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Author Topic: The Charter  (Read 7524 times)

Offline St Oz

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The Charter
« on: January 04, 2007, 01:59:33 AM »
We the exiles of the Lexicon, hereby form the Taijitu, as the founders we are all responsible to the unbiased ways unlike our former region. We will create a Utopia of friendship and prosperity. We are all united as one to form the best region we can hope to create, form a union that’s forever, and to look to the future. Taijitu Prosper

Signed by,
Saint Oz
The G Rebellion
Sovereign Dixie
The Crazy Monkeymen
PoD Gunner

« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 03:02:53 AM by St Oz »

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 02:01:03 AM »
(A formal charter will be made soon)
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Offline St Oz

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 02:18:32 AM »
Though, this is our historical one :D

Offline The G Rebellion

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 02:40:57 AM »
Lol, okay. I can live with this being a founder document, however, I would say - we are not exiles.

Offline Prydania

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2007, 02:46:05 AM »
I'm signing!

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2007, 02:57:10 AM »
May I sign? For the sake of history, of course  ;D

Offline St Oz

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2007, 03:03:29 AM »
Lol, okay. I can live with this being a founder document, however, I would say - we are not exiles.
I thought it sounded better :D

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2007, 05:01:11 AM »
Well, that's about all the writing I can do for now. Here's what I've got so far. As you will note, I've put in a few peculiarities to spark debate, and of course gone lazy and just run with American terminology  ;)

Doubtlessly riddled with silly little mistakes too

The Constitution of Taijitu

Preamble: We the Undersigned, in the spirit of cooperation and fraternity, with the expressed and deliberate intent to combat tyranny and prejudice and to promote democracy and fair justice, do hereby accept the following as the Supreme Law of Taijitu:

Article I: Citizenship

1. Any nation shall be capable of obtaining citizenship in Taijitu, and shall maintain this citizenship unless they violate   any of the conditions enumerated herein.
i. Citizens shall maintain a nation residing within Taijitu.
      ii. Citizens shall swear by the oath to be provided by the Senate.
      iii. Citizens shall disclose their resident and UN nations.

Article II: The Legislative
1. All legislative powers shall hereby be vested in the Senate
i. Any nation, having held citizenship for fifteen or more days and having accumulated twenty-five or more posts on the regional forum, may apply for membership.
      ii. All applicants shall submit themselves to a review to be conducted by the current Assembly and not to exceed a week in duration.
      iii. Applicants shall be subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Senate.
      iv. The Senate shall determine its own internal procedures, excepted where noted otherwise herein.   
      v. The undersigned shall be granted the office of Senator at the time of the ratification of this document.
      vi. Senators shall swear by the oath provided by the Delegate.

2. The Senate shall elect its Speaker every four months in the months of January, May and September.
i. The Speaker shall be charged with calling, ending and declaring the results of votes, maintaining the Senate Roster and that the Senate functions properly as enumerated herein.
      ii. Should the Speaker be unable to perform their duties for any reason and the office be left vacant then the Delegate shall begin procedures to elect a new Speaker.
      iii. The Speaker shall swear by the oath provided by the Delegate.

Article III: The Executive
1. The Delegate shall be the supreme executive authority of Taijitu.
i. The Delegate shall be elected by a simple plurality of votes every third month by the Senate.
      ii. The Delegate shall not be allowed to serve in excess of two consecutive terms.
      iii. Any nation, having held citizenship for nintey or more days, having accumulated three hundred or more posts on the regional forum, in possession of a nation whose population equals or exceeds one billion with which to campaign, and having received the nomination of a member of the Assembly shall be free to run for the office of Delegate, provided that they have not already served two consecutive terms previously.

      iv. The Delegate may hold membership in the Senate, but shall not be permitted to hold the office of Speaker and shall not be permitted to vote except in the event of a tie, wherein they shall cast the deciding vote.
      v. The Delegate shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.

