News: Citoyen reminder: Socioendangerment levels run from one to sixteen. Cooperation with mandatory sentencing from the Citoyen-Mediator may result in decreased rehabilitation length.
Description: The Security Council,Recognizing [region]The Invaders[/region] as a large and infamous raiding organization that enjoys bringing their reign of terror to innocent regions,Horrified that The Invaders have raided many native communities with the intention of destroying them including:[region]Social Liberal Union[/region][region]California[/region][region]Russia[/region][region]Zentari[/region][region]Sweden[/region][region]Warzone Airspace[/region][region]Singapore[/region][region]The North American Union[/region][region]Ireland[/region]Dismayed that The Invaders go beyond conventional raiding and have infiltrated this august body itself in order to promote its destructive ways,Appalled that The Invaders are part of an organization known as [region]The Invader Network[/region], which means that the ideology of The Invaders is spreading across the world at a very fast pace,Resolving that the World Assembly should condemn the form of raiding The Invaders perpetuate,Hereby condemns [region]The Invaders[/region].
Another Badge of Honor for another raider group.
And you're for it?
Do you hate my badge too?