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Author Topic: The Supreme Court Docket  (Read 7882 times)

Offline Flemingovia

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2007, 07:01:19 AM »
I am sure my client will be relieved that this suit hanging over him has been withdrawn. I will consult with him as to how he wishes to proceed.

Gallipoli-China, I do not see anywhere in the constitution or laws of Taijitu where justices have power to grant or withhold a writ of a certiorari. The closest I can find is this clause:

2. The Supreme Court shall have the power to review the actions of both the government and the citizens of Taijitu, and to hear cases brought before it.

This gives the court the power to hear cases, but not the power to refuse to hear cases. Odd, but there you go.

Offline Templarios

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2007, 09:38:41 AM »
Both have been noted and both are in my opinion absurd.  I'd rather not have Taijitu become a suit-happy region, and granting a writ of certiorari to either Osamafune's suit or PoD Gunner's countersuit seems to me to be just the sort of action that would encourage the development.

Be sure that if the other Justices overrule me and wish to hear this case, I will be recusing myself.

I will withdraw my suit since I really don't want to go through that many trials.

Finally, a way forward for reason and common-sense. I hope PoD Gunner follows this and we don't set a dangerous precedent here.
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

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Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2007, 10:50:20 AM »
Osafune: Simple insults over the internet don't bother me. It's deception and double standards that annoy me.
That is a very interesting perspective. Instead of behaving like a responsible member of this region you have chosen to throw dirt on me, call me a liar in the face, and then file a suit against my persona, only to appear afterwards in here and whine about what you perceive as double standards. Were such standards in place you wouldn't have been able to perform these actions.  You are assuming things you know very little about yet you have no problem in attacking me and others and in identifying as biased and unfair a community I thought you had been a part of and that is protecting itself against a virus.

I couldn't care less about the suit since it was just another mockery from your part. It might be a sad day, but one I had been expecting. What surprises me is that you're going so far with this also in wanting me to believe (also in the PM you are referring to) that you do not understand what this is about. If I were to go through your statements and conclusions in this trial, I could call you a liar and a bullshitter at every post. I decided no to let it go there, but if you think that this region is the French Revolution, where anybody can call his fellow a traitor, I hope that the members of this region will prove you wrong.

To be frank, as far as I am concerned through these actions you have allowed me to form a final opinion upon your character and I personally will do my best to ignore your presence from now on.

PS I am sorry Templarios, what was displayed here was not common-sense but a complete lack thereof. Please invest your hopes next time in your team-mates. I for one am disappointed at this moment. The dangerous precedent has already been set.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 11:01:00 AM by PoD Gunner »
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Offline Durnia

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2007, 01:07:00 PM »
So, are you withdrawing your suit?
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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2007, 05:18:00 PM »
It doesn't look like it.

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Offline Osamafune

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2007, 06:09:00 PM »
Osafune: Simple insults over the internet don't bother me. It's deception and double standards that annoy me.
That is a very interesting perspective. Instead of behaving like a responsible member of this region you have chosen to throw dirt on me, call me a liar in the face, and then file a suit against my persona, only to appear afterwards in here and whine about what you perceive as double standards. Were such standards in place you wouldn't have been able to perform these actions.  You are assuming things you know very little about yet you have no problem in attacking me and others and in identifying as biased and unfair a community I thought you had been a part of and that is protecting itself against a virus.

I couldn't care less about the suit since it was just another mockery from your part. It might be a sad day, but one I had been expecting. What surprises me is that you're going so far with this also in wanting me to believe (also in the PM you are referring to) that you do not understand what this is about. If I were to go through your statements and conclusions in this trial, I could call you a liar and a bullshitter at every post. I decided no to let it go there, but if you think that this region is the French Revolution, where anybody can call his fellow a traitor, I hope that the members of this region will prove you wrong.

To be frank, as far as I am concerned through these actions you have allowed me to form a final opinion upon your character and I personally will do my best to ignore your presence from now on.

PS I am sorry Templarios, what was displayed here was not common-sense but a complete lack thereof. Please invest your hopes next time in your team-mates. I for one am disappointed at this moment. The dangerous precedent has already been set.
You posted a statement that we had proven to be false earlier in the trial. You said something about one of our witnesses "mentioning" it in his testimony when he did not. So I assumed that you could have simply misread a post; who hasn't done that before? Whether intentional or not, most would consider a false statement of any kind to be a "lie."

I'm still waiting for the evidence you claim to have proving your statement to be true. Present me with that, and obviously I was in the wrong and deserve to apologize to you. I will not take your word for it though because I haven't seen you do one thing that could make me think I can trust you. In fact, your conduct in Gov's trial proves to me that I cannot trust you.

