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Vote to approve the creation of IAEB

9 (90%)
1 (10%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: November 08, 2007, 02:21:50 PM

Author Topic: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body  (Read 2843 times)

Offline Pachamama

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2007, 05:41:57 PM »
Also Terrangar does not have any nuclear weapons and will shortly give a statement in which it will refrain from development. Storage and use of such weapons we see a possibility for  Feniexia to keep a certain number of low yield nuclear weapons for “Self-defense”. However it should be made clear that the mission of IPO is world peace. We all are -hopefully- aware that this goal may be unattainable. But from our efforts may come-if not a completely peaceful world- a saver and more peaceful world.
I think we all can agree that “The way is the goal”.
So in the long run it should be the goal of  Feniexia to dissolve their nuclear arsenal.
In this matter I would like all members to understand that we should keep the following in mind.
This organization does not force itself on other nations.
A forced peace will NEVER hold. We are here to help governments and groups who are  entangled in war in such a way that they can not resolve it without outside help. This is were this organization comes in.
If you do not believe in our organization or  in our goals then don’t join.
If you join be aware that you will be part of an organization that has foremost peace on it’s mind.
Also I believe that this organizations motto in all matters should be “Do what you can with what you have, were you are”
We can not force an undersigned nation to fulfill it’s duties in an unrealistic way.
If they sign a ban on nuclear weapons then we can not demand that they make their weapons disappear over night.
Our military experts who have studied other countries nuclear weapon designs say that it takes quite some time to dismantle such a device safely.
Also I think signing a ban and not increasing your arsenal is a show of good will and a first step.
This is my personal opinion.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2007, 08:52:38 PM »
I must note that currently, no nation within IPO possesses nuclear weapons other than Fenexia. We can see no reason for Fenexia to possess them seeing how the nations that do possess them are already allies. Why not discard these weapons of mass destruction for this new era of peace?

Xyrael is a fervent supporter of the Right to Own Nuclear Weaponry, and stands by Feniexia's Sovereign Right to equip herself with any weaponry she see's fit, provided she is aware of the consequences of the use of such weapons. We will vote FOR this legislation, provided that it is not an attempt to disarm the Illuminate of her armaments. The Xyraeli government does not support the use of nuclear weapons, but should the Illuminate be attacked our weapons are to be used in a second strike capacity, the Illuminate is not so naive as to believe there are not those that wish its destruction, and will always be ready to defend herself.

Noting this, the Xyraeli nation gathers approximately 92% of its energy from nuclear power, and believes this power safe and reliable, especially compared with the damaging effects of coal and oil.

The Xyraeli nation would like to see regulations in place to restrict rogue states from acquiring nuclear weapons and/or power when necessary, and would like to see all states with nuclear weapons are restricted to using them in a second strike capacity. Banning weapons will only increase the black market until the time that the IPO is capable of enforcing it's laws through some sort of International Police Unit.

And who is this body to say that Feniexia has no enemies? Enemies are always hidden within and without our nations borders. National, extra-national, diminutive and large, all varieties of elements endanger the security of the nation. If they did not, then the IPO would serve no purpose. Who are we to dictate the domestic and military policies of a sovereign state not of our own governance?
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2007, 09:03:07 PM »
Are we nobodies, Xyraeli delegate?

Yes I defend the fact about self-defense, or more like, self-insurance for nuclear weapons, but not for the production of them. This is a business that has to be discussed with the new chairman, tomorrow.

Offline Union

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2007, 09:17:06 PM »
So Xyrael is fully prepare to use nuclear weapons on it's own territory and citizens for the purpose of eradicating a few rebels or government dissents? Such excuses do not mask over the true nature of nuclear weapons, they are not tools of defense but the blades of destruction and retribution.

Nukes were intended for the purpose of killing civilians and population center. They serves no legitimate purpose of halting aggression. Even if your country does hold a policy of not using them against civil populations, there's not telling how things will change during a conflict. Sooner or later, a nuclear warhead will kill millions of innocent human beings, intended or accidental. We must disarm now, we can not stay paranoid forever.   
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2007, 09:24:55 PM »
So Xyrael is fully prepare to use nuclear weapons on it's own territory and citizens for the purpose of eradicating a few rebels or government dissents? Such excuses do not mask over the true nature of nuclear weapons, they are not tools of defense but the blades of destruction and retribution.

