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Author Topic: Re: Taijitu v. Govindia  (Read 19070 times)

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #165 on: December 04, 2007, 04:01:22 AM »
Hm, yes. It is time for something to happen and for me to intervene.

First off, if Govindia wants to hold the trial on the forum, then let him. That it may drag out is not really a problem because:

A: Just trying to start this whole idiotic affair has taken long enough.
B: If it does drag on into perpetuity, then that really is only Gov's problem, not anyone else

And as to justices, seeing as Gallipoli-China appears to be the only one left, and seeing as everyone is expecting me to replace the one's missing,  I suppose then I'll make my two choices (unless Durnia unrecuses himself.)

TGR has expressed willingness to help, and if he can, then he's in.

Beyond that, the pool of active members with the necessary experience who are not already on one side of this case or in my executive government is rather limited, but working with little I have there seems to be yourself for starts Flem. There is also Tacolicious, who has been around a decent portion of time and seems just as eager to end this whole affair once and for all.

Al' would also be nice, but I know she's been busy lately.

I want to see something started by this Saturday, else I may very well be forced to take matters into my own hands.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 04:30:17 AM by Pragmia »

Offline Solnath

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Re: Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #166 on: December 04, 2007, 05:31:17 AM »
Eh, Prag, let's just go Illuminati here. Saves time, AND we get cool robes.
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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #167 on: December 04, 2007, 05:33:01 AM »
I would be willing to help if you need an extra body. I've been around for just over a month, and that's not long enough to have a bias, is it? And honestly, I didn't know much about who Govindia even was until all of this started. It could be a temporary thing just to fill in for the people that had to back out for this case.

Offline Flemingovia

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Re: Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #168 on: December 04, 2007, 07:39:23 AM »
There is NOTHING in current law that states I must appoint councel to fit a set criteria for a few unpatient (sic) people.

Impatient? I believe the court has been more than patient with you. You have received far more patient treatment here than would be the case in a number of other regions.

There is also nothing that states that the court must arrange its proceedings around the conditions set by a defendant. As far as I am aware the court has already at least once set a date and time for this hearing. I would like to know from a court official why this hearing did not take place as scheduled.

I believe that the court has bent over backwards to accommodate you, Govindia, and it is now time for people to realise that the court is in charge. 

You are NOT the court, Flem.

Where have I suggested that I am?  If I was the court, this hearing would have finished by now.

  I am innocent until PROVEN guilty, and as such, I have a right to trial, which I have requested, and I have councel (sic) ready.

Also, I have not suggested that you are not innocent until proven guilty. I do not know where you have got that from. What I have suggested is that you are being (deliberately?) obstructive. The court stated way back that your trial would be on IRC. Rather than work to that, you have just sat back and whined about it.

In fact, what many people may have forgotten was that an IRC trial was first requested by your (then) defence team. I quote from the original court docket:

As per the established procedures I expect a trial to be opened as promptly as possible or one scheduled for something like IRC.

Just because you changed your defence team and appointed counsel who cannot access IRC, why should the court then shift to accommodate that? What if, once a trial was set for the forum, you  appointed new members of your team who were banned from this forum? Would the court then have to move again to accommodate you?

If that is so, then a thought has just occurred to me.  I suggest you appoint my father Jim to your team. He does not own a computer, and is housebound and does not have access to an internet cafe. But he writes a good letter, and I am sure he would be willing to conduct your defence by snail mail. By the argument already used by you, it would be grossly unfair of the court not to accommodate you by conducting the trial by letter.

Absurd? So is you appointing a defence team that cannot access the medium your counsel recommended for the trial, and then whining as if it is the court's fault.

Like many Taijituans, I am fed up with this. Just hold the bloody trial. Hold it on IRC, over the course of one evening. Make a judgement, and let us move on.

Offline Flemingovia

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Re: Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #169 on: December 04, 2007, 07:48:19 AM »
PRagmia: I would happily act as a justice in this, just to get it moving. BUT the defence might not be willing to accept me as judge, since I was the delegate who confirmed Govindia's original banning.

they also might find me less accommodating to their whim-of-the-day than the current court officials have been. 

