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Author Topic: Diaba  (Read 3459 times)

Offline St Oz

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« on: April 03, 2007, 01:09:47 PM »
STIA Banquet
The Diaba Verilona, a very expensive and famous restaurant in the center of St Oz City. There was a STIA banquet that night as many notable Agents and many of the office workers came together, had a party, and handed out awards. Mei walked in wearing a red silk robe with her hair in a bun. Escorting her was the director of the foreign affairs department as he wore a black cloth robe. He put his arm around her and they walked to their seat. Sitting down, other high agents sat around as they waited for the waiters to bring the first course. For about five minutes of people talking around and greeting each other the waiters and waitresses put down the first course of rabbit, sprinkled with Zuavka for seasoning, and then dipped in soy sauce. The meat was very tender and flavorful as they enjoyed this feast.

Alleyway of Diaba Verilona
"Shush, be more quiet." whispered the man looking at his comrade with his foot in a basket from the trashcan.
"Sorry." She slowly slipped the basket from the grasp of the basket and then silently returned to where he was. The plan was so simple and yet she had a horrible feeling about it.

"Remember, for Blue April, she's sitting near the middle. Got it?"

"Yes I believe so."

She fixed her waitress uniform, "how do I look?"

"Your fine just go Emma!."

The young woman walked in the kitchen where she was ordered by some chefs almost immediatly and asked, "where in Gaea's name were you?" She was pushed around and was recieved a tray with many plates on it for the second course, elk bites. Emma was absolutely horrified of meat ever since she was young. The tray was a bit heavy but she was supposed to give it to any table that was ready for the next course. She found Mei's table but there was nobody ready there. The lights above bright and illuminating her movements. Emma found a table that finished their course and dropped off the food. She would have to wait for Mei's table. As Emma was returning back with her empty tray a man scooted out of his chair and bumped into her, making her fall to the ground. When she looked up, he looked familiar. It was his neighbor, he knew she was a Biologist, not some waitress. She got up quickly and walked to the kitchen door.

As Dielpov scooted back he sooner found out he had knocked someone over, smooth Dielpov. He got up and she rolled on her back down and looked at him. She got a fright and suddenly got up. She looks oddly familiar

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 12:35:59 PM »
4th course, desert
Emma looked at the tables, every table would receive this next course if they were finished or not. When she went into the back room she took out a dropper bottle while hidden discreetly. She dropped the mysterious liquid as the desert settled on top of the cake. She picked up the tray and balanced it on her hand again. Mei's table wasn't served yet, good. She remembered which bowl it was, only one that had any sort of different colored icing on it. Mei saw the cake and looked thrilled as she gave the cake with poison. She handed them to the rest and then walked back to the kitchen.

Except while moving to the door her neighbor suddenly popped up and said, "Emma! So good to see you, I didn't know you worked here."

"Uhhh... Who's emma?" trying to change her voice.

"Sure you are emma, if you're embarrassed to work here, don't be."

"No really I'm not Emma."

"Oh? I guess so then, sorry wrong person." he finally said but he had a strange look on him. It was as if he knew it was her for certain.

Emma exited to the kitchen, put the tray up, and then went to the back door and looked for her ride home. The driver was no where in sight. When she continued down the alley way she noticed some flashing blue and red lights. She turned the corner and saw his motorcycle on park and he was talking to the police officers. She walked the other way until the policemen yelled, "Halt!"

Emma burst into a sprint and climbed a fence to try and lose them. But one of the police officers was more agile than she was. There was only one chasing her but then she heard her drivers motorcycle start up and drive away. The bastard left me

The Ozian Police Officer was gaining on her and she noticed he wasn't playing because his hat already flew off and he ripped his pants. He pulled out his gun and started to shoot warning shots. at her. Emma was panicking as her heart beat rose higher and higher. The officer was just about to shoot her legs when she turned the corner, but when he looked down the alley she turned in, there was nobody there.

She heard the foot steps coming closer and closer around the corner, he whistled around and said, "Hello tulip, I know you're hiding, it's just a matter of finding you."

