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News: The arteries of Taijitu run not with blood, but with kittens!

Author Topic: TNP Updates  (Read 7787 times)

Offline Romanar

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2007, 09:21:36 PM »
Court of The North Pacific

- A temporary break was announced in the trial of The TNP vs. Emperor Matthius due to RL health issues of the presiding judge:

The Court announces a temporary break due to health issues of the presiding judge. The participants will be notified as soon as the trial can be resumed

We wish Mr.Gaunt well, and look forward to his good health.

Isn't that our very own Durina (or however you spell his name?)

Correct.  Emperor Matthius is Durnia.

Offline Templarios

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2007, 10:36:41 PM »
Ohhh, why is he on trial?
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

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Offline Algerianbania

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2007, 03:38:38 AM »
That would be correct. He overtook the Del of TNP, which an uproar of anger from the citizens, who began to spam the forum and the shout box of the region with Anti-Matty propaganda. Some people actually got banned. Funny story about that actually.... ::)
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline kor

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2007, 03:40:24 AM »
He used his UN to seize the Delegacy there.

Edit: Answered it before me. >_>

Offline falconkats

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2008, 05:18:34 AM »

The North Pacific Update
3 January, 2008

UN Delegate: The Salty Dogs of Great Bights Mum
UN Delegate Elect: The North Pacific Kingdom of Lewis and Clark
Regional Power: Extremely High
The North Pacific contains 3,564 nations.

Happy New Year to all our friends throughout NationStates!  We hope that your holidays were the best ever.

Election Results

Voting Closed at 2359 on January 2, 2008 with the results posted by the Election Commissioner:

For UN Delegate:
*Lewis and Clark - 8
*Galapagos Isle - 3
*John Ashcroft Land - 5

For Speaker of the Regional Assembly:
*Grosseschnauzer - 9
*Poltsamaa - 6

For the Council of Lower Officers (aka CLO - there are Three positions available):
*Joshua - 8
*mr. sniffles - 11
*Romanoffia - 12
*Slash - 1

Speaker Grosseschnauzer thanked the region for it's support of his re-election bid, stating:

I want to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Regional Assembly who voted in these elections and thank them for voting to re-elect me to a full term as the Speaker of the Regional Assembly.

This has been a difficult period with the Assembly's decision to change the basic laws of the region and the need for the Regional Assembly, together with the Delegate, the new Council of Lower Officials, and the Court to fashion how the Region will govern itself in the days ahead.

There is much the Assembly needs to do and I will do my upmost to assure that the work of the Assembly is carried out is an inclusive and fair manner.

Delegate Elect Lewis and Clark also thanked the region for it's support, and added special thanks to outgoing Delegate Great Bights Mum for her dedication and service to the region:

I want to thank you for your confidence in me to serve as the region's UN Delegate during this first term of office of our new Constitution. I am humbled, and with a new Constitution and government I beleive that we have a fresh opportunity for the region.

As GS has noted, the Constitution has left us with much work to be done. And I look forward to working with the new Cabinet, the Speaker, the CLO, the RA, the Judicial Branch, and everyone else towards making The North Pacific an active and vital NationStates region once again.

I expect that you are anxious to hear my announcement of the new Cabinet, and I am working to assemble my team as I speak. I have spoken to some of you already, and have yet to speak with some others. My priorities for the Cabinet are to ensure that they will be actively engaged in their posts, and hopefully combine a good mix of experience and abilities. I am also focused on seeking those out that are willing to be creative, inventive, and flexible to bring interest and activity to the region.

As my first priorities, I will be focusing on finalizing and assembling this team, as well as working on the delegacy transfer. I hope you will be patient as we make this transition.

Again, to each and every one of you, thank you.....and Congratulations on a New Year of Hope for The North Pacific !

Please join me in thanking Great Bights Mum for her service and dedication to TNP as UN Delegate. She has given us smooth sailing and favorable winds during her tenure, and in doing so provided us all with the opportunity to move forward from buearucratic stagnation to a new beginning.

The North Pacific Regional Assembly

After the conclusion of preliminary and formal debate, two proposed laws are currently up for vote in the Regional Assembly.  Voting on the proposals closes on January 8th:

*Proposed Law on Proxy Server Usage

*Proposed Law on Election Dates

Formal discussion and debate continues on proposals for a Law on the Power of Expulsion and a Law on Regional Assembly Membership.

The UN Delegate

With no one voting, Delegate Great Bights Mum voted against the UN Resolution: Abolition of Slavery.

Since I didn't like the trade restriction clause, I voted nay.

External Affairs

We would like to remind our friends that The North Pacific provides space on our forum for regions to advertise and recruit.  Please read the FAQ before posting.  Registration on our forum is not required for this public service.


