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Author Topic: The Empire of Hughesists.  (Read 1433 times)

Offline Hughesi

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The Empire of Hughesists.
« on: April 01, 2007, 05:50:28 AM »

Full name: The Empire of Hughesi

Short name: Hughesi

Population: 745 million

Languages: English


Hughesist – 90.3%
Barbaric – 9.5%
Other – 0.2%

Government system: Once, the Hughesist Empire was a monarchial democracy, having a King and a senate. The Senate would handle it’s business while the King presided over with lucrative veto power. King Donald Hughes The 1st rarely used these vetoes since he didn’t find it really necessary to, but as soon as King Hughesi the 1st was assassinated leaving his home, his older son: John Hughes, took over as King. Then it became a dark age in the country’s time. Over time, the country was transformed into a monarchial dictatorship. Any bill that John didn’t like, he vetoed, and if the Senate disapproved, he ended up suspending their power. Yes this reign of terror would continue until the young son of King Donald the 1st, Donald Hughes the 2nd, began to raise an army and began planning a coup d’etat against his own brother. After a long civil war was fought between both sides, it came down to a duel between both brothers which ended in John being shot right in the neck by the new ruler of Hughesi. Emperor Donald ordered a proper burial for his brother and him and his army gloriously marched into Hughesinapolis where he gave a speech, saying that he was going to change the values and tradition that deprive the nation. Only time will tell.

Parties in Parliament
The Hughesist National Party - 100 seats
The Progressive Party – 30 seats
The Conservative Party – 1 seat.

Top Government Officials:
Emperor: Donald Hughes II
Nation Treasurer: Melvin Powell
Military General: General Charles Bronson
Chief of Healthcare: Terry Snow
Chief of Education: John Bush
Chief of Law Enforcement: Ryan Creedy
Chief of Immigration Commission: Sara Collins
Chief of Foreign Affairs: Jessica Garcia
Head of the Hughesist Senate: Richard Bakara

To Be Continued
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 09:55:14 AM by Hughesi »

Offline Hughesi

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Re: The Empire of Hughesists.
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 09:54:49 AM »