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Author Topic: Legislative Index  (Read 32979 times)

Offline Cormac

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Advisory Council Act
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2015, 06:56:00 AM »
This Act has been repealed by the Ecclesia and is no longer in force.
Quote from: Advisory Council Act
1. Composition
1. The Advisory Council will be comprised of the Citizen-Delegate, Citizen-Initiator, Citizen-Liaison, and Citizen-Sergeant.
2. All officers will be limited to holding a single office of the Advisory Council at a time.

2. Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Advisory Council will advise the Ecclesia in regard to executive policy.
2. The Advisory Council will hold regular meetings to discuss and address matters on the executive agenda, which will include any matter any officer wishes to discuss. The minutes of such meetings will be provided to the Ecclesia.
3. The Advisory Council may, by majority vote, invite other officials to participate in its meetings. Only officers of the Advisory Council may vote on Advisory Council matters.
4. The Advisory Council may, by majority vote, set policy in regard to any matter that involves more than one office of the Advisory Council. Such policy may be amended or repealed by the Ecclesia.
5. Agreements negotiated by the Citizen-Delegate or citizen-diplomats with other regions or organizations will only be submitted to the Ecclesia following a majority vote of the Advisory Council in favor.
6. The Advisory Council will deliver comprehensive reports on the progress of executive initiatives to the Ecclesia during the months of Ventaire, Boisaire, Gaïôse, Tonneral, Sidéral, and Cielidor.

The Advisory Council Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Ignal 11, AR 1 (April 06, 2015 OS).

The Advisory Council Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Ignal 23, AR 1 (April 18, 2015 OS).

The Advisory Council Act was repealed on July 24th 2016
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 11:21:12 PM by Khem »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Ecclesia Procedure Act
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2015, 10:09:51 AM »
Quote from: Ecclesia Procedure Act
1. Legislative Procedure
1. Any citizen of Taijitu may introduce a proposal before the Ecclesia. A proposal will go to vote after a mandatory consideration period of three days.
2. Following the mandatory consideration period, a proposal will proceed to vote after a motion to vote has been made by any citizen and seconded by any additional citizen.
3. Any proposal at vote before the Ecclesia will remain at vote for five days.
4. For time sensitive matters related to foreign or military affairs, the Citizen-Initiator may waive the mandatory consideration period or expedite the voting period, at the request of the Citizen-Delegate for foreign affairs matters or the Citizen-Sergeant for military affairs matters.
5. Citizens may vote Aye, in favor of a proposal; Nay, against a proposal; or Abstain, indicating a vote neither in favor of nor against the proposal but that one has participated in the vote.
6. Unless otherwise mandated by law, all votes of the Ecclesia will be determined by simple majority vote. The result of any vote will be determined by taking into account only citizens who have voted and discounting abstentions cast in the vote.

2. Election Procedure
1. The offices of Citizen-Delegate, Citizen-Steward, Citizen-Sergeant and Citizen-Initiator will be considered elected offices.
2. The election period for any elected office will begin with a three day period for nominations and declarations of candidacy, followed by a seven day period for voting.
3. An election for an elected office will be held if three months have passed since the last election for the office, the Ecclesia chooses to hold an election for the office by majority vote or the office is vacant.
4. Any citizen may stand as a candidate in such an election.
5. Elections will be held using the two-round system with a majority threshold.
6. Citizens may vote for one eligible candidate who has submitted candidacy, may vote to re-open nominations, or may abstain from voting. Abstentions will count only toward participation in an election but will not count for or against a majority.
7. Any tie during any election will be broken randomly. If the option to re-open nominations receives a plurality of votes, nominations will be re-opened for five more days.
8. Should an election period extend beyond expiration of an elected official's term, the incumbent elected official will remain in office until the election period has concluded.
9. No person may hold an elected office for more than two consecutive terms.
10. Any citizen may administer a regularly-scheduled election.
11. No person may hold more than one elected office concurrently.
12. Any election not held according to schedule must be approved by an Ecclesia vote, after which it may be administered by any citizen.
13. The candidate for whom a citizen has voted in any election will not be publicly visible and citizens will be permitted to change their votes while voting is ongoing.

The Ecclesia Procedure Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Ignal 09, AR 1 (April 04, 2015 OS).

The Ecclesia Procedure Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Ignal 25, AR 1 (April 20, 2015 OS).

