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Author Topic: Canadian Colonization  (Read 5194 times)

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2007, 04:06:24 AM »
General Salem looked on into the Nerubian night sky. The lose of many of the Canadian airfields had resulted in the lessening of the air force. Now to make it interesting. I will order Canadian air force to share the civilian air fields. Now if the insurgents wanted to attack the Canadian airfields, they would have to attack the civilians too, further lowering the insurgent recruitment. Ok, next would have to be the army. So far the smaller groups are much better now. Tanks and motorized infantry can now chase down the raiders. The new Hind helicopters are difenitly helping. The navy itself can create a blockade. Fast attack ships can find those suppliers. God, we need to win this. The loyal Nerubians are beginning to see the insurgents as enemies. But they need to continue to see them as that.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 05:26:25 AM by Canada »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2007, 03:41:32 AM »
It has been five months since the retreat of the Nerubians into the mountains. Now, Hira Kuma, chosen Representative of the Nerubian Liberation Front sits across from General Salem of the Canadian Colonial Army. The war had been bloody for both sides, now it was time to end it on peace.

A Nerubian translator conveys Hira's words in English to Salem.

"As agree on this peace proposal, the lands as stated in this document will be given to the Free Tribes of Nerubia, to be self-govern and self-maintain under the laws and people of the Nerubian clans. In return, the lands in question shall receive the statue as a official territory of the Canadian Empire, as par the democratic principles of the Empire. The Canadian government shall also pay monetary retribution to the Nerubian families for their unprovoked aggression against Nerubia, which had cause the many lives of innocents. 

This being said, the Canadian Empire will respect the ways and interests of the Nerubian people and treat them as citizens with full rights. The Nerubian people will also learn to cooperate in economic and cultural partnership with the Canadian government."

"Do you accept, General?" added the translator.     

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2007, 04:03:28 AM »
General Salem sighed. The blood of good men, both Canadian and Nerubian stained the sands. "I will accept this peace. But the Colonial Army will maintain a presence in these lands of question and the Nerubian Liberation Front will be absorbed into a new Nerubian Army."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Union

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2007, 04:22:21 AM »
occ: wow, looks like Oz will have to give you the colony on his map
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2007, 04:24:36 AM »
ooc: glad you liked it.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2007, 04:30:21 AM »
Hira backs away in disgust, spitting out Nerubian in a furious pace. The translator coped:

"You defile our land and you murder our kin, now you expect us to fight for you? Each man to his own, we fight only to defend our clan and family! We will allow your soldiers to move around the borders of our land, but they will not be allow into our homes and villages. This is the most I can offer to the bastards that killed my son..."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2007, 04:37:13 AM »
That remark struck the general in the heart. He too knew what it was like to lose a son. His Edward was killed in the Battle of Anchorage, so he knew what this was about. "Alright, the Canadian Army will have a presence and stay in their barracks, forts and the cities that the colonials built. They will be here, just in case of invasion from another nation. The Nerubians will control this territory, however. They will elect a Shah among their leaders and that person will rule, but a Governor-General from Canada will stay just to represent the Canadian government. But this will be a self-governing dominion of the Empire. Also there will be no more movements of Canadians to this region. This will be a Nerubian region."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2007, 04:42:37 AM »
"A king? We have no use for a elected king. The chiefs from each of our clans will make decisions base on mutual consensus. We like to share the power equally. This way, peace will be maintain among us Nerubians. We will do our best to accommodate your...Governor."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2007, 04:47:59 AM »
General Salem held out his hand in agreement to the peace, but Hira didn't take it. If this is a victory, I feel that it is empty. It might be years until the Nerubians finally trust us. Might take forever. This is the Empire's darkest hour. In Canada, we spoke of peace and harmony, but here we brought death and war on a simple, happy people. I feel that this isn't right. "All right then, as the Commander of the Eastern Command Froce, I hereby agree to this agreement. But there is no reason for you to accomadate our Governor. We have caused you enough pain and hardship. You will not serve us, we will work together to finally bring peace."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2007, 04:56:40 AM »
"Let that be so, may the Desert Spirit guide us towards a peaceful Nerubia where our children can live well."

With that, Hira passed the ceremonial metal piece to the General, a tradition of his people.

"This was one of shrapnel pieces that hit my son. I will give this to you as a sign of our mutual suffering..."

With that, Hira left the room. In his mind, he hope his son's spirit will forgive him for letting the Canads get away with his death. "My little Joji...rest in peace my son."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2007, 05:01:09 AM »
General Salem waited until the Nerubians left. He stood there holding the piece of shrapnel that Hira had given him. The weapon that killed his son. The general couldn't hold it in. He broke into tears. Hira may think that he is letting the Canadians get away with his son's death, but in fact, this war of occupation will rip into the Canadians for a long time. For the first and hopefull the last time, they were seen as the aggressor and the threat. "May God forgive us for our sins."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2007, 06:06:30 PM »
The Mercenaries, there job complete, did what other Mercs did, they left. Most of them went back and re Joined the Barakarin Army. Others, joined the Canadians army. In all, most of them left. But, only a few stayed. They knew that the war was over, so the money was gone. After leaving the nation, Gunny looked back one final time, and looked at a picture of the village.

Beautiful Place....
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.