* Talmann uses logic to defeat Bara before he "attacks".
First off, how could you fly up to Al' when she's beneath you?
Second, if you had a jetpack on, your velocity would be increased (due to extra weight), and the activation of said jetpack (used in modern day terms) would only slow your desent to the point where you'd break your legs (and possibly your back) or the jetpack (being unstable as it is) could flip over and crash you in an even more dangerous position: head-first.
Third, how could you beat the crap out of me when I can fly with no restrictions for hours on end at speeds higher than your jetpack? Even if you managed to not crash, I could out-fly you until you had to go down for fuel, at which point I attack you to keep you airborne so you fall and die as I stated previously.
* Talmann laughs.
Silly Bara/Twitch... If only you knew who you were dealing with...