News: Citoyen reminder: Socioendangerment levels run from one to sixteen. Cooperation with mandatory sentencing from the Citoyen-Mediator may result in decreased rehabilitation length.
Calypso is the second closest planet to Daedalus. It is our version of Saturn, except the rings aren't as spectacular as the latter's. It is also very hot, hotter than Venus, but not as hot as Althea.
Hot Jupiters (also called roasters, pegasids, Pegasi planets or Pegasean planets) are a class of extrasolar planets whose mass is close to or exceeds that of Jupiter (1.9 × 1027 kg), but unlike in our own solar system, where Jupiter orbits at 5 AU, the planets referred to as Hot Jupiters orbit within approximately 0.05 AU of their parent stars. In comparison, a Hot Jupiter is about eight times closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun.
A Chthonian planet (sometimes misspelled Cthonian), is a hypothetical class of celestial objects resulting from the stripping away of a gas giant's hydrogen and helium atmosphere.
Completely possible.