Emma felt a sneeze coming in, and tried all she could to hold it until she sneezed. The officer's feet stopped and he said, "It's just a matter of finding you." his foot steps turned the other way towards her. He kicked over the trash cans one by one that blocked her.

"Found you tulip." He grabbed her arm and started to twist it she was wincing and tearing in pain, "Twisty for the tulip," he smiled as he laughed in her pain.

"You have such soft and young skin tulip."

Emma was strangling to get free but before she could ask for a miracle it happened. Her vision suddenly turned white and she had a terrible ring in her ear. Somebody grabbed her and picked her up. She started to strangle more and more trying to move around, "It's me Heiblov." began ringing in her ear, she started to calm down as she felt the motorcycle and she hopped on. She started to regain her sight and hearing while they rode away.


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Re: Diaba
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2007, 08:53:24 PM »
Ozian International News

The screen zoomed into the anchor and "Emergency News" bannered at the bottom.

"We have a breaking announcement. Mei, the Director of STIA was found dead in her apartment today after not being seen for a day. With Analysis, it appears that she was poisoned. Many speculate that at the STIA ball that she was poisoned. Some sources point to a Young woman in her Early Twenties, Ozian infact. However we do not know the motive or organization this suspect could of been in. Some point at the Mafia but Ozi Pol Pai Pas refuses such accusations. STIA however believe it was a different domestic organization. Friabe what's new at her funeral?"

Camera pictured a man of his early 30s in front of a procession bearing the coffin of Mei.

"They are processing her to the Ocean where the ceremony of the dead will be per......"

Emma's Apartment
Emma shut off the TV in fright, They're going to find out, Dielpov knew it was me! He knows it. He knows I did it. Why did I have to run into him. Shit shit shit....

3 Loud knocks were heard on the door. She jumped and her heart beat started to race. She began to sweat on the sides, she thought she heard, "Police open up!"

but instead when she heard more closely she heard "It's me Dielpov, Emma are you there?"

Emma grabbed a tissue and began to wipe away some of her sweat and anxiety. She fixed her blouse and the rest of her clothes, "Coming!"

She walked to the door, trying to walk normally and breathing slowly with her eyes wide open. She turned the knob and cracked it open, "Yes Dielpov?"

He pushed the door open, "Why were you at the Banquet?"

Emma was pushed back to the wall, "I wasn't!"

"Don't lie Emma! The girl I saw at the restaurant had the same body features as you Emma. The soft black hair," grabbing her hair, "The innocent face," rubbing the back of his hand to her face, "The nose," touching her nose, "The Purple eyes," he looked into them, "The hips" he touched her hips, "The breasts" he touched them, "and the white teeth,"

Emma felt that she had no control, he knew it was her, "I'll call the police, I swear!"

"Oh Emma Emma Emma.... I am the police."

Emma grew wide eyed and started to tear, "I know you killed her!"


"You killed Mei!"

"No I didn't!" she yelled desperately but it sounded more of a lie and artificial as she thought it would be.

Dielpov punched her in the head and knocked her out.

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2007, 11:47:05 AM »
Emma woke up with a daze inside a solid concrete room. There was one light in it and the place was damp. All warmth was gone and she laid there naked on the ground. When she finally had fully waken up and realized where she was she noticed she couldn't see a door. There was no windows. Where's the door!? Emma got up and started banging on the walls and yelling out random phrases in Ozian.

"Prisoner Emma! Cease!"

Emma grew wide eyed, who was that? They were obviously watching her. She rolled up into a ball into the corner to try and gain some warmth. She fell asleep yet again. She woke up to a plate of grey mush food when she got up. It tasted like cardboard as she inhaled it down. Though after not eating for some time she thought it tasted like cake.

The door opened. They hid the door well as it was in the corner of the room and the cracks looked like wall lines or cracks. A man came in, it was Dielpov.

"Follow me Emma."

He walked out and his shoes made an echo up and down the hallway. She looked down and up the hallway it was pure white. She turned to follow him, she knew she couldn't run away. It was eerie. It was hard to tell if the room's walls had edges. There was no shadows and it was a perfect white. Plus without her glasses everything was just as blurry.

