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Author Topic: The Seven Guardians  (Read 1606 times)

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The Seven Guardians
« on: May 01, 2007, 01:09:18 AM »
In the eerie of the night, rolling waves wash against the side of the ship. On deck, a sailor stands on deck, chewing on a piece of salted beef jerky. his eyes scan the dark outline of the horizon, his face bath with the light of the full moon. Behind was a large mast, the sails bellowing with the eastern winds. On top of the mast was a out of place chunk of gray metal, a dish shape revolving on a pivot. Cables connecting to the device spirals down the mast and lead to a hole in the deck of the ship. Waterproof tar had been plastered on the entry.

"Yo, Heng!" A voice calls out from a opened port side deck hatch. Kerosene light illuminates from below. A head comes out from the hatch, and a sailor walks up onto the quarterdeck.

"Heng, we got beer below deck, come down and join us man." He walks up to Heng with a mug of cherry ale.

"No, I'm fine out here Kan." He continues to scan the horizon.

Kan gives a loud sigh. "Dude, you don't need to be on watch out like that, we got the radar now." He takes a sip from his mug.

Heng turns to him. His face was plaque with anxiety. "You think...that they're gonna come?"

"Look man, none of us is God," Kan said. "Who knows, maybe nothing will happen...and maybe we'll get a chance to blow something up."

Heng frowns. Suddenly, a loud whistle punctures the air, and black smoke begins to bellow out from a smokestack at the stern of the ship. The rumbling of a engine is heard from below deck.

"Eh, looks like we're heading back for shore..." Kan drains his drink. Just as he finishes, a uniformed man slips into view.

"Captain." Both Kan and Heng gives a salute to the man.

"At ease, boys." Captain Nai leans his back to the railing. "Norwic says the batteries are almost out, gotta get back to port to recharge them if we want that radar going".

"Should we take down the sails?" Heng asks.

"No, leave them up, makes no difference. The crews probably tired from the day, no need to stir them up tonight." The captain fiddles around with the button on his sleeve. He was in his late 30s. A scar marked his neck, a wound from his earlier years as a fisherman tending hooks. He was thin but tall. Not much build, but handsome all the same.

"Sir...forgive me for asking...but what do you think of this operation?" Heng asks.

"What I think? We're soldiers, we don't share opinions, only orders," Nai replies. Heng droop down his head in embarrassment. A four year recruit should know better not to ask. The captain grins.

"No need to feel bad, I'm a little puzzle myself on what the State wants us to do with our little steam tub here." He reaches into his right pocket.

"Sir, if you ask me, the Sabre has no chance here, we're gonna get blown out of the water by those demon rockets." Kan says. "Can't we just leave the fighting to the Saletsians?"

The captain looks at him, and shakes his head in disappointment. "Kan, haven't your mother ever told you: no matter how small someone is, one must help out with the family." Both Kan and Heng nods in agreement. From his pocket, Nai pulls out a cigar.

Kan and Heng watch with surprise as their captain lights up the Loyalist Standard.

"When did you start smoking, Captain?" Kan ask.

Nai takes a deep draw from the cigar. "The day the Navy Chief came up to me with this crazy operation."
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 01:25:15 AM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: The Seven Guardians
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 03:39:18 AM »
The CLS Sabre is a three mast wooden ship converted into a steamship by the Loyalist Navy. In her former days, she was a unarmed coastal patrol frigate that sail around the fishing waters of the West China Sea. She measures 38 metres in length, 8.7 metres at widest, and a draught of 7 metres. Her hull was a composite construction of iron framing and 8 inch cedar planking. She was refitted with a 200 hp double piston engine and a large cast iron boiler in the what was then the galley of the ship. Her second deck was installed with sixteen 18 pounders muzzleloaders. Eight gunports on each side of the ship were saw out, and a hinged iron hatch covers each hole.

Heng walks into the small room where the radar set was. Norwic, a febble fellow in his 20s, was sitting on a revolving chair watching the sweeping line on screen. His large lens glasses appear to be part of his head, perhaps the effect of the harsh light of a kerosene lamp. Norwic notices him, and turns from the big machine to face Heng.

"Yeah?" he says. Heng looks at him and grins. Officially, no one but the captain and Norwic are allow into the room containing the radar set. However, the captain had pushed it aside as a unneccessary protocol. The rest of the crew frequent the room, getting a glance of the strange device and listening to Norwic's confusing explanations on how it works.