Interim Chief Justice Mr. Gaunt has returned from his absence, and called for the continuation of the Trial of TNP vs. Emperor Matthuis.  However, with the office of Attorney General current vacant due to the extended unannounced absence of Monte Ozarka, procedings are unlike to resume until the new government has appointed a new AG.  Emeror Matthuis also noted:

I will be absent for the next two weeks due to exams, Pierconium will hopefully be there in my absence.


"I just know that regardless of your final vacation destination for the summer, i'll most certainly be living vicariously through your experiences until i can experience them myself."
- Rocketman

"I am fickle and fiendish, be warned!"
- Democratic Donkeys

And so closes this edition of The North Pacific Update
Former Deputy Minister of Justice of the North Pacific
Former Deputy MoCE----The North Pacific
Member of Board of Regents TNPU
Knight Order of Gryphons
Co-Ambassdor to Merit, ACCEL, Gatesville, Equilism, Rejected Realms, Uroca

We Falconkats have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Falconkats: the finest soldiers the world has ever known.

Offline Felasia

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2008, 10:35:25 AM »

The North Pacific Update
21 January, 2008
UN Delegate: The Salty Dogs of Great Bights Mum
UN Delegate Elect: The North Pacific Kingdom of Lewis and Clark
Regional Power: Extremely High
The North Pacific contains 3,319 nations.

The Cabinet

Delegate-Elect Lewis and Clark has made the following appointments to fill the new Cabinet.  Deputies have also been recommended by Cabinet members, with approval of the Delegate-Elect.

Defense and Security: Dalimbar
Interregional Affairs: Vrtbovska Zahrada
Justice: New Kervoskia
---Deputy: John Ashcroft Land
Internal Affairs: Joshua
---Deputy: Outer Kharkistania - SpamBusters
---Deputy: Thanne - The North Pacific Wire
---Deputy: Democratic Donkeys - Arts and Entertainment
---Deputy: Freakvl - UN Recruitment

The Delegate-Elect also appointed a Vice Delegate - Great Bights Mum

Additional appointments may be forthcoming.

Regional Assembly

The Regional Assembly has been busy addressing several issues, and has passed significant legislation.

- PASSED: Law on Election Dates

- PASSED: Law on Proxy Server Usage

- FAILED:  Law on Power of Expulsion

- PASSED: Law on Regional Assembly Membership

- Flemingovia introduced a proposal to ensure no safe refuge for forum griefers in The North Pacific.  The proposal has recieved a positive reaction.

- In an effort to futher efforts against forum destroyers in NationStates, Delegate-Elect Lewis and Clark has signed the COPS Treaty and introduced it to the Regional Assembly.  Full membership in the treaty will require passage of legislation to enforce the treaty in TNP.

- Speaker Grosseschnauzer has brought the matter of vacancy in the Judiciary to the attention of the RA, as well as a vacancy in the University Regents.  A Special Election is expected to fill those vacancies.

- Now that the RA has a memberhsip procedure in place, Speaker Grosseschnauzer is preparing threads for current RA members to post the new Oath of office, and for new applicants to apply.

UN Delegate

- The Delegacy transition process continues, as the gap between the sitting Delegate and the Delegate-Elect closes.

UN Resloution Votes:

On "'RBH' Replacement", the vote was 2 - 0 in favor, the Delegate voted Aye.

On "Territorial Waters", the vote was 4 - 1 in favor, the Delegate voted Aye.

Interregional Affairs

- A change has been made in policy regarding Embassies and Consulates.  Instead of signing an agreement to establish an Embassy, all are advised of the following Statement of Intent:

Embassies and Consulates exchanged with The North Pacific do not represent an agreement of Political or Military Alliance or relationship.  Embassies and Consulates may have their status upgraded or downgraded, and they may be closed by TNP Interregional Affairs at any time, and for any reason.

Establishment of an Embassy or Consulate in The North Pacific, signifies understanding and agreement with this statement of intent.

Please note that current Consulates will be upgraded to Embassies, unless otherwise desired.

- Relations between The North Pacific and Gatesville have been re-established with the re-opening of Embassies between the regions.  We look forward to renewed relations.

- Embassies have been exchanged between The North Pacific and The Last Kingdom.


- A policy of Reintegration Appeals has been instituted:

The North Pacific has changed. There is a new constitution, new laws, new people - same kvetching, but that's a constant in NationStates. One thing that is often forgotten is that people change. A traitor can become a patriot and a vice versa. I will use Fulhead as an example. Fulhead was once a criminal but now he's...Fulhead.

All that is required is the chance and the will to be reintegrated. It is with that idea in mind that I announce that all nations who have had charges levied against them by the Attorney General, past or present, are permitted to come to my office to have their cases reviewed. If they meet the criteria, I will drop the past charges and they will receive a formal apology from the Attorney General's Office.