Dielpov walked into a room with a table and two chairs adjacent from each other. The room was just like the prison, cold and solitary.

"Can I have my clothes?"

"Which clothes? Clothes of dignity? Or Clothes that you put on your back? You're naked either way."


"Maybe if you just admit that you are guilty," He grabbed something out of the duffel bag that she never noticed he had, "We have a witness."

He pulled out the head of the motorcycle driver and placed it on the table.

"Isn't he just cheerful?" smirked Dielpov. Emma however was crying.

"Why are you doing this to me!"

"Maybe Mei would of asked you the same thing. Now on to business."


"We know it isn't your fault. We know what they threatened you with. Now just tell us who they is."


"Who did you damn well work for Emma!"

"I wasn't supposed to tell."

"Well Emma, We know it wasn't the Mafia, they never go political like this in Ozia, We know it wasn't a rival in STIA, and we do know it wasn't any Foreigners. Who did you work for emma!?" He smashed the table. The head of the biker staring at Emma, "You know how he got this way? Do you want to find out?"

Emma shriveled in fear, "Can I have my clothes if I tell you?"

"I suppose, but you have to admit your wrong actions against the Res'shev and the whole of Ozia."

"What's my punishment?"

"You don't have one, nobody knows who killed her still, only we know. And they've put of private investigations but we've only put them on a wild goose chase. Your not going to be in a trial, but you're going to help STIA. You're going to tell us who you worked for and you're going to infiltrate their base of operations. Got it?"

"Well, ok I'll tell you," Emma sighed, she had no other choice but death, "The group is Blue April. I got involved when my boyfriend showed me their secrets and I had to be part of it. I swear I didn't want to kill Mei I was just doing what they told me or I would die."

"Blue April?"


Dielpov pulled out clothes from the duffel bag, "Here put them on."

She started to put on her clothes as Dielpov watched her aimlessly. She was almost creeped out but yet she felt safer here than at a Blue April meeting.

"Ok ready.."

"Ok follow me," he switched to talking on the radio and said, "Cease White Hallway."

The hallway stopped being a wholly white room and doors were actually seen. Though the doors didn't have any handles and the room was very foggy. Perhaps that's why it felt chaotic and strange.

"One question Dielpov?"


"Who took over Mei's job?"

"Oh, you'll love this part, I did."

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2007, 02:24:54 AM »
The meal was a typical Ozian meal, Fish, Squid, Bread, and More bread. The two smoked a Zuavka afterwards and the two Ozians, Dielpov and Emma, decided looked at each other but never said anything until Emma finally broke the silence, "What's the rest of the international community saying?"

Dielpov didn't like her curious questions. He never did and sometimes he had to say that he knew nothing or tell a white lie to conceal secrets. He did not yet know her fully. He didn't trust her bright maroon Eyes. They were fiery and almost enchanting to look at. She was wearing very loose clothing and so whenever she bent down he always managed to get a closer peak.

Emma knew that he was looking at her when she bent down but she didn't care. She in fact enjoyed the attention and took it as a compliment, "So?"


"What?" she snapped.

"I can't exactly tell you this one, it might give you ideas."

"What do you want, I want to know" she asked.

"Well I have enough money, I got a house, and I can get any woman I could possibly want who are prettier than you," Emma had a smug on her face, "But perhaps I'll take a favor."


"Yes, anyway, here's the thing, Bustos is basically ignoring it, Gallipoli-Chinese are trying to stick their nose into this mess but instead we feed them false information half the time."

"Why is that?"

"Well, I don't think we want random people intruding our great nation. Besides they think we're trying to help the international community. What we're doing is we're trying to make Blue April under Mafia control, not deter it. We like this ... this..."

"International Terrorism?" Though she had to agree she enjoyed it also.


"What is the Pri'mav doing?"

