, planning the course of the war that was soon to come.

The vehicle stopped, and they had parked at the entrance of the Legion Installation where the conference was being held. Waiting for their guards first, they stepped out of the vehicle and walked into the building. They both marveled at the architecture of Roma, a style that Parconus had tried to copy itself. Escorted into the conference hall proper, they took a seat.

Titus broke out his cigar box while Cleomenes reached inside his uniform for his flask full of Ryazanian whiskey. Once his cigar was lit, the Consul of Novus Parco strode confidently to the Imperator and greeted him, with Cleomenes following suit.
" De l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace! "
" Attack, advance, and attack again! Never hold ground! "
" You are only defeated when you admit it. Hence, never admit defeat. "

Quotes from Field Marshal Cleomenes.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 01:50:22 AM »
The Imperator grasped the mans fore arm "Welcome to the conference men. I'm the Imperator, and will be representing Irnotia in this conference, soon our guest from Inglo-scotia should be arriving. Please Take some wine, its from my personal vineyards"
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Offline Novus Parco

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2007, 01:55:20 AM »
" It is nice to finally meet you, your Majesty. " replied Titus as he accepted the Imperator's offer of a glass of wine.

Cleomenes shook his head when offered the glass. " Your Majesty, long have I studied the military strategy of the great Irnotian Empire. It's conquests truly stand out as the greatest the world has ever seen. Perhaps when this conference is done, will you allow my general staff to study here for a while? I feel that doing so could help future military conflicts. "
" De l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace! "
" Attack, advance, and attack again! Never hold ground! "
" You are only defeated when you admit it. Hence, never admit defeat. "

Quotes from Field Marshal Cleomenes.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2007, 02:04:26 AM »
OOC: Even though I'm posting this first, it takes place AFTER my post I'm going to make in the Crofts in Irnotia thread.

Two bulletproof SUVs pulled up to the Legion Installation. Four armed Major-General guards exited the first suv, as three others escorted the Lord Protector out of the second vehicle.

Crofts looked around as they entered the hall. It looked very different from Inglo-Scotia. New Beaconsfield was a city that rose to prominence during the late middle-ages, and it reflected that with Gothic cathedrals and other medieval buildings that seemed to clash with the more modern architecture. Here the ancient architecture seemed to flow into the new. Style had evolved here rather then changed.

Entering the conference room Crofts took his seat. Five of the seven Major-General guards fell back to the wall behind the Lord Protector. Two of them remained just behind him on opposite sides.

"Greetings to you" he said, getting up to shake the hands of Titus and the Imperator.
"My Consul of Foreign Affairs should be here shortly. Shall we begin?"
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 02:06:27 AM by Inglo-Scotia »

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2007, 02:24:30 AM »
The Imperator nodded "I see you again Mr Crofts, yes, we can start. These two men wish to join our treaty organization, so we need to discuss how to make this happen and how to solidify and expand our military power."
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2007, 02:26:19 AM »
The Imperator nodded "I see you again Mr Crofts, yes, we can start. These two men wish to join our treaty organization, so we need to discuss how to make this happen and how to solidify and expand our military power."
"Good to see you again Imperator.
The Republic of Novus Parco is a nation who's inclusion in the LCF is greatly anticipated by the Commonwealth."

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2007, 02:44:12 AM »
He nodded " In that case we should discuss how to bring the nation in. Also what it will mean for the nation and the treaties"
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2007, 05:28:45 PM »
Crofts sat down, looking at Consul Manlius.
"Lets just have the Consul sign the treaty" he suggested.

The door to the room opened and a man with slick black hair and thick black facial hair, wearing a uniform of an Inglo-Scotian Lieutenant-General entered.
Crofts stood, faced the man, giving him the Commonwealth salute (closed right fist to left shoulder). The man responded in kind, and the two sat down next to each other.

"Consul Manlius, Imperiator" Crofts said, introducing the recently arrived man, "this is the Commonwealth's Consul of Foreign Affairs, Erik Destler."

Offline Novus Parco

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2007, 01:20:10 AM »
Manlius, still reading the text of the treaty, rose from his chair and greeted the Consul of Foreign Affairs warmly. After the usual chit-chat, he again pored over the LCF treaty. Satisfied, he called the Field Marshal over.

" Cleomenes, do you find this to be acceptable? "
" Without a doubt, your Honor. "
" Well good then, Marshal. Who shall have the honor of signing first? "
" You may go ahead. "

And with that, the Consul signed the document, with the Field Marshal doing the same afterwards.
" De l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace! "
" Attack, advance, and attack again! Never hold ground! "
" You are only defeated when you admit it. Hence, never admit defeat. "

Quotes from Field Marshal Cleomenes.

Offline Myroria

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2007, 01:37:39 AM »
The Imperator of the Irnotian Empire,

I request to send a delegation to the conference in Roma. It interests me very much, and I would like to review the charter to join.

The Empeurer of the Myrorian Empereum,

Peté Tar-Ilium I.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2007, 04:58:28 PM »
To:Peté Tar-Ilium I.
From:Chief Adviser Tita
You are welcome to come and represent your nation, and to entice the members for application. If you arrive I will insure you do not need to go through our standard customs.
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Offline Myroria

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2007, 12:59:13 AM »
Peté, wearing a silk brocade frock coat (the traditional formal dress for non-smoking Myrorians), entered the conference hall, flanked by two guards. Dismissing them, he took a seat.

"Manlius, Imperator. Crofts. May I see the charter?"
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2007, 11:36:39 AM »
From: High Councilwoman Fay Celen
To: Chief Adviser Tita

We are very interested about this conference - and Feniexia needs allies to be prepared better for war times.
If we are allowe to come, the Emperor himself, the Empress, me, and our guard shall attend it.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2007, 07:33:16 PM »
to:High Councilwoman Fay Celen
I am sure you will be welcomed to the confrence, you will be cleared past our border and lead to the confrence area.

The Imperator moved the paper to the Myorian Representatives "that is the document in its full. We should also discuse the building of military bases to extend our military reach to as many areas of the world as we can"
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