I keep saying this: it is not the court's responsibility to wipe the bum of the defence team. If Govindia cannot even appoint defence counsel who can attend the court hearing, he deserves to go down.
For God's sake, set a time, set a date, set a venue and just hold the trial. Pragmia: You are the delegate. Don't just sit there saying "it seems nothing will happen" - make something happen.
If current justices recuse themselves or absent themselves, appoint some more who will get this thing done. We are in danger of becoming a laughingstock. 
I'm sorry, but no. There is NOTHING in current law that states I must appoint councel to fit a set criteria for a few unpatient people. You are NOT the court, Flem. I am innocent until PROVEN guilty, and as such, I have a right to trial, which I have requested, and I have councel ready.
People somehow seem afraid of the forum, as if people are not going to be active. Osafune, myself, and Temp check the forum daily and post on it each week. I think that level of activity already proves such paranoid thinking wrong.
So with that said, My defence team and I are ready for this blasted trial. Let it occur on the forum and stop the incessant whining, paranoia, and protests, etc.