The Ecclesia Procedure Act was amended on Sidéral 16, AR 1 (May 12, 2015 OS).

The Ecclesia Procedure Act was amended again on Lacidor 17, AR 1 (June 21, 2015 OS).

The Ecclesia Procedure Act was amended on July 24th 2016
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 11:17:09 PM by Khem »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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The Tomato Treaty
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2015, 06:11:00 AM »
Quote from: The Tomato Treaty
The Tomato Treaty
A Treaty of Friendship and Amity between Taijitu and The East Pacific


The sovereign regions of Taijitu and The East Pacific, as governed democratically by the Ecclesia of Taijituan citizens and the Concordat of The East Pacific, are independent regions. Recognizing the sovereign right of both parties to maintain a military furthering the region’s security and foreign policy and respecting the sovereignty of our own regions, our allies, and all regions in NationStates we join as friends in this treaty.

Article One
1. The parties agree to maintain a mutual embassy relationship, onsite and offsite.
2. The parties agree to penalize willful violation of the other party’s rules for RMB posts on that party’s RMB, should the other party allow embassy RMB posts.
3. From time to time, the parties will organize cultural events on the regional offsite forums or RMB of one or the other party.

Article Two
1. If the sovereignty of a party is threatened by outside forces, the other party will assist proportionately in coordination with and by the consent of the threatened party.
2. Military activity in another region does not constitute extension of the region’s sovereignty.
3. The parties will collaborate militarily on request when their forces are not otherwise needed.
4. Cooperation may only be requested for operations consistent with Article Three, other agreements entered into by the requested party, and the requested party’s regional law.

Article Three
1. The parties, recognizing the overriding principles of respect for regional sovereignty, diplomatic integrity, and interregional cooperation, pledge to one another to hold faith with all their treaties and behave honorably with their diplomatic partners.

Article Four
1. If either party breaks the treaty, the other party may warn them of this.
2. Any violation of the treaty, however, is grounds for termination.
3. Either party may withdraw from the treaty with seven days’ notice.

Article Five
1. This treaty may be amended by mutual consent, through the normal ratification processes of the two parties.

The Tomato Treaty was proposed in the Ecclesia on Ignal 03, AR 1 (March 29, 2015 OS).

The Tomato Treaty was enacted by the Ecclesia on Ignal 30, AR 1 (April 25, 2015 OS).

The Tomato Treaty was amended by the Ecclesia on Sidéral 09, AR 1 (May 05, 2015 OS).
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 12:11:48 PM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Citizenship Act
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2015, 12:01:34 PM »
Quote from: Citizenship Act
1. Repeal of Previous Law
1. Legislation Concerning Citizenship is hereby repealed.

2. Admittance to Citizenship
1. All persons who held citizenship prior to enactment of this Act will continue to maintain citizenship until such is legally removed under the terms of this Act.
2. Applicants for citizenship may only be admitted to citizenship if they have a nation residing in Taijitu, if they have properly completed the citizenship application, and if they have passed a security check conducted by forum administration.
3. The citizenship application will require applicants to disclose their nation in Taijitu, current regional and organizational affiliations in NationStates, and any other NationStates identities or aliases previously or currently in use by the applicant.
4. The citizenship application will require applicants to swear the following oath of citizenship:

Quote from: Oath of Citizenship
I, [forum name], in sound mind and good conscience, do hereby declare my loyalty to the Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu and to the principles of the Glorious Revolution. I swear to respect and uphold the Constitution and the laws adopted by the Ecclesia. I recognize that should I break my oath I shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and that my citizenship may be forfeit.

3. Removal of Citizenship
1. The Citizen-Initiator will remove a person's citizenship if that person's nation in Taijitu has relocated to another region or ceased to exist, unless the nation is restored within seven days after relocation or ceasing to exist or prior to any election period.
2. A person's citizenship may be removed by simple majority vote of the Ecclesia, and may only be reinstated by simple majority vote of the Ecclesia if removed in such manner.

The Citizenship Act was proposed in the Ecclesia on Ignal 26, AR 1 (April 21, 2015 OS).