Nukes were intended for the purpose of killing civilians and population center. They serves no legitimate purpose of halting aggression. Even if your country does hold a policy of not using them against civil populations, there's not telling how things will change during a conflict. Sooner or later, a nuclear warhead will kill millions of innocent human beings, intended or accidental. We must disarm now, we can not stay paranoid forever.   

I find your remarks offensive, sir! Please, give me evidence of nuclear use on the citizenry of Xyrael!? ALL citizens, within the colonies and within the state proper, are citizens of the Empire, and use of weapons against ANY civilian, whether citizen of a colony or citizen of Xyrael, would be reprehensible. And dare you assume that we would be so swift to counter attack! THREE MILLION PEOPLE died because one damned madman pressed a button and unleashed a biological agent into the rivers of a Xyraeli colony, and yet my nation did not respond! We refrained from grossly overstepping our rights, because we are sane. We are civil. The Emperor knows when action is necessary and when it is not, and yet you blaspheme and declare him ignorant! He will not relinquish his right to defend any citizen of his Empire by any means necessary, he is a patient man, and his wrath is reasonable. Perhaps, delegate, you would wish the same honourable qualities for yourself before you so quickly take action.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2007, 09:34:55 PM »
I'm sorry fellow delegates, please remain civilized, talk your problems through. Xyraeli delegate, I'm sorry for the imposed offense by fellow delegates, but you need to understand your latest remarks about our way to try to achieve world-piece might sound a bit too far from our current path. If you think we should lead IPO to a different path, please apply it to the November 15th Administrative Projects. Delegate from Loyan, I'm sure of your innocence in the insults to the Xyraeli delegate or his 'beloved' Illuminate, but please try not to abuse your innocence.

Offline Union

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2007, 09:50:04 PM »
Enemies are always hidden within and without our nations borders. National, extra-national, diminutive and large, all varieties of elements endanger the security of the nation. If they did not, then the IPO would serve no purpose. Who are we to dictate the domestic and military policies of a sovereign state not of our own governance?

I am sorry, but I may had misunderstood your statement. But it was spoken in the context regarding nuclear deterrence...

Second strike option makes as much sense as ducking after you got hit in the head. Carrying nukes will only foster paranoia and hostility, why not make a moral example and disarm? Why can we not trust other nations, just because they have different views and ideologies? Why continue to showoff our knives and swords, when we can showcase tolerance and friendship?

And do you deny that nukes are meant to destroy lives in a grand schedule? Do you deny that the strategic use of nuclear weapons and second-strikes call for the nondiscriminatory killing of people, no matter their innocence? And what is to say those in charge of a nuclear arsenal will not turn "madman" themselves and press that button?
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Pachamama

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2007, 09:58:41 PM »
OOC Listen to the man. He knows what he is talking about.
Sorry Loyan couldn't resist. :-P
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2007, 09:59:17 PM »
Tolerance and friendship do not dictate the actions of good government. Reason, and reason alone, should be the only foundation of law. Is it reasonable then, to allow nations that DO carry weapons of mass destruction to have free reign over this world free from possible retaliation? Remember, delegate, this body does not represent the world as a whole. Though this body may indeed ban weapons, there are those without this body that are not subject to its laws. Is it then, reasonable, to assume that should the nation disarm itself of nuclear weapons that it would gain by some means the way of preventing a nuclear attack?

The goal of nuclear weapons is to deter nuclear attack. The govenor of a land only seeks to wage war when it is profitable, and when they risk losing everything they have and everything they can gain, they will not go to war. And for this reason, nuclear weapons are indeed intended to cause mass damage to both civilian and military targets. If they did not, they would not have the awe inspiring deterrence effect that they do.
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2007, 11:20:20 PM »
The Imperial Illuminate believes sternly that this organization is indeed needed. We can not allow just anyone to maintain nuclear arms. Instead, the Illuminate wishes to propose that a Charter be given to this organization which avows that any signatory expressly resigns itself to only second strike capabilities. Should any member break this article of the Charter, then it would immediately be expelled from not only this organization but the IPO as well, and International Sanctions by this committee should be sought immediately.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Vote: International Atomic Energy Body
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2007, 12:25:50 AM »
Take it to the new chairman.