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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Oct. 25 2011  (Read 963 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Oct. 25 2011
« on: October 25, 2011, 05:04:58 AM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of the United Defenders League,

These past few weeks have been busy for the United Defenders League although the raider world was mostly congregated in the Proletariat Coalition and then Utopia and now Anarchy and Osiris. During these periods of high raider centralization our institution has to focus on building up its numbers and organizing to conduct these sorts of large missions. Missions were attempted several times in Utopia; many of us who observed the raid have a personal connection with Utopia, some helped to liberate it back when it was held by the Alliance of Dictators and I wrote and passed the initial liberation proposal.  I am glad to announce that although the Phantom Knights and the Alliance of Dictators tried to motion for the destruction of the region, the United Defenders League did finally liberate Utopia on Oct. 23. Coincidentally, the raiders were able to kick-ban the intended lead and it was the mission’s newbie who actually prevailed.  So congratulations to Grackalack!

Now if liberating Utopia wasn’t nostalgic enough for some of our members, liberating “A Liberal Haven” surely was:

<@Goobergunch> I've defended it in my ADN capacity -_-
<Unibot> o_0
<Unibot> Should be like old times then.
<@harmoneia> reminiscent ^_^

All jokes aside, we’re really happy A Liberal Haven’s oppressors were overthrown (on Canadian Thanksgiving too!) and the United Defenders League was able to quickly help that community get back on its feet.  The Black Hawks were outnumbered and overpowered by Merrymen and Rangers, 8-3 in successfully updated endorsements. Best of luck to A Liberal Haven in the future and the Dirty South and several other regions we defended over these past two weeks. But of course everyone’s attention is on the creation of Balder and Osiris, the game’s newest “sinker” regions.  We decided as an institution to enter Balder and secure some sort of stable framework for a native government.  Since any situation like Balder or Osiris will be a large power vacuum featuring military foreign forces in fierce competition, it ultimately takes some sort of organized movement of endorsements to empower the average resident in Balder or Osiris over the direction of their region. This couldn’t be done without cooperation from Europeia and many others who have also being doing a great job helping to safeguard the region in its early days. Furthermore, I’m happy to announce Balder’s elections for WA Delegate are almost done as I write this update; it looks like Luxembourg is going to be the first elected delegate of Balder by a landside vote, but nonetheless congratulations to whoever wins that electoral race. It was a ton of fun running Balder’s candidate’s debate and serving as Balder’s leader for these past few days, although I personally can’t wait to return “Robin Hood” to the Greenwood and continue the fight against the injustices of our world.

I'd like to officially welcome St. George and New Kervoskia to the Chiefs of Staff. St. George has been a merryman for a while and has been a great member, assisting us with those tedious minor updates; St. George has a lot of experience recruiting for his past regions and is looking forward to developing the Recruitment system for the United Defenders League as he takes on the position of Chief of Recruitment. New Kervoskia, former TNP delegate (and my former NS boss!) and well known bureaucrat from those circles has joined the Greenwood Band as our Chief of Feeder Affairs, essentially our Chief Herald will be conducting the usual embassy and treaty relations with feeders but New Kervoskia will act as a consultant on matters relevant to feeder politics. Feel free to reach New Kervoskia at his public office, here. We’ve also had some lovely new entries to the United Defender’s League in the past few days including: South Boston Irishmen, a well-known player from one of our consociates, United Kingdom and also Earth22 and Oliver the Menac—Mediocre, our resident bookworms and patrons of the Library. Best of luck to them in the organization!

Finally we’re going to have our movie night on Saturday, Oct. 29 22:00 EDT. The film will be “Robin Hood”, the Disney version which seems to be a bit of a cult classic. Yes it’s the one with the sexy talking fox *sniggers*.  As always our IRC military channel (#udl on Espernet) will be open to the public and all are invited for the movie night.

Quotation of the Update:

* +Ballotonia is using the nation Free4All. It's been a LONG time since that one has seen defender action.
<@Unibot> Holy shit.
<@Goobergunch> XD
* @Unibot bows.
<@Unibot> Not worthy.
<@Unibot> Not worthy.
<+Carta> rofl
<+Carta> ._.
<+Ballotonia> If only the battle could be fought in terms of nation population :p
<@Unibot> Hahahahaa.
<+Carta> lol
<@Goobergunch> Then I'd have to use Goobergunchia for everything =/
<+Carta> xd
<+Earth> xD
<@Unibot> I'd have to stop getting deleted. >_>

May Justice Never Be Abandoned,

Offline Gulliver

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Re: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Oct. 25 2011
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2011, 12:59:25 AM »
A great update as always! I am reminded how much I loved Robin Hood as a child.

Offline Unibot

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Re: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate -- Oct. 25 2011
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2011, 06:43:40 AM »
Yep, definitely one of my favorites as a kid. :)