Better late than never, I suppose! Here are some answers:
I have a question that I request each candidate answer.
As the Glorious Revolution steams through its third month, Taijitu has shot to over 300 nations. Our RP is both more active and of greater quality, and our social community is thriving and growing. We have one of the largest defender armies in NationStates, are talked about globally on a scale not seen since 2008, and command increasing respect abroad. But one area where the Revolution has been lacking is foreign affairs. We opened an embassy with our revolutionary friends in Lazarus, and are in talks with Equilism and Kvatch, but that's really about it.
As delegate, how will you expand our relations with regions and organizations, and what foreign policies will you pursue? Will you be more of a treaty-signer, or a speak-softly-and-carry-a-big-stick type?
The treaty signing approach is more my style. I see the currently-running World Fair as a great opportunity to log face time with people from all sorts of regions, get our proverbial foot in the door for potential future relations. Though this term was slow-going, if re-elected I want to push for opening more embassies and will research interregional organizations to see if there are any worth joining or at least chatting up.
I have a question for all of the candidates as well.
As I'm sure you're aware, diplomacy is tricky. Some regions/organizations would rather ally with a region such as ours simply because they are more powerful than us and they could use that power to leverage us, strong arm us if you will. If you were to identify such regions, how would you handle the situation? Do you feel such alliances are worth the shame of being persuaded by a foreign power because they might offer some form of reassurance or do you feel we are better off without such an oppressive, constricting obligation?
Taijitu would absolutely not take any shit from larger regions on my watch, nor I expect on that of any candidate. We're not a region of doormats. While I would always strive for polite diplomacy, maintaining cordial relations is not worth selling out our principles. Should someone try to give us a hard time, we'll push right the fuck back.
And for the record, I wouldn't avoid allying with powerful regions out of fear that they may strong arm us UNLESS they have a history of doing so to other regions. If someone has proven a bully in the past, we're better off without them.
What do you think of hats?
How would you separate the hats you use in other regions to the hats you use in Taijitu?
Do you prefer a normal tie or a bow tie?
I very much fancy a good hat.
Bow ties are cool.
Okay the second hat question was a serious one.
How do you intend to separate your positions/responsibilities to your position/responsibilities in Taijitu? How will you manage the wearing of the "Different" hats. It is obvious that not all regions each of you have interests that are aligned with Taijitu.
This is not a concern with me; I maintain neither citizenship nor residency in any other region. All accounts I have created on other regions’ forums over the years have been for Taijitu-related diplomacy.

My question for the candidates is, are you going to take joy in being the face of Taijitu with limited influence over the body which you face for?
Absolutely! I love Taijitu and I’m happy as hell to be a part of it, whether or not I have influence and power.
My own questions for the candidates:
What role do you think the Citizen-Delegate has in protecting and promoting Taijitu Worldbuilding? How would you meet it?
How do you envision functioning as the face of the Ecclesia, our government, when you will not always agree with the majority?
The Citizen-Delegate should at least try to participate in all aspects of what makes our region so much fun both to acquire firsthand knowledge of our citizens’ experiences and to build community... and that certainly includes Worldbuilding. I’ve been admittedly lax with my writing as of late so what I’d do is set a personal weekly writing quota. That way I’d be sure to post at least a couple times a week.
As to the second question: easily. I’ll debate like crazy if I really believe in something but if I don’t get my way in the end, it doesn’t much bother me. Taijitu isn’t the type of region I imagine would pass laws I find truly reprehensible as no proposal yet has troubled me.
Another question for the candidates. Independent regions sometimes do things that defender regions don't particularly approve of. What approach would you take in regards to maintaining diplomatic relations with independent regions?
Each situation would have to be taken individually. Mostly I would try to avoid conflict where possible, but if an independent region with whom we have diplomatic ties does something overtly asshole-ish like raid and grief RP regions, we’d have to issue some sort of statement. For particularly egregious actions (like taking part in a
Nazi raid), I’d reluctantly support cutting ties and moving against them militarily.
Would you as Delegate campaign for greater power for your office? In what areas would you like to see the Delegate take charge? Could you debate the merits of one of our established laws while not necessarily believing said laws are for the best?
I would campaign for the ability to appoint multiple diplomats. For example, currently OT is operating as Citizen-Diplomat but I have also wanted to send Myroria out in such a capacity. Otherwise, I cannot think of more power the Citizen-Delegate would actually need.
Playing devil’s advocate for a law I don’t personally favor is an easy enough endeavor, though I’m having trouble coming up with a hypothetical situation in which it would behoove me to do so.
Another question for the candidates.
As citizen-delegate, what would be your official opinion with regards to FRA membership? After all, most regions are drawn into the FRA-UIAF conflict whether they like it or not.
This is a question I will have to research as I know almost nothing about either organization. In fact, I could only tell you what one of the two acronyms stands for. My greatest weakness as Citizen-Delegate is my lack of GP knowledge/experience. I may have been in Taijitu for years but that’s one part of NS I never really got into.
Why should Citizens vote into power those who have the will to power? Do you see the Delegacy as fun? Would you be merely be putting another feather in your hat? Why should I vote for you?
The truth is… I’m not really that interested in seeking power. People just keep nominating me for things. I do see the Delegacy as fun, as a great reason to meet people from other regions and form social ties, to help build our regional community.
As to the final question, you should not vote for me; vote for Funkadelia. He’s knowledgeable and awesome.
why do you hate white ppl
Because we're jerks.