"I have no clue actually. But I'm specified by him to keep all foreigners out and to step up counter-intelligence from however stepped up it was before. All Agents had to undergo screenings and such. But we haven't found anyone. Only ones that could spy are the Gallipoli-Chinese. Even then it's easy to figure them out."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2007, 02:49:21 AM »
"Okay," mused Mohammad Ahmed, the Defense Committee member who had been put in charge of intelligence.  "What have we accomplished so far in regards to Blue April?"

"The Ozian government's being uncooperative," piped in one of the actual intelligence gatherers.  "Half the information we get turns out to be random muggers or idiots experimenting with firecrackers."

"It's a start," smiled Mohammad.  "It shows they're hiding something.  Despite the letter sent to the Ozian government, there is a connection, or will be very soon, between it and Blue April.  It may not be like the Mafia they've got, but it could become like it.  An international arm, let's say.  What else?" he barked, changing tone.  He didn't expect much else.

"We know they know we're there," said the same agent.  She looked like she thought it would go over poorly.  It didn't.  Instead, Mohammad began laughing.

"Good, good!" he said.  "They're doing the thing properly.  Well..." he stopped a moment to regain his composure.  "It looks like we'll have to play their game."

"What do you mean?"

"Send someone who's meant to get captured, of course," said Mohammad, as if it were obvious.  "They commit some act of sabatogue, get captured, questioned, admit they're from Blue April, and see what happens.  Obviously, they'll be out of contact with us entirely, and we'll...have no records of them ever existing.  Check if we've any Ozians or Moaci in our staff," he said, becoming bursque and businesslike again.

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2007, 03:14:20 AM »
"We got a fugitive?"

"That's what this Mafia soldier says, a Blue April member went parading down the street by themselves."

Dielpov was confused, but nonetheless he had to question him, "Emma come with me,"

Emma got up in her Ozian traditional clothing. Dielpov however was in his Director Robe. '

"Why do you need me Dielpov?"

"I want you to be there, you've been inside Blue April, this guy might be a fake or something. A mole of some sort, If it is I think they think I'm stupid or something. Either way we have to dispose of him. Show a sense of fear. For joining the organization unless they really wanted to be in it.

The two Ozians walked into the room with the tied up 'Blue April Member'.

Dielpov smiled, it was a helpless woman, tied to a chair, "Remind you of someone Emma?"

Emma rolled her eyes and looked at him, "Do you want me to kick your ass."

"I'm fine, you can do that later."

"Anyway talk to the prisoner."

"Hello there Blue April Soldier, what were you caught doing and why did you do it.?"

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2007, 03:32:15 PM »
"You mean you don't know, Emma?" sneered the woman tied in the chair (crap, I can't think of a name!).  At least, she half-sneered.  She didn't want to be killed before she found any information, and insolence to the interrogator could get her killed.  "I thought you were told about the Mafia project."  She hoped the bluff would work; the one on the left had to be Dielpov, the newly promoted STIA director.  But they had to be getting their Blue April information from somewhere, and who better than someone on the inside.  Hopefully a mid-level operative.  And this woman certainly matched the description Ozian news had given, vague as it was.

She knew she had to keep her information as vague as possible, at least until one of them let something slip.  She didn't know where to find Blue April; that's what this whole fracas was about.  She hoped one of these people would lead her to them.

"And as for why we do it, don't tell me you don't know why we exist."  She had to be careful here, not to sound like one of the loudspeakers in Gallipoli-China.  That would give her away in an instant.  "As for why I did it...Blue April called me from nothingness.  I had no family, no food, no money, and Blue April gave me all that.  They were the first, but they were not the best.  If I had anything better..."
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 03:42:30 PM by Gallipoli-China »

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2007, 03:01:03 AM »
Dielpov took a hard punch into the ribs of the tied up woman and then heard what she yelled. She was strong, this one only coughed at the pain, she didn't swear in a native language. He motioned Emma out and they started to talk, "Emma, weren't you a low level agent, did you know her?"

"No I did not and yes I was only low level. Nobody really knew my name."

"I suspect a Commie. They look similar to us. Perhaps a half breed. Or this particular one just have maroon eyes."

