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Author Topic: Legislative Index  (Read 33020 times)

Offline Cormac

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Legislative Index
« on: March 07, 2015, 12:52:02 PM »
The Legislative Index is an alphabetical index of all laws currently in force in the Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu.

Note: The Wiki hasn't been updated in a long time, so this Index is the official list of laws.

Current laws are also available on our Wiki, here. This index is maintained as an on-forum reference and as a back-up.

Legislative Index

The Bethany Accords
Proposed: Sidéral 28, AR 1 (May 24, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Lacidor 22, AR 1 (June 17, 2015 OS)

Citizen-Initiator Act
Proposed: Gaïôse 13, AR 1 (January 7, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Umbrôse 17, AR 1 (February 10, 2015 OS)
Last Amended: July 24, 2016

Citizenship Act
Proposed: Ignal 26, AR 1 (April 21, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Sidéral 08, AR 1 (May 04, 2015 OS)

Constitution of Taijitu
Proposed: Boisaire 28, AR 1 (November 22, 2014 OS)
Enacted: Orôse 03, AR 1 (November 27, 2014 OS)
Amended: August 10, 2016

Delegacy Act
Proposed: Gaïôse 01, AR 1 (December 26, 2014 OS)
Enacted: Gaïôse 09, AR 1 (January 3, 2015 OS)
Last Amended: July 24, 2016

Ecclesia Procedure Act
Proposed: Ignal 09, AR 1 (April 04, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Ignal 25, AR 1 (April 20, 2015 OS)
Last Amended: July 24th 2016

The Governance Act
Proposed: January 19, 2016
Enacted July 24, 2016

Holidays Act
Proposed: Orôse 15, AR 1 (December 9, 2014 OS)
Enacted: Gaïôse 18, AR 1 (January 12, 2015 OS)

Judiciary Act
Proposed: Boisaire 28, AR 1 (November 22, 2014 OS)
Enacted: Orôse 28, AR 1 (December 22, 2014)

Militia Act
Proposed: Aquaire 03, AR 1 (September 27, 2014 OS)
Enacted: Aquaire 07, AR 1 (October 1, 2014 OS)
Last Amended: July 24, 2016

Noble Houses Act
Proposed: Tonneral 01, AR 1 (February 25, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Tonneral 10, AR 1 (March 6, 2015 OS)

Revolutionary Calendar Act
Proposed: Orôse 17, AR 1 (December 11, 2014 OS)
Enacted: Orôse 26, AR 1 (December 20, 2014 OS)

The Rejected Realms - Taijitu Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
Proposed: Aquaire 05, AR 1 (September 29, 2014 OS)
Enacted: Aquaire 09, AR 1 (October 3, 2014 OS)

The Taijitu-North Pacific Alliance
Proposed: Tonneral 07, AR 1 (March 03, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Ignal 02, AR 1 (March 28, 2015 OS)

The Tea Cake Concordat
Proposed: Lacidor 21, AR 1 (June 16, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Cielidor 11, AR 1 (July 7, 2015 OS)

The Tomato Treaty (Taijitu-The East Pacific)
Proposed: Ignal 03, AR 1 (March 29, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Ignal 30, AR 1 (April 25, 2015 OS)
Last Amended: Sidéral 09, AR 1 (May 05, 2015 OS)

Treaty of Friendship and Amity Between Taijitu and the International Northwestern Union
Proposed: Sidéral 06, AR 1 (May 02, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Sidéral 16, AR 1 (May 12, 2015 OS)

University of the Revolution Act
Proposed: Gaïôse 26, AR 1 (January 20, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Umbrôse 06, AR 1 (January 30, 2015 OS)
Last Amended: Tonneral 18, AR 1 (March 14, 2015 OS)

Voice of the People Act
Proposed: Umbrose 31, AR 1 (February 24, 2015 OS)
Enacted: Tonneral 20, AR 1 (March 16, 2015 OS)
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 05:24:01 PM by Khem »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Constitution of Taijitu
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2015, 01:02:29 PM »
Quote from: Constitution of Taijitu
Constitution of Taijitu

