We provide peace and crime control trough monitoring our citizens movements - the usage of the Feniexian tag system would not only be very expensive, but also an infringe on the right for privacy in some foreign nations. Feniexia proposes a simplified version of our tag systems for global use; a sign with the vehicle's serial number, the driving license code, and the name of the vehicles owner, or, in case the vehicle is owned by a corporation, the corporation's name plus the vehicles type plus a identify number; an example would be "Synthfood Corporation CTS #23; "Synthfood Corporation" is the organization's name, CTS would stand for "Cargo Transport Ship", #23 would mean the ship is the 23rd of it's kind in the organization's possession.
OOC: Feniexian tags are some kind of combination between a vehicle serial number, some cargo signs on commercial vehicles and a display which shows the current user of it. The identity of the driver and the passengers are detected from a scanner and stored temporary in a internal memory device. As said, Feniexia is a total surveillance state