The Citizenship Act was enacted by the Ecclesia on Sidéral 08, AR 1 (May 04, 2015 OS).
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Taijitu-International Northwestern Union Treaty
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2015, 07:34:24 PM »
Quote from: Treaty of Friendship and Amity Between Taijitu and the International Northwestern Union
Treaty of Friendship and Amity Between Taijitu and the International Northwestern Union

The sovereign regions of Taijitu and International Northwestern Union, as governed democratically by the Ecclesia of Taijituan citizens and the Northwestern Federal Assembly (NFA) of the International Northwestern Union, are independent regions. Recognizing the sovereign right of both parties to maintain a military furthering the region’s security and foreign policy and respecting the sovereignty of our own regions, our allies, and all regions in NationStates we join as friends in this treaty.

Article One
1. The parties agree to maintain a mutual embassy relationship, onsite and offsite.
2. The parties agree to penalize willful violation of the other party’s rules for RMB posts on that party’s RMB, should the other party allow embassy RMB posts.
3. From time to time, the parties will organize cultural events on the regional offsite forums or RMB of one or the other party.

Article Two
1. If the sovereignty of a party is threatened by outside forces, the other party will assist proportionately in coordination with and by the consent of the threatened party.
2. Military activity in another region does not constitute extension of the region’s sovereignty.
3. The parties will collaborate militarily on request when their forces are not otherwise needed.
4. Cooperation may only be requested for operations consistent with Article Three, other agreements entered into by the requested party, and the requested party’s regional law.

Article Three
1. The parties, recognizing the overriding principles of respect for regional sovereignty, diplomatic integrity, and interregional cooperation, pledge to one another to hold faith with all their treaties and behave honorably with their diplomatic partners.

Article Four
1. If either party breaks the treaty, the other party may warn them of this.
2. Any violation of the treaty, however, is grounds for termination.
3. Either party may withdraw from the treaty with seven days’ notice.

Article Five
1. This treaty may be amended by mutual consent, through the normal ratification processes of the two parties.

The Treaty of Friendship and Amity Between Taijitu and the International Northwestern Union was proposed in the Ecclesia on Sidéral 06, AR 1 (May 02, 2015 OS).

The Treaty of Friendship and Amity Between Taijitu and the International Northwestern Union was enacted by the Ecclesia on Sidéral 16, AR 1 (May 12, 2015 OS).
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 07:39:25 PM by Cormac »
Cormac Sethos
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order

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Re: Legislative Index
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2015, 02:48:43 AM »
Quote from: The Bethany Accords
The Bethany Accords
A treaty of friendship between Taijitu and Lazarus

The sovereign regions of Taijitu and Lazarus, as governed democratically by the open legislatures of the respective regions, are independent and sovereign. The two regions share citizens, political and military interests, and directly-democratic forms of government. Recognizing these similarities, as well as the friendship between the two regions’ peoples, they hereby enact the following treaty of amity and friendship.

Article One
1. The parties agree to maintain a mutual embassy relationship, onsite and offsite.
2. The parties agree to penalize willful violation of the other party’s rules for RMB posts on that party’s RMB, should the other party allow embassy RMB posts.
3. From time to time, the parties will organize cultural events on the regional offsite forums or RMB of one or the other party.

Article Two
1. If the sovereignty of a party’s legitimate government is threatened, the other party will assist proportionately in coordination with and by the consent of the threatened party.
2. Military activity in another region does not constitute extension of the region’s sovereignty.
3. The parties will collaborate militarily on request when their forces are not otherwise needed.
4. Cooperation may only be requested for operations consistent with Article Two, other agreements entered into by the requested party, and the requested party’s regional law.

Article Three
1. Any violation of this treaty is grounds for immediate termination.
2. Either party may withdraw from the treaty with seven days’ notice.

Article Four
1. This treaty may be amended by mutual consent, through the normal ratification processes of the two parties.

The Bethany Accords were proposed by the Ecclesia on Sidéral 28, AR 1 (May 24, 2015 OS).
The Bethany Accords were enacted by the Ecclesia on Lacidor 22, AR 1 (June 17, 2015 OS).

Offline Wast

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Re: Legislative Index
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2015, 02:53:45 AM »
Quote from: The Tea-Cake Concordat
The Tea-Cake Concordat

The sovereign regions of Spiritus and Taijitu, recognising their shared democratic ideals, gameplay interests, and social communities, hereby join together to ratify this treaty of friendship and cooperation:

Article 1 - Diplomacy and Recognition

1.1. The Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu and the Elemental Republic of Spiritus hereby recognise each other as the legitimate government of Taijitu and Spirius. Such recognition shall extend to any lawful successor governments thereto. The signatories shall be referred to as 'Taijitu' and 'Spiritus' respectively.