Taijitu adopts this minimal constitution to preserve the direct democracy of the Ecclesia unless sufficient consensus exists to replace it.
[in]The Ecclesia
1. The Ecclesia will consist of all citizens of Taijitu.
2. The Ecclesia may adopt, amend, propose or repeal laws by a majority vote.
3. The Ecclesia may remove any government official by a majority vote.
4. The Ecclesia may amend this constitution by two two-thirds majority votes held no less than a week apart.
5. The Ecclesia may regulate foreign, domestic and military policy by law.[/in]

Taijituan Bill of Rights

1. All persons are guaranteed equal protection under the law regardless of any aspect of their person or persona.
2. No person may be deprived of access the Regional Forums necessary to exercise their other rights.
3. No person may be subjected to inquiry into their private affairs absent reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
4. No person may be charged for a crime that was no crime at the time of commission.
5. No person may be kept in ignorance of charges against them, nor be deprived of a swift, fair and public trial.
6. No person may be deprived of representation at trial.
7. No person may be compelled to bear witness against themselves.
8. No person may be deprived of an unenumerated right that is nevertheless applicable to their case.
9. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to hold and exercise beliefs.
10. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to express opinions, to disseminate information and to urge action.
11. All citizens are guaranteed the freedom to associate with others.
12. All citizens are guaranteed the right to participate in any election.
13. All citizens are guaranteed the right to run for and hold public office.
14. No citizen may be ejected from Taijitu or limited in their access to the Regional Forums absent criminal charges.

The Constitution of Taijitu was proposed in the General Assembly for the Drafting of a Constitution on Boisaire 28, AR 1 (November 22, 2014 OS).

The Constitution of Taijitu was enacted by the General Assembly for the Drafting of a Constitution on Orôse 03, AR 1 (November 27, 2014 OS).

The Constitution of Taijitu was last amended by the Ecclesia August 10, 2016.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 05:23:15 PM by Khem »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Militia Act
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2015, 01:09:53 PM »
Quote from: Militia Act
1. Citizen-Sergeant
1. The Citizen-Sergeant will serve as commander in chief of the armed forces and conduct military policy.
2. The Citizen-Sergeant will evaluate and accept or reject all applications to the armed forces.
3. If the Citizen-Sergeant rejects an application to the armed forces, the Ecclesia may approve it by a majority vote.
4. The Citizen-Sergeant may delineate rank and responsibility within the armed forces.
5. The Citizen-Sergeant may discharge members of the armed forces.
6. The Citizen-Sergeant may delegate their powers to a chain of command within the armed forces.

2. Militia Organization
1. The Citizen-Sergeant may approve or reject applications to join the Militia. Rejections may be appealed to the Ecclesia.
2. The Citizen-Sergeant may delineate rank and responsibility within the Militia.
3. The Citizen-Sergeant will be empowered to order military actions, and to delegate this power to a chain of command within the Militia.
4. When the office of Citizen-Sergeant is vacant, leadership of the Militia will pass to the chain of command as established by the prior Citizen-Sergeant for the duration of the vacancy.
5. All military operations lasting longer than three major in-game updates must be approved by the Ecclesia by a two-thirds majority vote.

3. Regional Alignment
1. The alignment of the Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu will be neutral in regard to gameplay divisions.
2. Taijitu will remain open and welcoming to nations without regard to gameplay political, ideological, or military alignment, or level of interest in gameplay.
3. Taijitu will continue to bear the onsite tag "Neutral" to reflect this regional alignment.

4. Militia Alignment
1. The alignment of the Taijitu Citizens' Militia will be regional sovereigntist.
2. The fundamental aims of the Taijitu Citizens' Militia will be to pursue the interests of Taijitu through military activity and to defend and uphold regional sovereignty.
3. The Taijitu Citizens' Militia will execute all interregional military mandates agreed to by the Ecclesia, including but not necessarily limited to treaties and declarations of war.
4. The Taijitu Citizens' Militia will be respectful of regional sovereignty and will be barred from invading peaceful regions absent a mandate agreed to by the Ecclesia.
5. The Taijitu Citizens' Militia will be empowered to invade regions that violate the sovereignty of peaceful regions, without a specific mandate to do so and at the discretion of the Citizen-Sergeant.

The Militia Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Aquaire 03, AR 1 (September 27, 2014 OS).

The Militia Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Aquaire 07, AR 1 (October 1, 2014 OS).

The Militia Act was amended by the Ecclesia on Ignal 07, AR 1 (April 02, 2015 OS).

