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News: Play forum games in an offensive way, like those of the anti-junta resistance!

Author Topic: World Wide Threat  (Read 1061 times)

Offline Delfos

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World Wide Threat
« on: May 10, 2007, 05:32:57 PM »
Captain Fohur Lomovish of the New Delfos Royal Army Special Forces - Goshawk Division, aka Goshawk 1, was on his pickup truck, riding for objective beta. He switched the VCScreen to cehck satellite position again, «straight north» he thought, the objective was clear, but deep in mahara desert, they couldn't find it. Everything looked the same, dune after dune, an ocasionaly rock or small bush, nothing more.
Goshawk1: "Shut your VCS screens off, no lights please, use night-vision to check for debry in the sand."
Goshawks: "Roger, switching for night-vision."
Brand new weapons arrived from the factory, already tested, MG36 ready to use. And then, he spoted it, "Guys that's it, here's objective beta, stop the pickup, proceed on foot."
At first they saw nobody, they had a portable VCS with them, the rear guy was checking it temporarily, "Sir? Contact, straight ahead near those structures, VCS confirms more than 10 targets.", "Thank you corporal, launch UAV toy.", "Roger, igniting UAV plane."
That plane toy flew to the skies like butter, it was a dark night, they needed extra data.
Goshawk4: "Sir? UAV transmitting, red hot targets spotted."
Goshawk1: "Brilliant, let's get on with it, Goshawk 2,3,4, take those guys on the left, Goshawk 5,6 and me, let's take those guys on the right. Ready?"
Goshawks: "All ready, sir."
Goshawk1: "Fire."

The first 8 guys were hit without knowing what have it them. While the others noticed, they were already dead. The alarm sounded. The place would be crawling with ennemies in seconds. "Goshawks, you 2 go around, rest come with me, meet at the other side!"
Fast moving tactic was in motion, the main 4 were covering the other 2 that gone un-noticed, there were more shots fired than the ones that hit. All fireworks for them. 3 men came from the top of the structure, Goshawk3 spotted them, and thrown them a nice present.
Goshawk3: "Flashbang!"
*PAAAAF!* Not only those 3 but most of the rest were blind, the unit moved fast, gained new position, those 3 on top of the structure were neutralized immediatly.
Goshawk2: "Nice shot."
Goshawk1: "Yes, but it's not over, we'r moving again, use smoke grenade."
Goshawk3: "Roger, smoke grenade launched."
Goshawk1: "Move, move move. There, you see the corner, go cover us there, Gos2, there at the opposite corner, you come with my gos4, let's turn the corner, run for that safe position."
Goshawk4: "Understood...expecting ennemy fire?"
Gos1: "Ofc! now go!"
Goshawk 4 ran to the end of the building, saw the position to be taken, he just peaked a lil bit some shots came after him, PAH PAH PAH! That was close, how would he gonna pass to the safe position? He jumped and roled, and he was safe, few shots were fired. Then the leader done the dame, both were behind the concrete base of the antena, they had alot of firing over them. They started to fire at the bastards without knowing where they are. And then few familiar shots were fired, you could hear the men falling, sufocating in their own blood.
Goshawk1: "Goshawks 5 and 6, get back to the group, Gos 2 and 3, get the pickup truck."
Goshawks: "Roger!"
Soon they rammed into the facility where they found heavy resistence.

When every threat was taken down,t ehy all reported
Gos1: "Squad report."
Gos2,3,4 and 5: "clear"
Gos6: "Sir? I think i got hit. Otherwise everything is clear."
Gos1: "Where did you got shot?"
Gos6: "Here sir." Shown his shoulder, it was bleeding alot. "I Think it is just a scratch."
Gos1: "Undress it."
Gos6: "Im ok sir"
Gos1: "Undress! Gos2 and 4, see what you can do, im reporting to the general."
Goshawk 1 switched the portable VCScreen, after the login he connected to the NDRA central: "Sir? Good evening, sir. Mission Accomplished. As you can see this facility comes in our expecties."
NDRA general: "Good work captain, im sending backup, then you can go home."
Goshawk1: "Thank you sir, out. Good Work men, mission accomplished, we need to wait for the ride home anyway."

President Delfos was in a party, celebrating the new Delfos Royal Palace. One of his immediates called him, "Mr Delfos, the Royal Army General wants to speak with you, it's important.", "Im on my way, tell him to hold 2minutes."
Lex Delfos discretly left the party, gone to his office and switched his big screen VCS.
President Delfos: "hello general, i hope this is important."
NDRA general: "It is Mr President. We found the facility our Intel spotted. The facility was fully operational."
President Delfos: "What Facility? I dont rememberm, fresh my memory, will you?"
NDRA General: "Sir, the factory our Intel discovered it was smuggling explosives to missile out of the country, from litle ones to missiles."
President Delfos: "Oh i remember, thats very bad. Im doing an emergency Council for this soon. Keep in touch."
NDRA General: "I will sir, out."