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The United Nations,Recognising the adverse effects air pollution has on the environment,Determined to promote relations and cooperation in the field of environmental protection,Believing that member states have the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies,Also believing that member states have an obligation to ensure that activities within their jurisdictions do not cause damage to the environment of other States,Hereby:1. Defines “Air Pollution” as the non-natural introduction, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into the air resulting in deleterious effects of such a nature as to endanger health, harm living resources and ecosystems and material property and impair or interfere with amenities and other legitimate uses of the environment;2. Defines “transboundary air pollution” as air pollution whose physical origin is situated within the area under the national jurisdiction of one State and has adverse effects in the area under the jurisdiction of another State;3. Requires member nations to provide the UN Environmental Agency (UNEA) with meteorological, physico-chemical, and biological data relating to the effects of transboundary air pollution with a view to establishing a scientific basis for dose/effect relationships;4. Mandates the creation and maintenance of monitoring stations in member nations. The collection of data shall be carried out under the respective national jurisdictions of member nations;5. Tasks the International Meteorological Organisation with cooperating, as appropriate, in the collection and analysis of data;6. Charges the UNEA with the following:a. Creating and subsequently maintaining a list of air pollutants for international use,b. Establishing a standardised procedure for monitoring air pollutants that allows for effective comparison of data,c. Creating models utilising data collected from member nations in order to better understand the transmission of air pollutants and their transboundary fluxes,d. Assessing alternative economic, social, and environmental measures for attaining the objective of reducing transboundary air pollution,e. Providing education and training schemes related to the environmental consequences of air pollution,f. Acting as independent adjudication upon request if a member nation believes another to be responsible for environmental damages within their jurisdiction;g. Objectively assessing whether there is quantifiable environmental damage and whether a causal link between the accused nation(s) and any damage can be established based on collected data;h. Assigning liability for damages in cases where a causal link is established.7. States that nations found to be liable for damages by the UNEA shall either provide reparations equal to the resources required to remediate and prevent environmental damages within the aggrieved nation, or consult with the UNEA to establish an economically feasible timetable to reduce the emission of air pollutants;8. Requires member nations to provide the UNEA with notification of major changes in national policies and industrial development that will likely cause significant changes in transboundary air pollution;9. Urges member nations to create national, sub-regional, and regional strategies to combat and control air pollution beyond the confines of this resolution.Co-authored by Lots of Ants