The Militia Act was again amended by the Ecclesia on Ignal 20, AR 1 (April 15, 2015 OS).

The Militia Act was again amended by the Ecclesia on July 24, 2016.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 10:46:32 PM by Khem »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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The Rejected Realms - Taijitu Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2015, 01:17:31 PM »
Quote from: The Rejected Realms - Taijitu Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
The Rejected Realms - Taijitu Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation

We the sovereign regions of The Rejected Realms and Taijitu in order to strengthen relations between our two regions agree to the following terms outlined in this document.

With our correspondence at the 2014 Regional Sovereignty Conference, both signatories felt that they had much in common and formal relations would help foster a mutually beneficial, constructive diplomatic relationship.

Article I - Sovereignty and Legitimacy

1 § The parties to this treaty recognize the government of each region, based upon its constitutions and laws, as legitimate, and will not extend that recognition to any government that comes to power through means not prescribed by law, which shall be determined by the legitimate government in question.

2 § Both signatories agree to recognize each other as sovereign entities with the sovereign authority to govern themselves.

Article II - Non-Aggression

1 § The signatories vow neither to attack the home region of the other party nor participate in any action with the intent to overthrow their legitimate government.

2 § The signatories will refrain from conspiring, either directly or through a third party, to destabilize or overthrow the legitimate government of either party.

3 § The signatories will refrain from conducting clandestine operations, espionage, or other forms of spying against either party.

4 § Both signatories will, in good faith, report any known threat or concern related to the other party's security, to the appropriate security organs.

Article III - Mutual Defense

1 § Both signatories agree to provide military aid to defend the security and sovereignty of the other party’s region. They will provide this military aid at the request of the other party, or if the signatory believes that a state of emergency exists in which the other party is unable to request military aid.

2 § Both signatories also agree to defend each others' delegacies in times of war.

3 § A signatory is always at liberty to refuse receiving military aid.

Article IV - Cultural, Military and Intelligence Cooperation

1 § Both signatories agree to promote cultural diffusion and exchange between their two regions, such as through interregional conferences, discussions, or ventures, at the discretion of their governments.

2 § Both signatories agree to miltiary cooperation on joint missions, as the discretion of their respective military commands.

3 § In pursuing cooperation in military operations, both signatories agree that participation on the opposite sides of a military engagement does not automatically constitute hostility or an attack on either signatory.

4 § Both signatories agree to provide intelligence information at the request of the other party, as long as this information does not harm their own security or jeopardize ongoing intelligence gathering operations.

5 § Both signatories are obliged to provide intelligence information to the other party if it refers to an immediate security concern to said signatory.

Article V - Diplomacy

1 § Both signatories shall maintain open embassies (in-game and out-of-game) with one another.

2 § This treaty shall be deposited in a publicly accessible area of the community forums of both parties.

Article VI. Suspension of Terms and Termination of the Treaty

1 § Either signatory may terminate the treaty with five days' notice, posted publicly in the forum of deposit in both regions, after which the terms of treaty are no longer binding on either party.

2 § Both signatories agree to attempt to seek a diplomatic solution before the termination of this treaty.

The Rejected Realms - Taijitu Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation was proposed in the Ecclesia on Aquaire 05, AR 1 (September 29, 2014 OS).

The Rejected Realms - Taijitu Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation was enacted by the Ecclesia on Aquaire 09, AR 1 (October 3, 2014 OS).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 12:48:59 AM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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[Repealed] Legislation Concerning Citizenship
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2015, 01:27:17 PM »
This Act has been repealed by the Ecclesia and is no longer in force.

Quote from: Legislation Concerning Citizenship
Legislation Concerning Citizenship

The Ecclesia;

Whereas before no legislation concerning qualifications have established for citizenship and the only impediment to citizenship having previously been the opinions of the Citizen-Initiator, let it be decided that the conditions by which Taijitu exists require stricter regulations in order to avoid the indoctrination of potentially harmful individuals into our community;