1.2. The signatories vow never to engage in nor support any actions that threaten the sovereignty, security or political independence of the recognised government of the other signatory. As such, each signatory renounces any right to engage in clandestine, espionage or other spying operations against the other signatory.

1.3. Each signatory shall open and maintain embassies, both through on the NationStates website and on their respective off-site forums, for the use of the other signatory.

1.4. The signatories shall ensure they send a representative to staff their off-site embassies at all times.

Article 2 - Military, Security and Intelligence

2.1. The signatories pledge to support the sovereignty of both Spiritus and Taijitu wherever possible in line with this Treaty and our shared ideals.

2.2. Should the security of one of the signatories come under threat, the other signatory shall provide such aid, military or otherwise, as may be necessary.

2.3. The signatories shall otherwise comply, whenever possible, with a request for military aid from the other signatory.

2.4. Each signatory shall share any information in its possession pertaining to the security or sovereignty of the other signatory, provided that such sharing shall not cause disproportionate risk to the security or sovereignty of the signatory sharing the intelligence.

Article 3 - Military Cooperation

3.1. Spiritus and Taijitu recognise their shared interest in defending regions from invasions, and agree whenever possible to utilise their militaries jointly or cooperatively to achieve this end.

3.2. The signatories commit themselves to utilising such resources available as to conduct joint update defending operations. In the event that no such existing resources are available, the signatories will set out to acquire such resources as may be necessary.

3.3. The signatories agree that training exercises are beneficial to the capabilities of each of its militaries. As such, the signatories will endeavour to conduct joint training operations. Any training exercises conducted by the signatories shall, at their agreement, be open to other militaries. The signatories agree to respect each others' wishes regarding appropriate regions and actions for the training exercises.

3.4. No less than once every four months, the signatories shall participate in a major military training exercise, within the meaning of 3.3., to include activities such as simulated defences and liberations.

3.5. Each signatory's military shall appoint a liaison to the military of the other signatory. The liaisons shall be granted at least the same access as an ordinary soldier.

3.6. The liaisons shall be primarily responsible to ensure the compliance with the provisions of this Article. The signatories shall bear secondary responsibility.

Article 4 - Cultural Harmony

4.1. Spiritus and Taijitu shall endeavour to develop joint cultural events between their respective communities when possible.

4.2. The signatories will collaborate, whenever possible, on joint cultural efforts during major NationStates events to better strengthen and advance their relationship.

4.3. A tea import company is to be established, with the Spiritus office named "Spiriteas" and the Taijitu office named "Chaijitu.

Article 5 - Treaty Administration

5.1. This Treaty may be terminated by either signatory at any time, by providing at least 14 days' notice to the other signatory.

5.2. A signatory may immediately terminate the Treaty for a breach by the other party of any of its obligations under Articles 1 and 2, aside from a breach of clause 1.4.

5.3. Prior to pursuing termination, a signatory is expected to attempt to remedy any issues with the other party, in order to avoid termination.

5.4. No more than 11 months following ratification of this treaty by both signatories, and every year thereafter, the signatories shall convene a joint conference for consideration, including any requisite changes to ensure, the efficacy and continued operation of this Treaty.

5.5. This treaty shall automatically terminate at the conclusion of one year following its ratification by both parties. This clause shall not come into effect should the treaty be re-ratified by both signatories.

The Tea Cake Concordat was proposed by the Ecclesia on Lacidor 21, AR 1 (June 16, 2015 OS).

The Tea Cake Concordat was enacted by the Ecclesia on Cielidor 11, AR 1 (July 7, 2015 OS).

Offline Wast

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Re: Legislative Index
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2015, 08:52:15 PM »
This Act has been repealed by the Ecclesia and is no longer in force.
1. Qualifications and Election
1. Any citizen of Taijitu may stand for election to the office of Citizen-Liaison.
2. An election for Citizen-Citizen-Liaison will be held when three months have passed since the last election, the Ecclesia chooses to hold an election by a majority vote, or the office of Citizen-Liaison is vacant.
3. No person may serve as Citizen-Liaison for more than two consecutive terms.
4. The Ecclesia may remove the Citizen-Liaison by a majority vote.

2. Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Citizen-Liaison will be responsible for updating and maintaining the community guides.
2. The Citizen-Liaison will be responsible for running cultural events in the interest of community building.
3. The Citizen-Liaison will be responsible for welcoming new members to the forum and answering their questions.

3. Citizen-Guides
1. The Citizen-Liaison may appoint any number of citizen-guides to assist them in their responsibilities, aid in community events and all associated activities.
2. The Citizen-Liaison may dismiss citizen-guides at any time.
3. The Ecclesia may remove any citizen-guide by a majority vote.

The first draft of the amended Citizen-Liaison Act was proposed by the Ecclesia on Boisaire 16, AR 2 (Nov. 10, 2015 OS).

It was enacted by the Ecclesia on Boisaire 27, AR 2 (Nov. 21, 2015 OS).
The Citizen-Liaison Act was repealed on July 24th 2016
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 11:08:30 PM by Khem »

Offline Khem

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Governance Act
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2016, 10:28:11 PM »
Quote from: Governance Act
1. The Citizen-Delegate
1. The Citizen-Delegate will serve as head of state and conduct foreign policy.
2. The Citizen-Delegate will hold the in-game Delegacy of the region of Taijitu with full powers and will exercise them as provided by law.
3. The Citizen-Delegate may negotiate treaties and embassy exchanges.
4. The Ecclesia may ratify treaties and embassy exchanges negotiated by the Citizen-Delegate by a majority vote.
5. The Ecclesia may repeal a treaty or embassy exchange by a majority vote.
6. The Citizen-Delegate may appoint and dismiss any number of citizens as diplomats and ambassadors to assist in their duties.

2. Citizen-Steward
1. The Citizen-Steward will serve as head of government and conduct domestic policy.
2. Domestic policy will include recruitment, culture, communications and education.
3. The Citizen-Steward may appoint and dismiss any number of citizens as commissioners to assist in their duties.

3. The Citizen-Sergeant
1. The Citizen-Sergeant will serve as commander in chief of the armed forces and conduct military policy.
2. The Citizen-Sergeant will evaluate and accept or reject all applications to the armed forces.
3. If the Citizen-Sergeant rejects an application to the armed forces, the Ecclesia may approve it by a majority vote.
4. The Citizen-Sergeant may delineate rank and responsibility within the armed forces.
5. The Citizen-Sergeant may discharge members of the armed forces.
6. The Citizen-Sergeant may delegate their powers to a chain of command within the armed forces.

4. Citizen-Initiator
1. The Citizen-Initiator will evaluate and accept or reject all applications for citizenship.
2. If the Citizen-Initiator rejects an application for citizenship, the Ecclesia may approve it by a majority vote.
3. The Citizen-Initiator will serve as presiding officer of the Ecclesia and moderate debate, record the results of votes and rule on procedure.
4. The Citizen-Initiator will maintain records of the Constitution and laws.
5. The Citizen-Initiator may appoint and dismiss any number of citizens as deputies to assist them in their duties.

5. The Directorate
1. The Directorate will be composed of the Citizen-Delegate, the Citizen-Steward and the Citizen-Sergeant.
2. The Directorate will advise the Ecclesia in regards to executive policy.
3. The Directorate will deliver reports on the progress of executive initiatives to the Ecclesia during the months of Ventaire, Boisaire, Gaïôse, Tonneral, Sidéral, and Cielidor.

6. Oversight
1. The Ecclesia may remove any government official from office by a majority vote.
2. The Ecclesia may regulate government officials by law.

7. Elections
1. The offices of Citizen-Delegate, Citizen-Steward, Citizen-Sergeant and Citizen-Initiator will be considered elected offices.
2. An election for an elected office will be held if three months have passed since the last election for the office, the Ecclesia chooses to hold an election for the office by majority vote or the office is vacant.
3. Any citizen may stand as a candidate in such an election.
4. Elections will be held using the two-round system with a majority threshold.
5. Any tie during any election will be broken randomly.
6. No person may hold an elected office for more than two consecutive terms.
7. No person may hold more than one elected office concurrently.

The Governance Act was proposed on January 19th 2016
The Governance Act was enacted on July 24th 2016

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