2. Candidates for the office of the Delegate shall when they accept their nomination select a candidate to run as their Vice Delegate
i. Candidates for the office of Vice Delegate shall have met all the requirements of the office of the Delegate.
      ii. Should the Delegate be unable to perform their duties and their office be left vacant the Vice Delegate shall assume the duties of the Delegate until a new one has been elected.
      iii. Should the Vice Delegate be unable to perform their duties and their office be left vacant the Delegate shall appoint at their discretion a new Vice Delegate
      iv. Should both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate be unable to perform their duties and both their offices be left vacant then the Speaker shall assume the duties of the Delegate until a new one has been elected.
      v. The Vice Delegate shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
3. The Delegates shall appoint at their discretion form a Cabinet to aid them in executing their duties.
i. The Delegate shall create and abolish Cabinet positions at their discretion.
      ii. The Delegate shall appoint and dismiss members of the Cabinet at their discretion.
      iii. Members of the Cabinet shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
4. The Senate shall have the power to remove from office any member of the executive who in their opinion has violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu or broken their oath by a vote of no confidence.

Article IV: The Judiciary

1. The Supreme Court shall consist of a no more than nine justices.
i. Justices shall be appointed by the Delegate, but the Delegate shall have no power to remove them.
      ii. Any nation, having held citizenship for ninety or more days and having    
      accumulated 300 or more posts on the forum shall be eligible for appointment to the Supreme Court.
      iii. Justices shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
2. The Supreme Court shall have the power to review the actions of the government and to override them by a majority vote of Justices if in their opinion such actions have violated the Constitution or laws of Taijitu.
3. The Supreme Court shall have the power to review, judge and rule on by a majority vote the actions of citizens and to sentence those found guilty.
4. The Delegate shall be bound to execute the verdict of the Supreme Court.
5. The Senate may remove Justices of the Supreme Court from office if in their opinion they have violated their oath of office by a two-thirds majority.

Offline The G Rebellion

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2007, 05:29:39 AM »
I'll look in depth tomorow but it looks good at a glance! Good job!

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2007, 06:16:50 AM »
Ooh, I just realized! I forgot the provision allowing the document to be ammended by a 3/4's vote.

I was also considering a bill of rights of sorts, but hadn't the time to write it.

EDIT: And of course, the part appointing Dixie delegate at the time of ratification.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 06:27:00 AM by Pragmia »

Offline Amy

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2007, 08:40:12 AM »
I've only glanced over Pragmia's idea....but so far it looks great! ;D

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2007, 09:18:16 AM »
 I like it, there are a few things we need to work on, i.e. the role of Charter Members (I now utterly hate the word "founders" lol and perhaps a few finer points, but very good job prag, thank you!

Offline Acle

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2007, 05:00:26 PM »
Who is going to be counted as the founder's Charter Members, it is the people who were kicked out and moved here?

Offline The G Rebellion

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2007, 05:21:06 PM »
The Founders/Charter Members, as far as I'm aware are as follows...

Sovereign Dixie
The Crazy Monkeymen
The G Rebellion
PoD Gunner (pending actual activity)
Saint Oz

However, the feel of Founder will not be the same as it was previously. We won't be oppressive and we won't cling to complete control, if another government is elected, then fine. We will accept them.

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Charter
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2007, 06:31:49 PM »
Well, I'd think that for the purposes of this document that anyone around to sign it at the time of ratification would become a founder. At the rate we're going, we're going to have quite a few signatures  ;D

But anyway, if you guys aren't gonna edit it or haven't had a chance to I'll go ahead and fix those mistakes of mine I already know and what I missed.

[align=center]The Constitution of Taijitu[/align]

Preamble: We the Undersigned, in the spirit of cooperation and fraternity, with the expressed and deliberate intent to combat tyranny and prejudice and to promote democracy and fair justice, do hereby accept the following as the Supreme Law of Taijitu:

Article I: Citizenship
1. Any nation shall be capable of obtaining citizenship in Taijitu, and shall maintain this citizenship unless they violate   any of the conditions enumerated herein.
i. Citizens shall maintain a nation residing within Taijitu.
ii. Citizens shall swear by the oath to be provided by the Senate.
iii. Citizens shall disclose their resident and UN nations.