I. Citizenship
  • All members who were granted citizenship before this legislation was passed will retain citizenship and shall not be required to apply under the new terms, unless they resign citizenship and re-apply;
  • Applicants will still have to post a request for citizenship in the appropriate forum, but may now opt to complete a questionnaire;
  • The questionnaire shall not hinder attempts to gain citizenship, but shall only progress said attempts, unless said questionnaire raises red flags about the applicant, in which case the Citizen-Initiator or their deputy may conduct an investigation before approving the applicants request;
  • Applicants who have completed the questionnaire shall be given priority opposed to applicants who have not completed the application, meaning a applicant who has completed the questionnaire shall have their application reviewed first;
  • The full body of the questionnaire shall be determined by the Citizen-Initiator, subject to the conditions in this legislation and the approval of the Ecclesia;
  • The Citizen-Initiator must conduct a background check, and may appoint a deputy, subject to the approval and the ability to be recalled by the Ecclesia, to conduct background checks in their name;

II. Conditions for the Application
  • The Questionnaire as described in I. Citizenship must have the following areas, additional areas may be added by the Citizen-Initiator subject to the approval of the Ecclesia;
  • The areas shall be: Name, Former Region(s) of Residence, Former Political Posts, Other Alias';
  • Every area must be filled out for the Citizen-Initiator or their deputy to consider the Questionnaire valid, in which case they will be given priority, if they have not completed the entire questionnaire their application shall be treated as if they had not filled out the application;

III. Oath of Citizenship
  • In order to be considered for citizenship, in conjunction with the terms dictated above, the applicant must fill out an Oath of Citizenship;
  • The Oath of Citizenship shall consist of the following:

    I, [forum name] in sound mind and good conscience, do hereby declare my loyalty to the Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu and to the principles of the Glorious Revolution. I swear to respect and uphold the Constitution and the laws adopted by the Ecclesia. I recognize that should I break my oath I shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and that my citizenship may be forfeit.

The Ecclesia hereby passes Legislation Concerning Citizenship.

Legislation Concerning Citizenship was proposed in the Ecclesia on Orôse 05, AR 1 (November 29, 2014 OS).

Legislation Concerning Citizenship was enacted by the Ecclesia on Orôse 14, AR 1 (December 8, 2014 OS).

Legislation Concerning Citizenship was amended by the Ecclesia on Tonneral 03, AR 1 (February 27, 2015 OS).

Legislation Concerning Citizenship was repealed by the Ecclesia on Sidéral 08, AR 1 (May 04, 2015 OS).
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 12:08:59 PM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Revolutionary Calendar Act
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2015, 01:37:35 PM »
Quote from: Revolutionary Calendar Act
Years shall be counted as annō Revolūtiōnis, "year of the Revolution", abbreviated AR. The start of the Glorious Revolution shall mark the first day of the first year in this epoch, and every subsequent year shall begin on its anniversay. Years shall consist of twelves months commemorating the principles of yin and yang, the trigrams of the Bagua, and the elements of the Wu Xing.
  • Ventaire (vahn-TAIR), from French vent, "wind", reprsenting the trigram for wind;
  • Aquaire (ah-KWAIR), from Latin aqua, "water", representing the trigram and element water;
  • Boisaire (bwah-SAIR), from French bois, "wood", representing the element of wood;
  • Orôse (or-ROHZ), from Greek óros, "mountain", representing the trigram for mountain;
  • Gaïôse (gy-YOHZ), from Greek gaîa, "earth", representing the trigram and element of earth;
  • Umbrôse (oom-BROHZ), from Latin umbra, "shadow", representing the principle of yin;
  • Tonnerral (TAWN-nair-RAHL), from French tonnerre, "thunder", representing the trigram for thunder;
  • Ignal (eeg-NAHL), from Latin ignis, "fire", representing the trigram and element of fire;
  • Sidéral (SEE-day-RAHL), from Greek sídēros, "iron", representing the element of metal;
  • Lacidor (LAH-see-DOR), from French lac, "lake", representing the trigram for lake;
  • Cielidor (see-YEL-lee-DOR), from French ciel, "sky", representing the trigram for heaven; and
  • Lumidor (LEW-mee-DOR), from Latin lūmen, "light", representing the principle of yang.
Each month shall contain thirty days, divided into three revolutionary weeks of ten days each:
  • Primidi (PREE-mee-DEE), from Latin prīmus, "first";
  • Duodi (DOO-woh-DEE), from Latin duo, "two";
  • Tridi (tree-DEE), from French tri, "three";
  • Quartidi (KWAH-tree-DEE), from French quatre, "four";
  • Quintidi (KEEN-tee-DEE), from Latin quīnque, "five";
  • Sextidi; (SEKS-tee-DEE), from French sex, "six";
  • Adelphidi; (ah-DELF-fee-DEE), from Greek adelphós, "brother", in honor of the fraternity of our comrades in arms;
  • Vocidi (VAW-see-DEE), from Latin vōx, "voice", in honor of the Voice of the People;
  • Milidi (MEE-lee-DEE), from Latin mīles, "soldier", in honor of the Citizens' Militia; and
  • Ecclésidi (ek-KLAY-see-DEE), from Greek ekklēsía, "gathering", in honor of our assembly of the same name.
The months of Aquaire, Orôse, Umbrôse, Ignal and Lacidor, as well as Lumidor on leap years, shall also contain an additional thirty-first day, Citoyenide (see-TWAH-yen-NEED), from French citoyen, "citizen". Leap years shall be years on which the sum of the year and fourteen is divisible by four-hundred or is divisible by four but not one-hundred. Each day shall be divided into ten hours, each hour into one-hundred minutes, and each minute into one-hundred seconds. Hours shall be numbered from one to ten and minutes and seconds from zero to ninety-nine. The tenth hour shall start at midnight of each day.