"Did you check for contacts Dielpov?"

"No I did not. But perhaps this will be more fun with a Gallipoli-Chinese Agent."

"I don't follow."

"You're not supposed to."

Dielpov walked back in grabbing something out of his pocket and the woman looked at him. He always loved it when he had to interrogate women. There was the additional sexual excitement along with the violent. He grabbed the flash light and looked into both eyes by pushing them open. No contact lenses...

He threw the flash light into the corner of the room, "Do you know what we do with Blue April Members? They cooperate or they get killed, but for you. I might send you to the south side (of St Oz City, known for cheap whores etc) where we'll stick you into a Mafia Brothel. Or I might let our Agents get enjoyment out of you. Even the women, if they're into that kind of thing. Think about what you say, Cooperate or have a life of so much torment you will be trying to gnaw off Gaea's Bosom for love.

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2007, 01:06:43 PM »
OOC: wait,
this guy might be a fake or something
.  I inferred from this that the prisoner was a guy.  If not, I can change it, but clarification would be nice.

IC: She squinted as the flashlight was jabbed toward her eyes, to the point where it almost touched them.  They burned, and when the flashlight was taken away, began tearing up involuntarily.  She was unable to brush these away, as her arms were attached to her chair.  The afterimage of the flashlight had left her eyes almost blind, and Dielpov's silhouette was all she could see.  Her vision began to improve as his questioning ended, with those...vivid descriptions.

"I could care less about politics.  Blue April to me was a way to survive, to eat, to have a roof over my head.  If Ozia will provide that, I'll do whatever it asks, just like I was willing to do for Blue April whatever it asked."
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 03:41:02 PM by Gallipoli-China »

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2007, 03:48:54 AM »
"Oh shut up you bitch, you sound like those damn Communists from the Equator. You get a roof from a job, you get a job from being successful, and you become successful when you work. At terrorist organization doesn't seem very stable and successful. Especially in a nation such as ours." Dielpov walked around her. He pulled out his knife and grabbed her long black hair in a bundle. He then cut the delicate hair and threw it to the ground. "Now, now. Do you want some actual work or will you just whore off easy ways out?"

He took the knife and drew it across her soft skin on her shoulder. There was no blood but the nerves made it feel like she was cut. Dielpov then started to cut the sleeve of her clothing, "Nobody can hear you scream, Even if they did, they wouldn't care. Now, now... Are you up to redeeming yourself to Gaea and Ozia? You have betrayed her. What say you?"

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2007, 04:49:13 PM »
"I'll redeem myself to Gaea!  I'll work!"  She would say anything at this point, especially as Dielpov seemed to suspect that she was not who she said she was.

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2007, 12:58:48 AM »
Dielpov laughed Heartily as he heard her speak, "Oh and Gaea will my winter flower."

He opened a cabinet and gave her a traditional robe to put on since her clothes were ripped.

"Oh and if you betray again, you won't be as lucky," he said, "Follow me"

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2007, 01:15:49 PM »
She did not reply.  If Dielpov suspected something, it was best to keep her mouth shut, to avoid letting something else slip.  What did I let slip? she wondered as she began following Dielpov down the hall.  She noticed him looking at her, so she nodded in response to his question.

A million questions ran through her mind.  What will happen next?  Where am I going?  Who will be there?  What will I end up doing?  And above all, How can I use this?

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Re: Diaba
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2007, 04:43:14 PM »
They went down the hallway which was long and had doors on both sides. These doors had numbers and Dielpov started counting in his head 105, 103, ah here it is 101. "Do you know where we are? We're in the Residential Sector. This is your room, provided by STIA, here's you're key and in the cabinet there's some instructions for the coffee maker."

"Now, now here's your first pay check, 500 Pei. You may buy some clothing and things and report back to here by tommorow. We provide all meals for the day for you so you don't have to waste the 500 Pei on food. Oh right, if you decide to run, we will find you."

Dielpov smiled and winked, "But I don't think I'll have to worry about that."

« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 01:08:14 AM by St Oz »