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Author Topic: The Constitution of Taijitu  (Read 14768 times)

Offline Limitless Events

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2008, 04:30:06 AM »
If this was really fascism your post would've been deleted the second you posted it, your account probably would've been banned, and Delfos would've been long gone
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Xyrael

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2008, 04:45:22 AM »
Yeah, whatever. Politics in Taijitu has long sickened me. I'll stick to ignoring it, it's a hegemony anyways. The only reason I'm posting is because frankly the way this coup was taken was offensive. What's to keep you from banning me anyways? As for blowing things out of proportion, just because I don't agree with what's happening I'm blowing things out of proportion? I'm just using flashy rhetoric to counter flashy rhetoric.

And you still have yet to mention SD's thus far failure to represent Taijitu in the UN. Doesn't the Delegate need UN Endorsements in the first place, or is the game totally about military now. He wants to say we're lazy because we can't take the 15 minutes to play little green army men or 10 minutes to spam people making duplicate accounts when he can't take the 5 seconds to vote in the UN? The last UN Resolution to be discussed on the forum was February 15th.

And if you go with the bullshit that no one says anything anyways, you fail as a Delegate and I can't wait for the next election if there ever is one.
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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #47 on: March 29, 2008, 10:24:51 AM »
Fair is fair, one of the duties of the sitting delegate is taking the time to vote on the resolutions and it is a duty that has been ignored. I am sure SDixie will resume it. Now, whether voting on the UN issues is also an aspect of NS game-play that is indeed enjoyable, like answering your daily issues, is an open matter, as some take pleasure in  it while some think it is boring. But that is beside the point, Xyrael's affirmation stands.

Now, for all players that still play NS, the military aspect is undeniably the strongest dynamic feature, as it powers politics and international conflict respectively interaction. That is a fact. Also, Xy, your motivation for not being involved is dramatic but it's also just silly. Recruiting for your region is community service. I know that the crushing majority of regions in NS have a small group of players doing it, if you think that means that asking for implication is dictatorial, I guess we should deny evolution and hunt us some mammoths. If you don't want to play the game, you'll have to be content with the activity this game has sparkled that has nothing to do with the game. If you didn't understand what Limi was implying, I'll repeat it: your bombastic assertions lack real in-game background. Saying words that wiggle their tail in a dramatic manner but mean nothing is a feature much closer to what you seem to think SD or ourselves stand for. Ignorance is a bliss they say, I wouldn't know, didn't try it.

Matt, please, I was kind of expecting more insight from you and at least some valid arguments. Also, considering how you seem to have ended your public career in NS, from a point where your implication in Taijitu has dropped out completely, makes me raise an eyebrow. Please read SD's answer, I think those are all points you are very aware of. Nobody is complaining about reactions, but please don't ask us to put a blindfold on and die. That is a choice we'd rather avoid making.
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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #48 on: March 29, 2008, 12:00:50 PM »
You know want to know something really funny considering the circumstances?

(click to show/hide)

Sure, everyone can go and do there screaming and shouting (or cute puppy posting in Prag's case ;) ), but.... well, actually I just wanted an excuse to say "cute puppy posting." :P

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2008, 01:31:34 PM »
"cute puppy posting."

It does kind of roll off the tounge dosen't it.
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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2008, 01:36:31 PM »
As much as I hate Delfos, and one side of me wants to throw up my arms and congratulate SDixie for doing this, it really is a crime under the old (real) constitution. If I look the other way about this, than it's a gateway crime. I've been a jackass my entire time here, and no one's banned me.
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Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #51 on: March 29, 2008, 02:41:08 PM »
First out... I actually was unaware of Delfos being banned until reading these posts. My internet went out yesterday evening and evidently did not come back up until sometime this morning. I hadn't intended on banning him, and was content to take his idiocy as a prime opportunity for some lulz. Limi does raise a good point however, in that harassing admins is something that should be taken seriously.. I'll look into it.

1. Xy, No I am not a fascist, for the prime reasons already stated by Limi and Gunner.

2. I-S and what he has or has not done with RP is not a governmental issue. RP is self governning. If there is an issue the RP community would like us to step in momentarily to resolve, they need to contact us.

3. The last UN Resolution vote I had featured such abysmal turnout that I figured, frankly, that the majority of the region on the forum just didn't give a crap. No requests or complaints have been lodged to me via TG, and I'll be the first to admit, I dont check the RMB all that often (maybe once a day) Thank you for the critique however, and I'll endevour to perform better in that aspect.

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #52 on: March 29, 2008, 07:50:20 PM »
First off, I've slept on it. So, I'll start with some apologies. I'm sorry for being offensive :P I busted up my knee a few days ago and it was killing me yesterday  ::) Also, as for my sleu of spammings, I stopped that shortly after I started, mostly because it seemed pointless even to myself. Would have preferred you messaged me first to edit them, I'd have gladly agreed, but that's quite fine.