The Revolutionary Calendar Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Orôse 17, AR 1 (December 11, 2014 OS).

The Revolutionary Calendar Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Orôse 26, AR 1 (December 20, 2014 OS).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 12:50:09 AM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Judiciary Act
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2015, 01:43:02 PM »
Quote from: Judiciary Act
The Judiciary Act

1. The Citizens of Taijitu establish the position of Citizen-Mediator.
    a. The Citizen-Mediator shall be elected by the Ecclesia on an interim basis when a formal complaint against another Citizen is lodged with the aforementioned body.
    b. The Citizen-Mediator shall be responsible for mediation with the aggrieved parties.

The Judiciary Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Boisaire 28, AR 1 (November 22, 2014 OS).

The Judiciary Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Orôse 28, AR 1 (December 22, 2014 OS).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 12:50:37 AM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Delegacy Act
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2015, 01:48:40 PM »
Quote from: Delegacy Act
1. Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Citizen-Delegate will serve as head of state and conduct foreign policy.
2. The Citizen-Delegate will hold the in-game Delegacy of the region of Taijitu with full powers and will exercise them as provided by law.
3. The Citizen-Delegate may negotiate treaties and embassy exchanges.
4. The Ecclesia may ratify treaties and embassy exchanges negotiated by the Citizen-Delegate by a majority vote.
5. The Ecclesia may repeal a treaty or embassy exchange by a majority vote.
6. The Citizen-Delegate may appoint and dismiss any number of citizens as diplomats and ambassadors to assist in their duties.

2. Citizen-Diplomats
1. The Citizen-Delegate may appoint any number of citizens of Taijitu as citizen-diplomats to assist them in conducting foreign policy.
2. The Citizen-Delegate may dismiss citizen-diplomats at any time.
3. The Ecclesia may remove any citizen-diplomat by a majority vote.
4. Citizen-Diplomats may appoint any number of Citizens as Citizen-Ambassadors to extend the message of the Glorious Revolution to other regions.

The Delegacy Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Gaïôse 01, AR 1 (December 26, 2014 OS).

The Delegacy Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Gaïôse 09, AR 1 (January 3, 2015 OS).

The Delegacy Act was amended by the Ecclesia on Gaïôse 19, AR 1 (January 13, 2015 OS).

The Delegacy Act was again amended by the Ecclesia on Ignal 02, AR 1 (March 28, 2015 OS).

The Delegacy Act was again amended by the Ecclesia on Ignal 20, AR 1 (April 15, 2015 OS).

The Delegacy Act was again amended by the Ecclesia on July 24, 2016.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 11:04:32 PM by Khem »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Offline Cormac

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Holidays Act
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2015, 01:59:01 PM »
Quote from: Holidays Act
1. January the third will be observed as Founding Day and will commemorate the original founding of Taijitu.
2. June the sixth will be observed as Refounding Day and will commemorate the successful refounding of Taijitu.
3.  August the twenty-sixth will be observed as Revolution Day, and will commemorate the birth of the Glorious Revolution.

The Holidays Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Orôse 15, AR 1 (December 9, 2014 OS).

