ooc: atm i see no profit in joining. You got nazi members that discriminate my people, and as far as i want to have good relations with Myroria, he just doesn't want it. I was hoping he could change his anti-delfian and nazi ideals so that this union would actually worth to continue to exist.
About the monetary zone, it exists in European Union. It's called Euro Zone. Countries in this euro zone have to comply with the Central Bank, their economies will be joint up for the common wealth, and countries actually have to comply with laws created by this commissions. Such laws can have environmental basis, for example, it would be impossible that Europeans could be blamed for the extinction of a specie like it happened with the white dolphin in China. More about economy: UK is in Euro Zone, they receive aid from the budget, the farmers and anyone that obtains aid are reason to profit and prosper both themselves and the countries inside Euro Zone. At a point i think UK should use Euro instad of their coin since they are in the Euro Zone. Would be more logical, if they do not wish to loose identity and profitable coin they should be OUT of the Euro Zone. What i mean is that UK profits for being in it without having Euro. But anyway, continuing, countries in Euro Zone have to pay the union so that the union can pay back. The countries cannot have a deficit larger than -3% or -0.3% (i cannot remember), if they have it 3 consecutive and gets worse they disrupt the aiding and their seat in the Euro Zone, but if it's getting better they give more aid so they take the deficit away. Bottom line, we all make sacrifices.
New Delfos might not have the best economy but at least we don't even have deficit last time i checked. So we would actually be lenders inside the Ardan Monetary Union Zone. We would be paying Myroria's xenophobism and other Myroria's spending. But since he doesn't even wish to have the coin nor give money to anyone i would suggest that he's taken away from the AMU Zone.
This leads me to the other part of the deal, the lack of sacrifice of such important nation in our continent (quite parallel to USA int he world), makes me believe there would not be any profit in joining, and the only worthy partnership i would find is Canada and Quebec, wich I already have a Coalition with, having economic and protection partnership. I don't wish another alliance with Canada, what we have is already strong and worthy. No need for a second.
I hope i expressed my view over the AU, i wish good luck and prosper of it, but i would rather that you all didn't allow inhuman things to happen.