So, to the points mentioned.

I never knew Delfos was harassing admins by PM. If this is true, then I end my protest to his banning. Even I am not silly enough to continue pushing buttons.

And if abysmal turnouts were the reason for stopping votes then Switzerland wouldn't be a democracy. They have a voter turnout rate somewhere in the 10's. If you want to fix the low voter turnout rate, try to make it more well known on the Taijitu region boards that a vote is in progress. There's a few people there that would probably vote. If you'd like, I could help promote voter turnout by "advertising" the vote by posting about it every 12 hours or whenever the original advertisement is cleared from the board. I could also start a subscription list and have all people who want their votes heard to PM me in game and I'll relay that to the forum, since a lot of people don't want to participate in the game beyond the nationstates.org website. If there's any way I can be of assistance, I'd be glad to help.

So next topic, I never said RP was a governmental issue. Just commented that I couldn't contact him for any reason whatsoever, and then stated that RP was my own reason for wanting to contact him. I imagine some others may have wanted to contact him for government, although there was probably nothing pressing to have been requested.

As for Myro, I agree with you. Had this been in SD's platform running for office I'd have voted for it. Honestly I feel that a bit of authoritarian power is a nice way to reinvigorate the societies. I'm just upset it had to make a farce of what the old laws stood for and was done seemingly without anyones consent, and that SD and I-S immediately took apparently defensive postures when stating what was happening. Ideally I would have rather had it put up for a forum (non-Senate) vote showing an idea of what SD's new plan will create and why the old plan was flawed. He probably would have had a lot of people in agreement with him.

Pod, my primary reasons for not recruiting is a relative lack of interest in PM'ing people. I can do it, but I'd need a little motivation to be of service. Perhaps public servants can receive a cool flashy tag that shows they're assisting the region? A lot of people wanted to be senators just to be red... PUR included in that lol and my gf wanted to apply just to be red too. My primary reasons for not wanting to be in the military is a complete disinterest in possessing multiple e-mail accounts and then me forgetting those passwords etc. I also have 15 hours of college a week, and a girl to devote my attention to. Not sure I'd have the time to devote to the army and be at readiness when needed.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 08:48:36 PM by Xyrael »
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Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #53 on: March 29, 2008, 09:28:56 PM »
No worries Xy, we all have our moments.

As for your thoughts on the UN proposal thing, thank you for your offer! I like it. If you would do the following, I'd appreciate it.....

1)When new Resolutions become available, please post them in my office. I've tried a million times to remember to do it, and that is precisely how many failures I've had with the matter.

2)Do what you said about plugging it on the RMB, it could be a good way to get some ppl on the forum. I used to accept votes via TG in game as well, but I will no longer do so. Back when I did it, there were a couple of times when the vote recieved by TG caused the end result to be different than what the forum total had. People then, as they love to do, bitched about it and said I was skewing the votes. (I'd have to actually care about those silly resolutions in order to skew the vote, but that's besides the point.) So, henceforth, they'll have to be on forum, where they can be documented and verified for all to see.

Next up. I-S, he's not always around, I know. He's got college and what not, and from what he tells me it's been busting his balls lately. If you have an issue that you feel needs government attention, try to contact me first. I'm on IRC alot, I'm on AIM, Yahoo, and MSN. If you can't get ahold of me, PoD Gunner would be your next best bet. If neither are around, send a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Response time should not be longer than 24 hours at the absolute most.

Offline Of Crazed

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2008, 10:51:42 PM »
If I-S can not be relied on, he simply should not be in the executive  branch.  I respect his RL issues, but if you guys really plan on moving us off of our asses, IS is not someone who should represent you in anyway.

Nothing is more offensive then someone who has no legs to stand on telling me to get off my ass.  I hope the new government takes steps to remove the weakest member. 

Nothing personal aginst IS, but the direction the region is going in, there is no room for inactive members leading the charge.

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Offline Prydania

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2008, 04:20:05 AM »
If I-S can not be relied on, he simply should not be in the executive  branch.  I respect his RL issues, but if you guys really plan on moving us off of our asses, IS is not someone who should represent you in anyway.

Nothing is more offensive then someone who has no legs to stand on telling me to get off my ass.  I hope the new government takes steps to remove the weakest member. 

Nothing personal aginst IS, but the direction the region is going in, there is no room for inactive members leading the charge.

Ah, I feel loved.
I'm sure I know who you are, but your new identity has made it difficult to ID you.

As for RP issues, guess what? I don't RP here any more. Should I have said something? Yes, in retrospect I should have.
But that doesn't excuse the RP community for failing to see the reality of the situation. At what point do you think someone in the RP community here should have realized both G-C and myself weren't coming back and started a motion to vote in new mods?
Hell, that's how I got the job in the first place. Bustos stopped showing up. We didn't wait for him to get back, at a certain point we said "Bustos is gone, lets vote for a new mod."
How hard would that have been to do this time around? True, I should have said something, but at some point it should have become obvious to everyone and anyone still involved in Taijitu RP.
At some point the burden shifted from me having to inform you all that I had left to you having to realize that action should have been taken to rectify the RP mod situation. At a certain point, oh, say a month ago at the latest, it stopped being my responsibility to tell you, and it became your responsibility to make it happen.