The Holidays Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Gaïôse 18, AR 1 (January 12, 2015 OS).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 12:52:11 AM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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University of the Revolution Act
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2015, 02:04:15 PM »
Quote from: University of the Revolution Act
University of the Revolution Act

1. This act shall establish the University of the Glorious Revolution.
   1a. The mission of the University of the Glorious Revolution shall be to serve as a forum where citizens of Taijitu may teach each other and learn from each other.

2. The University of the Glorious Revolution shall be organized into four colleges and one lecture hall.
   2a. The College of Creative Arts shall be dedicated to the study of the creative arts.
   2b. The College of History and Economics shall be dedicated to the study of history and economics.
   2c. The College of Science shall be dedicated to the study of the natural and social sciences.
   2d. The College of Gameplay shall be dedicated to the discussion of NationStates gameplay.
   2e. The Limitless Events Lecture Hall shall be dedicated to lecture and question-and-answer sessions, and shall be dedicated to the memory of Limitless Events, a much-beloved Taijituan.

3. The University of the Glorious Revolution shall be administered by the Dean of the University.
   3a. The Dean of the University shall be elected to serve a four-month term by the Ecclesia.
   3b. The Dean of the University shall be responsible for moderating the College and shall serve as an adviser on University affairs to the Ecclesia.
   3c. The position of Dean of the University shall not be a governmental position and may be held concurrently with any other office.

The University of the Revolution Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Gaïôse 26, AR 1 (January 20, 2015 OS).

The University of the Revolution Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Umbrôse 06, AR 1 (January 30, 2015 OS).

The University of the Revolution Act was amended by the Ecclesia on Tonneral 18, AR 1 (March 14, 2015 OS).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 01:07:30 AM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Offline Cormac

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Citizen-Initiator Act
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2015, 02:08:58 PM »
Quote from: Citizen-Initiator Act
Office of the Citizen-Initiator
1. Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Citizen-Initiator will evaluate and accept or reject all applications for citizenship.
2. If the Citizen-Initiator rejects an application for citizenship, the Ecclesia may approve it by a majority vote.
3. The Citizen-Initiator will serve as presiding officer of the Ecclesia and moderate debate, record the results of votes and rule on procedure.
4. The Citizen-Initiator will maintain records of the Constitution and laws.
5. The Citizen-Initiator may appoint and dismiss any number of citizens as deputies to assist them in their duties.

The Citizen-Initiator Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Gaïôse 13, AR 1 (January 7, 2015 OS).

The Citizen-Initiator Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Umbrôse 17, AR 1 (February 10, 2015 OS).

The Citizen-Initiator Act was amended by the Ecclesia on Ignal 20, AR 1 (April 15, 2015 OS).

The Citizen-Initiator Act was again amended by the Ecclesia on July 24, 2016.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 10:49:55 PM by Khem »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Offline Cormac

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Noble Houses Act
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2015, 02:13:23 PM »
Quote from: Noble Houses Act
1. The government of Taijitu, when acting in an official capacity, will not recognize any noble house or title.
2. If a foreigner belonging to a noble house applies for citizenship, it will be granted. However, the citizen will be referred to by the government of Taijitu, when acting in an official capacity, as "Citizen [name]", and no reference will be made to their counterrevolutionary pedigree.
3. If a foreigner belonging to a noble house is assigned here as a dignitary, or resides in Taijitu without acquiring citizenship, they will be referred to by the government of Taijitu, when acting in an official capacity, by their name only, and no reference will be made to their counterrevolutionary pedigree.
4. Citizens and foreign residents will be encouraged to avoid personal use of noble names or titles in Taijitu, as a demonstration of respect for the egalitarian principles of the Glorious Revolution.

The Noble Houses Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Tonneral 01, AR 1 (February 25, 2015 OS).

The Noble Houses Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Tonneral 10, AR 1 (March 6, 2015 OS).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 12:53:26 AM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Offline Cormac

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Voice of the People Act
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2015, 01:01:57 AM »
Quote from: Voice of the People Act
Voice of the People Act

1. Taijitu shall establish the Voice of the People as its official regional newspaper.
2. The Ecclesia shall elect an Editor to manage the newspaper and its employees.
3. The Editor election shall occur concurrently with the Citizen-Initiator election, if there is a vacancy, or if the Ecclesia calls for an election.
4. The Editor shall be subject to recall by the Ecclesia at any time.