You must meet at least two of the following:
Lengthy and drawn-out trial
Ejected from The North Pacific
Have made positive contributions to an adopted region*
Your case will not be considered if you:
Have violated the invisionfree TOS
Have been involved in forum griefing
Confuse its with it's

Attorney General of The North Pacific

Court of The North Pacific

- Charges in the trial of The TNP vs. Emperor Matthius have been dropped by New Kervoskia:

As the new Minister of Justice/Attorney General, the prosecution hereby drops all charges brought forth against Emperor Matthuis.

- Mesian filed an appeal with the Court regarding his previous Trial.  New Kervoskia issued this statement on the matter:

From the Office of the Ministry of Justice
15 January, 2008

The Ministry of Justice seeks to correct the mistakes of cruel constitutionality and therefore drops all charges brought forth against Mesian in TNP v Mesian. The policy and procedures of the previous court render the trial unreliable.

Internal Affairs

- Internal Affairs has established a new region policy regarding Foreign Advertisements on the TNP RMB.

Regulation/Guidelines on Foreign Advertisements

To preserve the Regional Message Board (RMB) of The North Pacific as a venue of communication for native citizens, yet at the same time understanding game-rules on the permission of foreign advertising in the feeders, the Delegate of The North Pacific enacts as follows:

1) The maximum number of lines permitted in an advertisement shall be 15 lines.

2) Advertisements with ASCII art shall also be banned from being posted on our Regional Message Board.

3) Advertisements that are in all capital letters will not be permitted to be posted on our RMB.

4) RMB spam will include any posts that violate articles 1 - 3.

5) The first offense shall require that the offending ad be posted in the RMB Spam Warning Center and the information to be sent to the UN Delegate. A verbal warning advisory shall be issued to the offending nation.

6) The second offense will entail a telegramed warning explaining the results of continued violation.

7) The third offense will result in the offending nation being ejected and banned from The North Pacific when caught.

8) Continued violations will result in a diplomatic protest to the region of origin and/or possible sanctions against said region.

- The North Pacific Wire, official news service of The North Pacific is back in business !  Additionally, advertising opportunities are being prepared, so if you are looking for another way to promote your region or organization, contact Thanne.

- SpamBusters have been busy combating AdSpam on our Regional Message Board.  Those recruiters that are found in violation of our policies are contacted and asked to please comply.  And everyone is welcome to contribute to posting non-advertising messages on the RMB. Help keep TNP's RMB AdSpam free !

Special Note

Rocketman is now less than one week from heading off to Basic Training. We wholeheartedly wish him the best of luck !  *applauds*


"We require full assimilation, given willingly. Resistance is not necessary."
- Dunyastan

"Flem, you're a friggin' gee-nee-us! 
I've always wanted to do Shakespear. (No. Not like that!)"
-  Darkesia


"I call on the attorney general to condemn the actions against my person by Ivan Moldavi, then styled "the Minister" and the then minister of Liberty, and to apologise on behalf of the region to me. It would be nice if you would also wear a hair shirt for a week. "

New Kervoskia:
"I won’t, however, wear a hair shirt because I don’t even wear pants. "

And so closes this edition of The North Pacific Update

Offline JALbatross

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2008, 12:33:14 AM »

The North Pacific Update
3 March, 2008

Regional Power: Extremely High
The North Pacific contains 3,923 nations.

The Regional forum is located here:

The IRC channel is here:

Directory of TNP Officials

The Delegate: His Benevolent Majesty, The Crimson King, Lewis and Clark
Vice Delegate: Lord Nàstic(tm)

The High Council

Defense and Security: Lord Marshal General Adyndril
Interregional Affairs: Lord Ambassador General Big D Baby
Attorney General: Lord Advocate General Agamemnon
Interior Affairs: Lord Commissioner General John Ashcroft Land (aka Montana Max)
The House of Lords Presiding Officer: Lord Governor General Grimlock

Excitement Abounds in the North

After instituting the new Crimson Order, participation has been high within all ranks of government. As a citizen, each member nation of the North Pacific has a right - some say, duty - to become a member of the House of Lords, the body representing the voice of the people. Over the last several weeks, Lords have been discussing how this body should function and how best it can serve the interests of the region. In only a few weeks time, this body has grown to include 22 members as of this posting. New players and old are flocking to join the House of Lords and be a part of the change that's happening in the North Pacific.

And that's not all that's going on in The North Pacific. Click on any of the below links to see all of the interesting things there are to do and see in the North Pacific.The King and the High Council are focused on ensuring activity levels remain high, member nations and foreign dignitaries have fun, and our enemies are met with destroying pincers.

We look forward to providing you with the going's on in the North Pacific in the weeks to come.

Thank you

Offline Durnia

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2008, 12:45:13 AM »

Nobody of importance.

Offline Allama

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2008, 02:52:14 PM »
Thanks for the update!  It's always good to hear about what's going on in TNP - arguably the most interesting region in NS to stare at from afar.  ;D

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: TNP Updates
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2008, 12:29:49 AM »
Although in this case I'm not so sure what I hear is good...
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