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Author Topic: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus  (Read 2582 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« on: April 24, 2007, 06:58:11 PM »
Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
Those here who bring together this treaty, this document to craft allies with out friendship. The unification of Advisories is the greatest of all unities.  Those born of friendship are born of foolishness and lead to collapse and distrust as those who shall not unify do so for false reasons. This a treaty born of Alliance and not friendship does not fear the fall of things that are not impotent, and unification not by things that are false. This greatest goal is to bring together the greatest nations of this World to form a power in it that can not be pushed aside. The Greatest ages of our nations shall begin anew and lead to the greatest powers the United Advisories.
For this is Lunctus Consuasor Foedus

Article One -Formation of the Document
1.This document will become Ratified by the Signature of the undersigned Representative
   A. The Undersigning original Signatory shall not be forced into this Documentation by military    force or threats by another Undersigned Original Nation.
      1. Original Signatory shall be limited as the nations that signed on the original Date          that the document was first originated and not signed at any date after the original          Ratification of this military documentation
      2. Military Force shall be defined as threats of Violence against the Nation that is          signing or the person who is in representation. Military threat shall not be classified as          statements of threat by other nations causing harm onto a signatory who is not part of the       treaty and not undersigned.
   B. The Representative of the nation shall be recognized as to be speaking as the nation that they    are representing and that nation shall be held to follow those agreements that are stated in this    document.
       1. A Representative must come with the blessing and recognition  of the ruling body of          the national government they come from.
      2. The representative will be seen as fully responsible and knowledgeable of all items in       this documentation and declarations of otherwise shall not void this document.
   C. Ratification of this document will cause all clauses and Articles that are in this document to    come into immediate effect and can not be alter in any means other then those detailed in this    documentation.
2. The Formation of this Document shall be brought about by the Equal Negotiations and Peaceful negotiations of the founding nations. This document will be law in the nations and their acts international as soon as the ratification has been finalized. 

Article Two -Military Unity
1. Those Undersigned shall present a unified military front to those who stand against this organizations.
   A. They will unify the military forces of the nations Undersigned in the condition of a military    conflict both domestic and international. These forces will unite to bring a positive end for those    undersigned.
      1. This Unification is including and not limited to defensive campaigns, campaigns of          international intervention or campaigns of aggression.
      2. This Unity can be ended in the situation of agreement of the instigating nation, or in          the forced submission of the partner nation.
   B. In the situation of military campaigns involving nations that are undersigned against other    undersigned nation refer to lower Articles.

Article Three -Political Unification
1. Their will be no political unification by the nations that are undersigned.
   A. Governments or economies shall not have need for similarity nor shall come into bar for    importance in this document.
   B. The Views that the undersigned nation hold towards out side nations of this treaty shall not    be united by call of this treaty. Nations are not called to look on nations as friends if a    undersigned does, nor do they need to look on nation as enemies if an undersigned does.
2. This treaty will not call any form political unity or similarity beyond military front

Article Four -Military Installations
1. Military Installations for the use of allies shall be installed in the undersigned nations and military installations installed in the lands near the undersigned nations.
2. International Military installations will be installed by this organization in territories that are not near the undersigned for the reason of military response capability.
3. Air Craft and Navel Craft shall be allowed to land and temporarily base for the reason of refuel and refitting.
   A. The crew are only to be required access to the bare necessities they need for their short stay    and are not required to be allowed into sensitive areas.
   B. The nations of origin for the Crafts will be required to reimburse the nation of the base that    provided the refuel and refinement.

Article Five -Partnership of the Nations
1. The Partnership of the nations Undersigned is only in Military Situations and not to be extended into other areas.
2. Partnership in any form of non military force aid including weapon shipments and humanitarian aid to other nations that are not undersigned.
   A. Military Aid to Other Undersigned nations shall be limited to rebuilding after military    engagements where the nation that is sending the aid was the Instigator of the engagement.
   B. Humanitarian Aid to Undersign Nations by the Instigating nations to nations damaged by    those military engagements are not required by this document.

Article Six -Litigation of the Treaty
1. In case of disagreements the laws set down in this document shall be the final law in all disputes between undersigned.
   A. In a case between two nations over disagreements of the wording they shall each present a    case to be litigated upon by the longest standing member who is not in the disagreement.
   B. If Modifications of this treaty causes Statements that are in conflict against each other the    articles that are elder shall take presidency.
Article Seven -Modification of Treaty
1. Modification of this treaty will come by the resigning of the treaty by all Undersigned Nations.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 07:58:40 PM by Ranholn »
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 07:02:19 PM »
The Imperator Sat across from the other delegate, Around him were 2 dozen Praetorian, these were the greatest of the Irnotian Elite guards.

