"But surely many of Ryazania are tired of war, and tired of military occupation? Komm, mein Freund, surely you don't think there will be a civil war? For the time being, at least, many in Ryazania are tired of war, tired of guns and explosions in the night. And I am sure they are tired of all the communists that have recently been taking over their land. The only civil war I can foresee would be a purge of any who believed these communists, because South Ryazania, as I've heard, is fiercely capitalist and very nationalist, so any person who thinks a foreign communist is right, in my viewpoint, would be reason enough to exile them. But I get caught up in my personal matters. We must get back on topic here, shouldn't we? I still vehemently believe that these people can handle themselves. All they need is some economic boosting. Their main portion of the economy was war products and those were bombed. Therefore, they will need jobs, they will need money. We may be able to provide this, and once they see us in a more favorable light, they may open relations with us in the future, after they have settled into their own government."
Adolf added on to this, "For once, I agree with my friend here. Not in the fact that communists are the cause of strife in Ryazania, but in the fact that these people will be able to govern themselves. If we help them economically, we may train their police forces to instill order, we may help many infant or destroyed industries get back up on their feet. Surely we do not need many troops there, if at all," he added, noting Mikael's angry glare. "Perhaps having peacekeeping organizations in Southern Ryazania instead of soldiers? Organizations that are unarmed but help the nation regroup and reorganize?"