"You want a drink?" Heng replys. He looks around the room, walled by thick steel walls the state engineers had added two weeks ago.

"You know I do,...but I'm not allow to drink while on duty," an annoyed Norwic replys. "And seriously, you really want me to be drunk when fai jeen are flying towards us?"

"Shh, does it matter, how we gonna stop them?"

"We can't stop them...but we sure can shoot back."

 The whole point of this operation, Heng thought. Shoot back...then get blown up. They were the starting pawns of this war.

"I can't believe they seal off half of our second deck for you," Heng mumbles.

"Hey, I'm not the one taking up space. Our sleeping friend is the one getting special treatment." Norwic turns back to his screen. "Fuck, the guy has a room bigger than my dorm at university." 

Norwic had just returned last year from his Saletsian electric engineering program in Badana. The guy was the top student at Heng's high school, with hoards of girl admirers wanting to marry him, following him around every break period. In the end, he was choosen as his school's candidate for Saletsian student exchange program. Before that, he and Heng were close buddies, going out into the fields each evening to gather dry grass for fire. Also, Heng's dad owned a tool shop where Norwic's dad worked.

They lost touch after Norwic left for his four year program, but reconnected after they bumped into each other at the Na Sui navy recruitment office last October. Norwic had lost shape from the days of sitting inside studying , and he decided to join the Navy to get back in shape. Both of them were assign to the Sabre.   

"We're heading for shore, just to let you know," says Heng.

"I know...we seriously need to get a generator on this ship..." Norwic replys.

"Hmm, maybe you can make one smartass."

"Maybe I will."
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 03:40:56 AM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: The Seven Guardians
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 05:13:13 AM »
 They land on the dock just as the sun starts to rises. A thin streak of light illuminates the dark clouds of the horizon, outlining a canvas of mystical gray blue. Heng watch the slurry of people entering the pier for their morning shift. As usual, it was calm and quiet at the Na Sui Naval Dock.

 Five years since its creation, the SND has been the focal point of the Navy's efforts to patrol Loyalist's waters. Both a dock and a integrated shipyard, the entire Loyalist Navy is base here. The shipyard for most parts, is primal compare to modern standards, turning out obsolete sailing vessels for service. This month, an ironclad is being lay.

 Three frigates and a steam gunship are anchor in the south side of the dock, Their dark form outline onto the sky. As Heng turns towards the north part, he catches a glimpse of a huge vessel, flying the Saletsian flag. It was being loaded, he could see figures of men boarding it by way of a plank. They are dress in Army uniform, their rifles slinging on their shoulders. There is a least 300 of them...maybe more.

 A young man walks out from a building corner, and paces toward the Sabre. Heng sees him, and moves to greet him.

"Morning Heng," the man said.

"Morning Yuri." Heng reply. 

"Where's the captain at?" Yuri takes out a folder from his jacket. "I have to pass this report to Captain Nai."

"He's down under the deck checking on Norwic." Heng turns back to direction of the Saletsian vessel. "Hey Yuri, what's that Saletsian ship doing here?"

"Pickup for the 2nd Gandao District Division, heading for Uichi Ryu," Yuri answers. "There's five more coming today, and another three tomorrow picking up elements of the Gandao First Division."

Heng frowns in disbelief. "They're shipping out troops already?"

Yuri nods. "It's not official, but we're mobilizing."

As a intelligence officer for the Navy, Yuri usually knew about things way before they're made known to the public.

"War is coming..." Heng thought.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Union

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Re: The Seven Guardians
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2007, 02:01:25 AM »
Out in the West China Sea


Day 1235

Took on three weeks worth of provision and powder at port. Mr. Norwic brings aboard a clutter of copper wires and metal parts. Received update from headquarters.

Day 1236

Left port at 4:15 pm, heading 172 degrees. South-westernly shore winds, clocked at 9 to 13 knots. Mr. Norwic unveils his new makeshift generator for recharging the batteries. Note of competence for him, suggested to him that he should leave the navy and join the LLL.

Day 1238
Strong gale from east, roping on foremast damaged. Possible storm, slack sails at half furl. Order crew to clean the guns. Sign of mold on second deck bow.   

Day 1241
Hail from C.L.S White Wolf. Captain Gayin reports no sign of intrusions or hostile presence. Agree to keep tabs on each other. Received telegram from headquarter, order to patrol the northern tip of Silver Rock Island. 
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."