Telling the truth is not "throwing dirt on one's persona." If anyone is whining here now, I think it would be you. You're taking things waaaaayyyyyy too far out of proportion.

At any rate, I'm done talking about this until either you withdraw the suit or until the trial begins.

Offline Solnath

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2007, 06:21:12 PM »
I would like to file a suit against certain people and That Guy for not paying back the money they owe me, totalling four dollars and fifty-nine cents ($4.59). In this Awesome proceeding I want their heads chopped off and handed to me on silver platters.

Reply to Reply #37:

A-ha! This is what being clever is all about! Make that four dollars and sixty-three cents ($4.63)!


Okaaaaaaaay, only serious, and relevant posts may now be made in this thread. If you want to comment, reply etc to anything else in here, please make a new thread but do not comment here.

Also, this is Taijitu. That just isn't going to happen.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 10:10:11 PM by Alexander Solan »
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Offline Durnia

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2007, 07:35:38 PM »
Okaaaaaaaay, only serious, and relevant posts may now be made in this thread. If you want to comment, reply etc to anything else in here, please make a new thread but do not comment here.
Nobody of importance.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2007, 09:47:29 AM »
Please quit misleading everybody and beating around the bush. This is about you behaving like an enemy of this region and calling me a liar and attacking me personally (see your suit above and you calling my affirmation a blatant lie. Again, your subjective and shameless interpretations of clear statements from witnesses were not used by me to shout you in the face what you would deserve to be called) which you then so gracefully dismissed because of "lack of time". You went ahead and attacked respectable members of this region who posted their statements in order to make a case.
If you believe that I am willing to allow such actions and direct insults to go away, you are mistaking. I will decide later if I am going through with the suit against you. You are not trusting me? Think then for a second how I feel about you, then. That is all.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2007, 09:49:04 AM by PoD Gunner »
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Offline sudanor

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2007, 10:37:57 PM »
I just wasted a lot of time trying to follow all of this bickering. Can I file a suit to get those minutes back?

Offline Myroria

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #40 on: December 29, 2007, 04:27:50 AM »
In any case, Myroria vs. Taijitu in the respect of Baltija needs to go first.
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Offline Of Crazed

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #41 on: December 30, 2007, 03:59:10 PM »
In any case, Myroria vs. Taijitu in the respect of Baltija needs to go first.
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Offline Osamafune

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2008, 06:59:36 PM »
I, Osamafune, do file a complaint against Limitless Events due to their violation of Article II, Sections 1, 2, , 3, and 10 of the Taijituan Code of Laws and Article VI, sections 1 and 2 of the Constitution of Taijitu in the banning of Govindia which was to my detriment because Article II, section 10 of the Taijituan Code of Laws states that the delegate must act upon the sentences given by the court once the proceedings of a trial has been made public, meaning Govindia was illegaly banned because there has been no public statement, he was not notified via personal message nor telegram, and is unable to contact the Supreme Court directly to seek redress. Because of Article II, section 10, that effectively makes Govindia still a citizen of Taijitu because the sentencing had yet to come into affect, thus the banning was illegal.

In this Civil Proceeding I am petitioning for the unbanning of Govindia and a monetary compensation to be determined by the court for the time spent being illegally banned (in tai of course).

And I have pmed Limi about the situation, and should he follow by the Code of Laws, I will withdraw this suit.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 07:32:43 PM by Osamafune »

Offline Limitless Events

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2008, 08:28:09 PM »
I would like to point out to the court that as posted by G-C in the official court thread
Since Govindia was a citizen at the time of his restriction, he retained his citizenship up until the issuance of this verdict.
Therefore upon the verdict being issued by the court Govindia's citizenship was rendered void once the verdict was delivered by the court, because of this Govindia was no longer protected by the code of laws from being banned. Also, according to Justice Eluvatar it is his opinion that violations of the forum's ToS are above the court and cannot be overturned by them.

Finally, as I am not a citizen of this region I am not bound by these laws and cannot be tried under them
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Osamafune

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Re: The Supreme Court Docket
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2008, 10:00:44 PM »
So I guess you can do whatever you please, huh? If I was to go to France and kill somebody, I guess I'm off the hook, eh?

For the record, only the delegate has the power to carry out a verdict or sentence. If Gov's citizenship was indeed revoked at the time the verdict was issued, would be the same as the court carrying out the sentence which would be illegal.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 10:15:16 PM by Osamafune »