So we should ideally have SD, myself, Oz, PoD, Elu, Gulliver, and Allama here. I think only Elu and Allama might be an issue... I'm not sure how to contact the latter and the former hasn't been responding to any of my emails.
May I join? Pretty please?

No. It's past your bedtime.
I'm curious to who are these founders for the conference, are they real founders as in they came from Lexicon? or are they from the Founder Committee? it's not very clear as you mentioned people from both ranks and missed some, I'll see if G-C is willing. It's also elitist as fck and not too specific to what the limits of this "conference" is, are you ONLY discussing the Founder Committee and Administration stuff or are you ALSO going to discuss formation of government and constitution? Because the latter seems to be a gross overreach for such a tiny group and against what people have been asking or promising. Maybe not only defining who comes (concept and list) to this conference and what exactly are the points of discussion would ease the little AwesomeSaucer heart and whoever else finds it weirdly unnecessary for the Founders to discuss anything else but themselves.
Thank you for your concerns. I have no plans to discuss the government itself; I can't speak for the other participants in these talks. I would be opposed in the highest to the Founder Committee acting alone to establish a government for Taijitu.
Omitting OT from my list was an oversight and I apologize. I think the discussion should be between everyone who holds the password for the founder - or did, rather. As far as I know, GC does not have that password. But he is welcome to come, as are all members of Taijitu.
My primary concern here is the coup that was about to take place. I understand Oz had issues with the administration team and constitution, but I think even he would admit that dissolving that document and ruling by fiat is a coup. I want the founders to vow not to allow a coup to happen, and certainly not support it. The Committee should have no business telling the government what to do other than that. If the people want to completely eliminate the system we have now that is there prerogative and I don't think the founders should stop them. But they should stop one person from doing it themselves, even if they think that person would do well as a dictator.
Obviously I will mention the elephant in the room and say that I have the password and I will give it only to people I can trust. Written in the Committee rules or not, the founders have a duty to uphold the law lest we fall into the sort of power politics that plague GCRs.
In the process of these talks we should also discuss our personal issues in a frank
but respectful manner and seek reconciliation.
The matter of the constitution and the laws should be left to citizens alone.