By 5 to 1, the Illuminate was stressing the imporance it puts upon the lives of its people. The Illuminate does not govern any other person, and must nurture and care for its flock to the best of its ability. Any attack against the one citizen is an attack against every citizen, and the Illuminate merely warns that it will not tolerate this. 10 to 1 is obviously a rhetorical question, it would be more congruous with genocide for us to commit to this policy.
As for the dismantling of weapons, the Illuminate proposes this be as Pachamama says, a phased policy (ooc: like SALT) and the banning of new productions is sufficient. Furthermore, the Illuminate would suggest that the Administator open for discussion the idea of an International Police Force to ensure that the IPO's regulations are being carried through.
If the Administrator would confirm what the Terrangar delegate has said concerning the status of "ban" then the Illuminate will vote for.