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Author Topic: The Constitution of Taijitu  (Read 14766 times)

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2008, 02:47:20 AM »
It's probably for the best, gawking is a terrible habit.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2008, 01:59:01 PM »
We're not aiming to impress anybody but to revive the region. Seeing as some of the ones posting in this thread are so quick to threaten to look for another region, although their dedication to Taijitu cannot be even summarized up to now in terms of NS game-play, is however enchanting.
And make no mistake about it, this attempt is resting on the assumption that those wishing to make citizenship and participate at running the region, will also deliver, not just benefit. It is the only way most of us foresee to reinvigorate the region. We need a strong line of delegates to stand the slightest chance of becoming a major player in NS again, it is something i know for a fact.

If you are looking for a cosy place and a cute but inefficient system in which to just reside, drop in from time to time and have a vote on a piece of legislation most don't even bother reading and vote every 3 months on a delegate based on everything else but his experience in NS and the advantages he can bring in-game for the region, then i agree, this new system it's not the place to be. If you're looking to get involved, help Taijitu grow back to its strength, be active and really dedicate yourself in order to achieve a position, the yes, this could be the ideal place for you. We haven't taken away your right to choose, to protest, to decide or your personal freedoms. What political participation is concerned, it's either a real one or it's not. We all love to have fun while working, to crack jokes and to spam, but that will take us nowhere in terms of game-play.
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Durnia

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2008, 04:06:51 PM »
People come here for different reasons, by trying to force everyone to be very active the minority of you will only alienate the majority who take little interest in this side of Taijitu. Just because you, SD and I-S, (none of whom could even remotely claim to be the most active people here with SD and I-S frequently disappearing for months then coming back) think this is how Taijitu should be, doesn't mean everyone else does, and that you are right. Many people including myself don't have the time to join the army, or diplomatic service, or spend hours recruiting, punish us if you like but it will not get you anywhere. This is why you should have consulted others on this new direction, and cannot complain when you get the inevitable backlash against your actions.
Nobody of importance.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2008, 05:47:04 PM »
 I've only taken 2 leaves of absence, and when I've been here (which has far out weighed the times that I have not been, I might add) I have been one of the most active (though not always one of the most visible) players. No where did gunner say that one had to spend hours recruiting, but for one to say they don't have 10 mins a day to send a few TG's is rather.... silly. Also, not having time to join the army? How long does that take?
1) Joining the UN 1 or 2 minutes (and that's stretching it)
2) Moving your region to a designated place 1 minute
3 Endorsing the target nation .... 5 seconds

So that doesn't really hold water.

If you're looking for a social site, then there are plenty of those on the net. We're not saying you HAVE to do anything, bu we are saying that this site is based off of a GAME. To bitch that we're saying people should actually PLAY said game... well, now it's my turn to say something is laughable.

The unwillingness of many to recruit for 5 or 10 minutes a day means that those of us who are willing to do it must take HOURS a week, or sometimes A DAY (if you don't believe me, ask Kor, or Prag) to make a difference. NOW who's being punished? Now who's suffering at the hands of whom? If you can sit for hours on the forum, or hours on IRC, then you've got the time to recruit, you've got the time to join the army, you've got the time to make a welcome post for a new player. You've got the time to do lots of shit, that actually entails NS GAMEPLAY.

So don't make that claim. It's ridiculous.

And Kor was absolutely right, this is quite lulzy. It's lulzy that in the face of such sloth and apathy, that suddenly, the people who couldn't be bothered to play NS, now suddenly have plenty of time to sit here and throw tomatoes at Gunner, Praggie, and I. Now there's some fucking lulz.

If you really don't have time to do anything except make a few posts on the forum or whatever, that's fine. No one's going ot make you, but don't go bitching when those of us who think thei GAME should actually (ZOMG) be PLAYED make changes to encourage activity.

Offline kor

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2008, 09:26:16 PM »
SD is right about the recruiting bit. I wish more people committed to recruiting. It always annoyed me that people bitched about wanting to recruit and when they were masked they'd recruit 3 or 4 nations and quit. Back when it was Prag, Khab, and myself recruiting we had to TG 200 nations each just to keep up. While I may not agree with all the changes being made, I do honestly still care about this region. In fact I will start recruiting again for 20 minutes a day from here on out.

Side note: Spam is made of lulz.

Offline Delfos

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2008, 11:39:05 PM »

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2008, 12:55:59 AM »

You love the puppy, don't you Delfos? Of course you do.

For variety, here's an equally adorable kitten.

You love it too, don't you?

Offline kor

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2008, 12:57:13 AM »
I love pussy!

Offline Myroria

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2008, 12:58:03 AM »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Annex

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #39 on: March 29, 2008, 01:19:46 AM »
People come here for different reasons, by trying to force everyone to be very active the minority of you will only alienate the majority who take little interest in this side of Taijitu. Just because you, SD and I-S, (none of whom could even remotely claim to be the most active people here with SD and I-S frequently disappearing for months then coming back) think this is how Taijitu should be, doesn't mean everyone else does, and that you are right. Many people including myself don't have the time to join the army, or diplomatic service, or spend hours recruiting, punish us if you like but it will not get you anywhere. This is why you should have consulted others on this new direction, and cannot complain when you get the inevitable backlash against your actions.

Indeed. Already there is protesting; I think it would be prudent to take these changes slowly. How to manage that from teh dramatic upheaval that initiated things, I don't know. Maybe we could listen to voices of dissent rather than crushing them beneath mountains of spam.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #40 on: March 29, 2008, 01:54:38 AM »
I have listened to voices of dissent. I have crushed delfos beneath mountains of spam, but he doesn't really count, cause he's an idiot. The others, I have listened to, at least to some degree. Collectively, I have, if not each and everyone on an individual basis.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2008, 03:55:31 AM »
Have you also crushed Delfos by banning him?

You want to listen to voices of dissent, I'll make nice clear points to you.

  • You're a fascist. You demand that those you represent serve the State. Fascism: an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers the individual subordinate to the interests of the state, party or society as a whole. God praise the freedom Taijitu stands for! GOD PRAISE!
  • I-S disappears for MONTHS, totally unavailable for me to contact about my ideas concerning RP. I don't claim to be a consistently active resident of Taijitu, but then again I don't claim to be Vice Delegate either. And he's the one who gets to make the announcement? In the words of my fellow Gamers, GG N00B.
  • You have failed to perform the basic duties of Delegate. You haven't performed a single UN vote for nearly a month, and there have been several complaints on the Nationstates message board. You claim to act in the interests of the people, and you attack people because of they're unwillingness to play the game, but you aren't doing it either. You're just concerned with saber rattling and throwing your military muscle around, you want to push people around like a bully on a playground. Well, have your teeter totter. Everything happens again and again and again. Did you honestly need to kill democracy to give this forum 5 mb space for people?
I have become, again and again.

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2008, 04:01:30 AM »
Delfos was not banned for dissent. He was banned for his repeated behavior in PMs when given a warning by an admin. I'm tired of people abusing the admins and the system and then trying to get away with it. I'm also tired of people not knowing the facts and then blowing things way out of proportion without the slightest hint as to what they are
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Of Crazed

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2008, 04:03:00 AM »
This is silly.
05/04/2008- Never Forget

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #44 on: March 29, 2008, 04:25:36 AM »
My substantial amusement would appear to confirm this.