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Author Topic: Roma Confrence - LCF  (Read 9883 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2007, 05:44:43 PM »
ooc: dont recomend it, was last day at collage for the year

ic: The Imperator simply glanced up at the new arrival, one of the Guards pointed to a seat.

turning his head slowly he spoke the two the representatives from Fenexia "A military base needs not be located at the edge of a city, though it does bring economic growth to areas it is located around. Our military facilities need location next to the sea and located in fields. A city is not required, as long as we can build military facilities in your nation and perchance territories near by we can claim that is all that is stipulated by the treaty. Nothing more as of yet"

ooc: I wont be as active as I have been maybe 3-4 times a week, we dont have reguler access to internet at my house, we cant afford it. :D so if i dont post for a day or two i still want this to go and happen I just cant get on, when ever i can Me be posty.
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Offline Feniexia

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2007, 10:23:07 PM »
"I see." the Emperor replied. "We just don´t want them near our capital, to prevent larger bomber attacks on a major part of our population in case of war. But I have changed my mind a bit...you might build some near a city other than the capital. We will provide additional heavy anti-air support for sure."

Offline Ryazania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2007, 11:00:41 PM »
OOC: I really don't feel like logging in and out, so take all posts made by me in this thread to be Novus Parco


Field Marshal Cleomenes, deep in thought, was pondering the events that were sure to happen in the near future. He knew within a few years the entire world would be at war, and he would be at the forefront of the commanders of their side, There were few people outside of his General Staff he trusted, but he knew he could not make a staff completely made of Parconians. This train of thought led to his statement.

" I see clearly on the horizon a war that we will no doubt be a part of. For this reason, I suggest that each nation send it's top military leaders to a LCF Staff HQ to develop strategies. I would also suggest that each nation begin to share military technology and blueprints, all the while equipping each army with the best equipment from each respective country. Does this proposal suit you all? "
Economic Left/Right: 9.65
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Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control.

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2007, 12:41:48 AM »
President Jordan Hjuylio took his seat at the table as Field Marshal Cleomenes said his remarks. "I apologize for my late arrival. Field Marshal Cleomenes, of course the sharing of military knowledge is necessary, but as it is with the Chinese and silk, the Art of Algerianbanian War Panda Warfare is sacred to my country, and we are not looking to share our heritage without being first provoked by significant force. If the other representatives have no interest in that matter, then I shall be happy to share all of our military technology and knowledge." The President's Secretary of State leaned over and whispered something in his ear, hold a PDA. The President nodded, and continued. "Setting that aside, I shall like to sign the treaty."
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2007, 02:39:42 AM »
The Imperator nodded "With this we will bring as much unity of our militaries as possible, each nation focusing at what skills they have greatest to make one force that is unbeatable to all outside forces"

As he spoke the Imperator was handed a note by one of his men " and talking of bases it seems a nation that We aided has decided to deny us the right to build a simple military base in their lands. This is rather annoying thing to come up"
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2007, 03:35:35 AM »
OOC: Sorry for my absence, I'm on vacation, and I'm only now able to access a computer with an internet connection.

"I'll send Admiral Thomas Paine of the Navy and Brigadier General Nicholas Fox. Field Marshall Theriot is current involved in a project he can not be taken away from.
Our port city of Livingston is home of a naval base that could be used as a multi-national LCF naval base."

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2007, 04:51:31 AM »
"Ill let Nero decide who will represent our military at the Headquarters. We should also know that King Tarih al-Rashid ibn Gamal al-Tagmenrac and his allies whom ever they are not to be trusted, they have no honor in them. They will return great kindness with pure hostility, they are do not respect our power, if we ever deal with them as a organization don't think for a second they ever wish for peace. Storm clouds are forming on the horizon, we need to begin work on this unification and the military bases as soon as possible in all nations and territories, and get access to more lands in other nations for Military reasons.

modern war is won and lost by flexibility and logistics, we need to insure we are the ones who win any conflict that may come upon us.?
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Offline Myroria

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2007, 01:38:38 PM »
"And I will send Grand Marschall Ingolf Diethelm."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2007, 03:12:12 PM »
"And I shall send General Andrew Harland. Are the other nations apathetic to the knowledge of Panda Warfare?"
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2007, 12:52:38 AM »
A Major-General guard entered the room, handing Crofts a piece of paper. Crofts looked over the information scribbled on it before showing it to Destler.
"It appears" Crofts said, "that I am needed back home. As it appears we have all come to agreement regarding the generalities regarding this treaty.
We are very excited to be part of this alliance. May strength and peace through victory drive this alliance to greatness. Should the alliance decide on any course of action we will comply, however at the time I am needed in the Commonwealth.
I'm going to keep my family here for a month as a sign of good will" Crofts said, turning to the Imperator.
"Much thanks for your efforts forging this alliance."

"Pete, may we put our differences aside for the fulfilment of our common goals."

Crofts made his way to the Novus Parco representatives.
"Consul Titus Manlius, Field Marshal Cleomenes, I look forward to the continued alliance between our two nations" he continued, shaking Manlius' hand.

"War's coming Erik" Crofts said, as the pair made their way down the Imperial hallways.
"In the States no less" Destler responded.
"Fremont wanted to intervene in our affairs, but the clown failed to do what was neccecary to weaken us. He left us breathing, and I'm going to make sure he pays for his mistakes."

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2007, 01:59:42 AM »
President Jordan watched Crofts go, and then turned back to the group. "So, the treaty. May I sign it?"
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2007, 02:44:31 AM »
The Imperator smiles and nods to the President "Yes, here you go, welcome to our orginization"

He slides it over to him.

ooc: Myoria you can repost the document if ya want in your pretty form
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Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2007, 02:59:47 AM »
The President picked up the pen and looked at his companion. He whispered in his ear, "This is our last chance to back out. Once I sign, we are in forever. Well, just about." The Secretary responded, "The House has just tallied their votes. They give the go ahead after debating this for months. They would be very displeased if you didn't sign this." The President nodded and looked back to the group smiling. He put the pen to the paper and signed his name. He then moved the document over to the Secretary and he signed it, as well as signing a small note that the House had approved the decision. When he was done, he put the pen down and looked to the President. Their eyes met for a moment, and President Jordan looked back. "It is done," he said with a sigh.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2007, 02:06:26 PM »
Suddenly, Fay Celens pager rang out loudly. She took it and read trough the message she got. Then, without showing any kind of emotion, she spoke some words in Shyrie to the Emperor and the Empress. After a few minutes, the Empress nodded, it seems like she agreed to something.

The Emperor turned around, facing the other conference partipicants again.
"We got a message from someone attaining to the Annuminas conference. They ask us to join them."

Then, Miray spoke some words in English (OOC: Or whatever language is used by the chars in here): "I and the Emperor are very concerned about all of this, but we think one of us should lisen to them. I will go."

She bowed, like all polite Feniexians do when discharging from people with ranks about equal to their own.

"Shaneya. Maybe we will meet again."

Then, she left the room.

OOC: Just if someone is curious about, "Shaneya" is a word for a very polite "Goodbye" in Shyrie (Feye language). It doesn´t mean anything in any RL language as far I know.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Roma Confrence - LCF
« Reply #44 on: May 07, 2007, 04:36:50 PM »
The imperator looked a bit "just remember your one of us now. I wish you well"

One of his men came behind him, next to the man a Woman in a red dress the imperator turned "advosor adviser, what are you here for"

She leaned down and whispered, he stood up and turned to his guests "I'm sorry, something has come up, Tita is my most trusted adviser and shall continue to represent my interests here, I am needed else where"

The Imperator left and Tita sat down "Good day all"
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