News: Citoyen reminder: Socioendangerment levels run from one to sixteen. Cooperation with mandatory sentencing from the Citoyen-Mediator may result in decreased rehabilitation length.
The last few months I have noticed an odd thing. About once a week, when I am driving at night time, when I pass a street light it goes out. It is really starting to freak me out. They seem to go out right when I pass it.I think I am cursed.Am I cursed?How do I break it?
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.
Get laid.Logic: If you pay attention to these kind of things, you have too much time on your hands, so you should find yourself someone to occupy yourself with. Also, marry and reproduce, improve society.Remember folks, good and evil may be subjective, but consuming always helps.
No. No I did not. Butt really a fart joke.see what I did there