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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Sept 16 2012  (Read 1448 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Sept 16 2012
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:36:27 PM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of the United Defenders League,

Ah, the sweet smell of education is in the air as students return to their studies for the year, newer defenders and raiders are introduced to training guides for the first time and, erm, older ones … well…

* @ABK asks stupid questions to TNI recruiter
<@ABK> I asked him about military gameplay and he showed me Nai's guide
<@ABK> so then I sent him "This defending sounds fun.  Does your region defend?"
<@Earth> You win.

Alas not everything can be so jovial and playful. We look somberly upon Strangereal and the events taking place there as the Land of Kings and Emperors and their allies have taken over the region and “piled” endorsements onto their respective invader delegate.

Wait… *refreshes the page* … this just in:

Arkinesia, long-time UDL Merryman, has restored his founder account in Strangereal and eliminated the threat to Strangereal! What a refreshing turn of events for the native community of Strangereal, the “UDL-LKE” war effort and the public’s confidence in the ability of imperialists to, well, imperialize.

Also, what an interesting choice of World Factbook Entry, Arkinesia (“Nice try, raiders. You shouldn't have $#%@ed with a region founded by a UDL member.”).

This comes on the heels of many other military successes for the Greenwood Band, striking defenses of Crimson Tide, Carpeinia, Continent of Pwned and The Sexiest Empire last night against the Black Riders and we held them to only one victory the night before (funny, I didn’t see them bragging about that one). During last week, we completed a boatload of detags and restoration missions, safely refounded Mariner Trench for the natives, liberated Defender Flag, helped the natives of Carta “password-protect” their region and defended Atheist Empire, The Skaian Initiative, The Islamic Republic of Iran and The Middle East against larger scale attacks.

Overall however, it’s been a very constructive week for the military.

* Solm has joined #osiris
<+Hy> if Jesus is to Christianity, who is to Judaism?
<@Earth> SOLM!
<+Neavilos> Solm is incorrect.
<+Wopruthien> no it's not Solm
<@Earth> XD
<+Neavilos> Uhhh
<+Hy> I thought it would be Moses
<+Solm> Solm is always right
<+SerMadJack> Erf has spoken.

Yes indeed, my second-in-command, Solm –is- awesome of biblical proportions. But if you need more proof on the matter, look no further than his coding work on the Gameplay Alignment Test.

Another project that the dynamic duo cooked up over the week, Gameplay Alignment Test identifies gameplayers’ ideological stance on the basis of two axes: one axis for military alignment and another for political alignment. You are absolutely welcome to take the test and I encourage you to tell your friends about it too. Some surprise results: EuroSoviets and Free4All sharing almost the exact same results (and taking the tests.. like a few seconds apart too, just to make it eerie), Balder’s Delegate and Vice Delegate sharing the same incredibly neutral result, Durkadurkiranistan and Tramiar butting heads for the most “raider” celebrity respondent and Assorro, Founder of Absolution (one of the most neutral and isolationist large UCRs probably –ever-), scoring a fairly defender-ish result.

Moving on! For our long-term followers, I’m sure they can remember back to our Special Holiday Update, right? Remember? It “warm[ed] the cockles of my promotional heart” to see Riemstagrad, one of our Senior Merrymen, promote the UDL using specific nation’s mottos? Well, I guess it tickled the cockles of some game moderators the wrong way and we got this gem instead:

Fortunately, this decision was reversed , so the World page is back to normal! But nonetheless, I thought the moderation take on the mottos was funny, so I decided to share it with you.

In other news, Sovreignry has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Sovreignry was one of our first Senior Merrymen and has been tirelessly defending with us since March, in addition to being a very helpful defender for newer defenders and an incredibly responsible and devoted individual. As I said in our private headquarters, I had no reservations when I promoted Sovreignry and I see him as having the values of a great leader, and I also see him as being one of the main contributors to our successes during our night-owl missions.

To Boriem:
<+Riemstagrad> someone with 'riem' in the name can't be bad :p

Nope, I don’t think Boriem is “bad” either, in fact, he seems like a rather nice and dedicated new recruit. Some other recruits that have joined us and have been strutting their stuff on the battlefield include, Cordessia, Estruia, Sri Tschow, Vitzenburg, Fanaglia, Thousandsuns,  Aldares,  Anitgrum,  Segland and Mercacano! I know I saw several of these new recruits, kicking butt the past few days during our military victories, so I hope it’s a start of something good for them. The United Defenders League also received a rather big shock this past week when St. George, our former Lieutenant, returned to the Greenwood Band with his quiver shouldered. Welcome back Georgie! This flood of new recruits also means … well…someone got the title of “sir” for their dedication to recruitment.

What else is there on the agenda? Erm, oh and Movie Night got postponed  because the Greenwood’s fearless leader was moving into University and his computer didn’t work and blah blah blah (sorry Blaat!). Also, I see, "Condemn The Ascendancy" (which I told you about last time) was put on hiatus by Cormac, in advance of significant redrafting. I’ll keep you updated on any future happenings on that issue. Lastly, a shout out goes to Astrolinium, one of our Senior Merryman, who’s new roleplay, Mery Men in Scherewode, has an admirable theme and I believe it is open for all to join.

*out of breath* Okay, I think that just about covers it. Here’s your Moment of Zen:

* Faransia  has joined #udl
<Faransia> Hi?
<Faransia> Hi?
<+johz> Hi?
<Faransia> Hi!
<+johz> Hi!
* Faransia Quit (Client Quit)
<+johz> ^Zen

Question for the Embassy: Are there any celebrities you’d like to see on the “celebrity” Gameplay compass that aren’t there already?