And don't feed me dribble about this not being personal. I have no idea who you are exactly. It could very well be personal, and on the other hand, it may not be. That all depends on who you are. I don't know the answer to that question, so of course I'm going to take it personally.

As for RL, try having to write three essays in three weeks, study for final exams which consist of nothing but essays, and keep on top of weekly class readings. Throw a job on top of that, and well my life's pretty busy right now. Now factor in I have a girlfriend who lives in a different city then I do, and I tend to want to spend my free time with her.
College has a tendency to kick you on your ass and keep you there until summer roles around.
A few months ago SD asked me if I wanted in on this new order. I said yes, for reasons I've already addressed. Along side that I have my RL stuff to work on.
I'm quite capable of deciding if and when I bite off more then I can chew, and I'm more then capable of detaching myself from lesser responsibilities if I feel I'm overwhelmed. I don't need some two-bit coward hiding behind a shiny new user name to tell me.

Offline Of Crazed

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2008, 04:24:20 AM »
Of Crazed reporting, if you are going to be active is fine.  I was just going by what SD was saying that your RL is taking time away.

Also, this was planned months ago?  If it was you guys really didn't try reform the region before throwing away the old government.
05/04/2008- Never Forget

Offline Xyrael

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #57 on: March 30, 2008, 04:29:41 AM »
My mention about RP was that I wanted to assume control of the DSA from you. I was going to do it without your permission assuming you had left, asked SD for permission he told me to ask you. The whole moderator idea is viable de jure but isn't used in practice so fell into disarray and is largely ignored, I was the one who motioned for Bustos' removal but it didn't cross even my mind until this most recent mentioning. The long distance gf and college, trust me I understand all that fully ;) Senior here working on his History 498, practically writing an essay a week as well, very entertaining stuff indeed.
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Offline Prydania

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #58 on: March 30, 2008, 04:38:44 AM »
Of Crazed reporting, if you are going to be active is fine.  I was just going by what SD was saying that your RL is taking time away.
Yes, RL is taking time away. As it is for SD, as it is for PoD, as it is for Prag, as it is for yourself. We all have actual lives detached from this place, I hope no one here puts this place ahead of anything of value in their own life.
I've been swamped since January of this year, and I made the decision to quit RP here in December of last year.

In the past, if I feel I have way to much going on, I cut the cord on some lesser responsibilities. I don't feel overwhelmed here. I still feel I can contribute to this new order, heck I've been in on it longer then some other members. If or when I feel I can no longer contribute here I will leave on my own free will. I've done so in similar situations in the past, and I see no reason why my judgement would be impaired this time around.
But like I said earlier, I don't need anyone else to passive aggressively suggest it for me.

Also, this was planned months ago?  If it was you guys really didn't try reform the region before throwing away the old government.
We tried that. That was the point of the Conservative Party of Taijitu, the Myro/I-S Delegate ticket, and the various Senators who proposed reform in the Senate, only to be shot down. The Senate and it's oligarchy latched onto power and wasn't willing to change. Frustrated at the Senate's own selfishness we left, and soon afterwards we formed the movement for a new order.

We tried reform, it didn't work.

Xy, if you wanted control of the DSA, you could have just IMed me over AIM or MSN. I know for a fact you have my MSN screen name.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2008, 04:41:08 AM by I-S »

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #59 on: March 30, 2008, 04:39:49 AM »
(This is a replacement post, Silanis had forgotten to log out, and I forgot to check behind her. Do'h!)

Thanks for bein' cool OC.  Eh, I wouldn't say months reallly, to be honest, I forget when we seriously started talking about it.

I think each of us had our moment with the senate when we realised that it was neigh on impossible to get results. Look at what happened with me when I proposed some kind of Exec check on the legislative. Look at limi's experience where the senate got mired down over debating the significance of a single word. I'm sure Pragmia, a former speaker of the Senate, has a few horror stories too.

It's not so much, I think, that we didn't try to reform through the existing system. It's that we seen how even simple things seem to get deadlocked (well, my proposal wasn't so simple. the Exec balance against the Legislature... The delegate got a vote out of it, better than nothing I suppose, but a far cry from what I felt was needed)

And, yanno, I could very well be wrong about this, but the perception I got from the senate, was that there were quite a few members who simply enjoyed debating and the act of it, more than the prospect of doing anything meaningful. I know you weren't that way OC, as you tend to keep your comments short and to the point. But there seemed to me at least, a good measure of that going on.

Also, from a strictly OOC standpoint, we thought this more dramatic move, and the shake up it would cause, could do the region a bit of good, yanno?