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #170 on: December 04, 2007, 08:43:24 AM »
Well, you should have thought of that, before setting the record straight.;) (As you might have guessed, the first date set for this trial failed as people failed to show up on both sides).

Seeing how this attempt at a judicial exercise has failed (that is precisely why I want to avoid a forum trial) I will second Flem's proposal. Wait, no. That is the only way I am still willing to do this. An IRC trial, held in a single session. No offense meant to the defence, but I, for one, am not waisting any more time on hanging around and attempting to prove what already is of an obvious nature. If that cannot be accomplished, please consider my resignation as prosecutor.
Not attempting to add any pressure to this situation, but I am fed up to see a poisonous insect nesting in our inability to organize and hold a trial.
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #171 on: December 04, 2007, 12:33:19 PM »
Quote from: Flem
PRagmia: I would happily act as a justice in this, just to get it moving. BUT the defence might not be willing to accept me as judge, since I was the delegate who confirmed Govindia's original banning.

I know. As I said good options are limited.

Offline Allama

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #172 on: December 04, 2007, 02:09:19 PM »
Al' would also be nice, but I know she's been busy lately.

I want to see something started by this Saturday, else I may very well be forced to take matters into my own hands.

As of this week I have become considerably less busy and now have more free time to sit in my little office (pray that I've not cursed myself by uttering such).  That being said, I would be willing to stand as a Justice, if no one else is fit and able to fill the position.

My concern would be that I am only available from 12:00-20:20 GMT and would have to temporarily excuse myself from IRC were work to come up that could not be accomplished simultaneously.  This sort of thing is a concern for most people, of course, as we all have real lives that can potentially interfere with online activities, but I wanted to state it for the record.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #173 on: December 04, 2007, 03:35:20 PM »
I'd be glad to help out with a forum based trial should be services be required


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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #174 on: December 04, 2007, 05:15:07 PM »
Okay, this is what is going to happen. It's time for an end to be put to this once and for all.

The trial will begin on the forum. I would prefer IRC, but I've waited long enough for one to be arranged and time zone differences present a troublesome impracticality.

It will be run as follows. This schedule is set, no exceptions will be allowed.

  • 2 days will be allowed in which the Prosecution may present their case, including any and all evidence and witnesses they wish to present.
  • After the prosecution has presented their case or 2 days have passed the Defense will be give 2 days in which they may present their case, including any and all evidence and witnesses they wish to present.
  • After the defense has presented their case or 2 days have passed 4 days will be allowed in which both sides may make rebuttals and during which Justices may ask questions of both the prosecution and the defense.
  • 2 days will be allowed after this in which both sides may make a closing argument.
  • Once both sides have made their closing arguments Justices will then have 4 days in which to discuss and vote on a final verdict.

At the very latest it will take until the 24th to reach a decision. Preferably we can move faster than that.

If either side has any evidence or witnesses which they want to present, prepare them now. You will not be afforded any extra time during the trial under any circumstances

The only people allowed to post in the trial thread are the Justices, Prosecution and Defense. Anyone else posting will be considered a deliberate attempt to derail the trial. Any issues can be delivered to the Justices via a PM.

This trial will start next week's Monday on the 10th of December, no exceptions. The prosecution shall be the Government of Taijitu. The Defense shall be Govindia. The Justices will be Gallipoli-China, Allama and TGR. If anyone of them for some reason is not available Tacolicious will take their place.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 05:23:24 PM by Pragmia »

Offline Durnia

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #175 on: December 04, 2007, 05:20:04 PM »
Nobody of importance.

Offline Allama

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #176 on: December 04, 2007, 05:36:49 PM »
Excellent, indeed.

Note: As of this announcement I will serve as a witness for neither the defense nor prosecution, as this would present a grave conflict of interest.

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Re: Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #177 on: December 04, 2007, 05:40:41 PM »

Ahh, I feel better now. ^_^

Offline Templarios

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #178 on: December 04, 2007, 06:00:59 PM »
Gd, thank you!
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

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Re: Taijitu v. Govindia
« Reply #179 on: December 05, 2007, 03:09:14 AM »
My defence team of Osafune and Templarios thank Delegate Pragmia for finally being willing to resolve this and will do our best to cooperate with the court so this can reach a fair, quick, and just end.

Thank you.
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