News: Let us become steel shields that defend the ideals of the Glorious Revolution and Taijituan democracy!
An August to RememberSenator Karpathos (left) and Rotcjagman, Director of the D.S.A. (Right) shake hands after the conclusion of peace negotiations4 September, 2007Francograd, The Pacific-For four years nations across the globe have thrust upon themselves the burden of a war spanning both time and geography. From the watchful shores of Pacifica to the eternal throne of the Dead in The Rejected Realms, nations have bled into the sea for their motherlands. For four years two worlds collided and the destruction they wrought ravished all who gazed into its violent core. Today justice has triumphed and the war has been forever chained to the prison cell of history. In negotiations between the government of The Pacific and the directorate of the Defender Security Alliance peace was achieved as conflicts from the ancien regimes were settled. Senator Karpathos of The Pacific and Director rotcjagman along with Guardian SWATH of the D.S.A. concluded a diplomatic summit with an official state apology from the D.S.A. for all past transgressions against The Pacific exercised by the Alliance Defense Network (A.D.N.) and ecognition of the New Pacific Order, since its first inception, as the sovereign government of The Pacific and Francos Spain as the first legitimate delegate. QuoteAfter an extended review of the facts and conditions surrounding the NPO and DSA's relationship; the DSA Government has come to the decision to make this statement, the DSA Government officially, openly, and willfully apologies for all unjust transgressions toward the NPO. Further the DSA Government officially recognizes the NPO from its first inception along with recognizing Francos Spain as the first Legitimate Delegate of the NPO. As the new Director of the DSA, I authorize this statement as an official document to the NPO from the DSA.-SignedRotcjagman, Director (Leader) Defender Security AllianceThe announcement was welcomed with thunderous applause from Pacifican citizens and old foes alike as they hailed the arrival of an age of peace, strength, and prosperity in The Pacific and her new ally. No more must governments defend their sovereignty . No more must governments commit themselves to proxy-wars. No more must governments drape their aggression in a deceitful blanket of red velvet. No more must governments brandish swords instead of carrying the pen of diplomacy. ----Written by New KervoskiaEditor of The Pacific Post - If We Didn't Write It, It's a Lie!Copyright 2007, The Pacific Post. All rights reserved
After an extended review of the facts and conditions surrounding the NPO and DSA's relationship; the DSA Government has come to the decision to make this statement, the DSA Government officially, openly, and willfully apologies for all unjust transgressions toward the NPO. Further the DSA Government officially recognizes the NPO from its first inception along with recognizing Francos Spain as the first Legitimate Delegate of the NPO. As the new Director of the DSA, I authorize this statement as an official document to the NPO from the DSA.-SignedRotcjagman, Director (Leader) Defender Security Alliance