The Voice of the People Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Umbrôse 31, AR 1 (February 24, 2015 OS).

The Voice of the People Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Tonneral 20, AR 1 (March 16, 2015 OS).
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Offline Cormac

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The Taijitu-North Pacific Alliance
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2015, 07:49:01 PM »
Quote from: The Taijitu-North Pacific Alliance
The Taijitu-North Pacific Alliance
A treaty renewing the alliance between Taijitu and the North Pacific.

1. Aware of the long and special relationship between Taijitu and the North Pacific, the two regions’ shared commitment to freedom, liberty, and democracy, and the kindred ties between them, the Regional Assembly of the North Pacific and the Ecclesia of the Citizens’ Democracy of Taijitu formalize this alliance of mutual defense and cooperation.

Section One - Establishment

1. The signatories will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty, and any legally enacted successor governments, as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
2. The signatories agree to maintain both on- and off-site embassies with each other.
3. The signatories agree to penalize willful violation of the other party’s rules for RMB posts on that party’s RMB should the other party allow embassy RMB posts.

Section Two - Security

1. If the sovereignty of either party is materially threatened, the other will respond with the implied or explicit consent of the aggrieved party.
2. The responding party will assist in coordination with the aggrieved party and in proportion to the grievance.
3. The signatories will collaborate militarily on request, according to established laws or policies.
4. Participation by the signatories on opposite sides of a military engagement that does not constitute an attack on either signatory's home region shall not be considered "military hostilities against one another" for this purpose.
5. The signatories will not in any way, direct or indirect, initiate or participate in espionage, subterfuge, or other clandestine operations against one another. For this purpose, a "clandestine operation" is one or more persons acting under false pretenses in one signatory's home region or regional forum at the direction of the other signatory's government without the knowledge of the affected signatory..
6. The signatories will share any intelligence relevant to the defense of the other party. If this intelligence relates to the North Pacific, it shall be provided to the Security Council of the North Pacific. If this intelligence relates to Taijitu, it shall be provided to the delegate of Taijitu.

Section Three - Cultural Cooperation

1. The signatories will endeavor to organize cultural events on the regional off-site forums or regional message board of one or the other party, with the goal of mutually enriching both communities.

Section Four - Amendment and Dissolution

1. This treaty may be amended by mutual consent through the normal ratification processes of the two signatories.
2. Either party shall give a week’s notice prior to withdrawing from the treaty.
3. Either party shall exhaust all reasonable diplomatic options before withdrawing from the treaty.

The Taijitu-North Pacific Alliance was proposed in the Ecclesia on Tonneral 07, AR 1 (March 03, 2015 OS).

The Taijitu-North Pacific Alliance was enacted by the Ecclesia on Ignal 02, AR 1 (March 28, 2015 OS).
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Offline Cormac

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Original Citizen-Liaison Act
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2015, 05:45:48 AM »

Quote from: Original Citizen-Liaison Act
1. Qualifications and Election
1. Any citizen of Taijitu may stand for election to the office of Citizen-Liaison.
2. An election for Citizen-Citizen-Liaison will be held when three months have passed since the last election, the Ecclesia chooses to hold an election by a majority vote, or the office of Citizen-Liaison is vacant.
3. No person may serve as Citizen-Liaison for more than two consecutive terms.
4. The Ecclesia may remove the Citizen-Liaison by a majority vote.

2. Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Citizen-Liaison will be responsible for managing Taijitu's community and community activity.
2. The Citizen-Liaison will be responsible for updating and maintaining the community guides.
3. The Citizen-Liaison will be responsible for establishing and running cultural events in the interest of community building.
4. The Citizen-Liaison will be responsible for welcoming new members to the forum, answering their questions and aid in their incorporation into the community.

3. Citizen-Guides
1. The Citizen-Liaison may appoint any number of citizen-guides to assist them in their powers, responsibilities, aid in community management and all associated activities.
2. The Citizen-Liaison may dismiss citizen-guides at any time.
3. The Ecclesia may remove any citizen-guide by a majority vote.

The Citizen-Liaison Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Ignal 09, AR 1 (April 04, 2015 OS).

The Citizen-Liaison Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Ignal 20, 1 AR (April 15, 2015 OS).
« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 09:04:45 PM by Wast »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order