Article II: The Legislative
1. All legislative powers shall hereby be vested in the Senate
i. Any nation, having held citizenship for fifteen or more days and having accumulated twenty-five or more posts on the regional forum, may apply for Senate membership.
      ii. All applicants shall submit themselves to a review to be conducted by the current Senate and not to exceed a week in duration.
      iii. Applicants shall be subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Senate.
      iv. The Senate shall determine its own internal procedures, excepted where noted otherwise herein.   
      v. The undersigned shall be granted the office of Senator at the time of the ratification of this document.
      vi. Senators shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
2. The Senate shall elect its Speaker every fourth months in the months of January, May and September.
i. The Speaker shall be charged with calling, ending and declaring the results of votes, maintaining the Senate Roster and that the Senate functions properly as enumerated herein.
ii. Should the Speaker be unable to perform their duties for any reason or their office be left vacant then the Delegate shall begin procedures to elect a new Speaker.
iii. The Speaker shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
iv. The Senate shall have the power to remove from office the Speaker if they in the opinion of the Senate have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu or broken their oath by a vote of no confidence.
v. Eluvatar shall be appointed to the office of the Speaker at the time of the ratification of this document.
Article III: The Executive
1. The Delegate shall be the supreme executive authority of Taijitu.
i. The Delegate shall be elected by a simple plurality of votes every third month by the Senate.
ii. The Delegate shall not be allowed to serve in excess of two consecutive terms.
iii. Any nation, having held citizenship for nintey or more days, having accumulated three hundred or more posts on the regional forum, in possession of a nation whose population equals or exceeds one billion with which to campaign, and having received the nomination of a member of the Assembly shall be free to run for the office of Delegate, provided that they have not already served two consecutive terms previously.
iv. The Delegate may hold membership in the Senate, but shall not be permitted to hold the office of Speaker and shall not be permitted to vote except in the event of a tie, wherein they shall cast the deciding vote.
v. The Delegate shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
vi. Sovereign Dixie shall be appointed to the office of the Delegate at the time of the ratification of this document.
2. Candidates for the office of the Delegate shall when they accept their nomination select a candidate to run as their Vice Delegate
i. Candidates for the office of Vice Delegate shall have met all the requirements of the office of the Delegate.
ii. Should the Delegate be unable to perform their duties or their office be left vacant the Vice Delegate shall assume the duties of the Delegate until a new one has been elected.
iii. Should the Vice Delegate be unable to perform their duties or their office be left vacant the Delegate shall appoint at their discretion a new Vice Delegate
iv. Should both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate be unable to perform their duties or both their offices be left vacant then the Speaker shall assume the duties of the Delegate until a new one has been elected.
v. The Vice Delegate shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
3. The Delegates shall appoint at their discretion form a Cabinet to aid them in executing their duties.
i. The Delegate shall create and abolish Cabinet positions at their discretion.
ii. The Delegate shall appoint and dismiss members of the Cabinet at their discretion.
iii. Members of the Cabinet shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
4. The Senate shall have the power to remove from office any member of the executive who in their opinion has violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu or broken their oath by a vote of no confidence.

Article IV: The Judiciary
1. The Supreme Court shall consist of a no more than nine justices.
i. Justices shall be appointed by the Delegate, but the Delegate shall have no power to remove them.
ii. Any nation, having held citizenship for ninety or more days and having   
      accumulated 300 or more posts on the forum shall be eligible for appointment to the Supreme Court.
 iii. Justices shall swear by the oath provided by the Senate.
Should a Justice be unable to perform their duties or their office be left vacant the Delegate shall appoint a new Justice to the office.
Quote2. The Supreme Court shall have the power to review the actions of the government and to override them by a majority vote of Justices if in their opinion such actions have violated the Constitution or laws of Taijitu.
3. The Supreme Court shall have the power to review, judge and rule on by a majority vote the actions of citizens and to sentence those found guilty.
4. The Delegate shall be bound to execute the verdicts of the Supreme Court.
5. The Senate may remove Justices of the Supreme Court from office if in their opinion they have violated their oath of office by a two-thirds majority.

Article V: The Rights of the Citizen
1. The right of any citizen to speak freely shall not be abridged except where it violates the laws of real life.
2. Citizens shall have the right to seek redress from the Supreme Court if in their opinion executive authority has been unduly exercised against them.
i. Citizens shall be informed of their right to seek redress in the event that executive authority is exercised against them.
ii. Citizenship may not be revoked without the due process of law.
3. The undersigned shall recieve no special privileges or immunities under the laws and Constitution of Taijitu.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 06:37:18 PM by Pragmia »