The Imperator looked ahead with cold eyes, Wearing the Toga of the Imperator, gold and silver lace covering him, at his side a Spatha sword, the other a side arm, and the Staff of the Imperator. "This document will be the start of a world military power not seen in this in this world since the peak of the ancient Empire. Let us start this great thing shall we"
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2007, 08:55:29 PM »
The door on the other of the room opened.
Stephen Crofts, the man who took down an empire, entered, as twenty armed Major-General guards followed him. The door slammed shut, cutting off the wind coming from the sea.

Crofts, in his usual white cotton shirt and black denim jacket starred at the Imperator, his sand blond hair given a glow buy the sea salt in the air. It wasn't a stare of hate or disgust, it was one of will.
The two men were searching each other's souls.
Crofts kept his eyes locked on the Imperator as he sat.

The two men's parties were also caught in the moment. The Praetorians and Major-Generals eyed each other. They both knew that they were on the same side here, or were about to be anyway. That didn't seem to matter as the two paramilitary units looked each other up and down. In an instant any of the forty-four men would have been ready to pull the trigger.
This was the true meaning of tension. Nothing that could be cut with a knife. This was something a chainsaw would have to go to work on.
"Finally, a man worth respecting" Crofts thought to himself.

Finally Crofts broke his stare, grabbing a pen, signing his name. He looked back up at the Imperator, leaned back in his chair and smiled.
"To peace, to friendship, to order and justice" he said.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2007, 09:25:38 PM »
“Well at least to order”

The Imperator signed, bringing the treaty into creation. “With this we unite two nation with no political agenda's o friendship, a treaty of pure military potential. May this lead to a closer military unity between our two nations”

Looking at the man he had just signed with, he was a much younger man, only about 10 years older then his eldest son. He learned about the civil disorder his nation had had for a bit, and how it was very secretly ended. A rather different way of handling things, it was much different then his own way of handling things.

He also knew that this was a  man who came to power by military strength, not a political manipulator or born into power, he took it with the end of a gun. The Imperator remembered when he was elected, he was the Dux of the Legion of Zeus, his entire life he was in the military. At least this man would not be afraid of what a war will need, of what military power truly means.
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2007, 02:42:04 PM »
"Order" Crofts responded, "is what will bring everything else together. Peace is the ultimate goal of mankind. I just believe that war is needed to bring peace."
"Now" he continued, "as a gesture of good faith I'm going to visit Irnotia with my General Staff to meet your Imperium. We'll discuss the specifics then."

The Lord Protector stood up and extended his hand for the Imperator to shake.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2007, 06:34:59 PM »
The Imperator Stands and grasps the Lord Protectorates fore arm in a tight grasp "I'm sure she would welcome you to her house, Ill show you around the great Empire of Augustus then"
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Offline Ryazania

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 08:20:22 PM »
OOC: When shall it be public?
Economic Left/Right: 9.65
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.37

Proud Constitutionalist

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2007, 11:46:27 PM »
OOC: When shall it be public?
OOC: As soon as Crofts arrives in Irnotia.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2007, 12:28:38 AM »
ooc: and that is now, the LCF has gone public
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Offline Novus Parco

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 12:37:24 AM »
To: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
From: Consul Titus Manlius and Field Marshal Cleomenes Valenso

Novus Parco is very interested in becoming a part of Lunctus Consuasor Foedus. If you are interested in our country joining the alliance, contact us immediately. If it is in your interest for us to join, we shall be on a jet to mother Irnotia within hours.

Power to the strong!
" De l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace! "
" Attack, advance, and attack again! Never hold ground! "
" You are only defeated when you admit it. Hence, never admit defeat. "

Quotes from Field Marshal Cleomenes.

Offline Prydania

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2007, 01:06:34 AM »
To: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
From: Consul Titus Manlius and Field Marshal Cleomenes Valenso

Novus Parco is very interested in becoming a part of Lunctus Consuasor Foedus. If you are interested in our country joining the alliance, contact us immediately. If it is in your interest for us to join, we shall be on a jet to mother Irnotia within hours.

Power to the strong!

To: Consul Titus Manlius and Field Marshal Cleomenes Valenso
From: Deputy Consul of Foreign Affairs Pail Jennings

The Commonwealth greatly anticipates your Republic's entry into the LCF alliance. Consul of Foreign Affairs Destler has re-routed his jet to Irnotia to join Lord Protector Crofts. Your presence to formalize your membership in the alliance will be greatly anticipated.

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2007, 09:53:54 PM »
To: Lunctus Consuasor Foedus
From: Emperor Nathaniel Cordré of Feniexia

We are interested in your treaty; although, we partially disagree with Article Four. Maybe we can debate about it.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2007, 10:04:07 PM by Nathaniel »