Spiritus Foreign Update: "Merry New Year" Edition
Hello, friends of Spiritus! I'm Rogamark, the new Minister of Information and Integration, and a lot of things have happened since the last Foreign Update. Following the last general election, and a few resignations, there have been a number of changes in the government. The current government theme is Halo, by the way:
The Government of SpiritusHigh Prophet (President): The Salaxalans
Hierarch (Vice President): Guy
Prophet (Minister) of Cultivation (Culture): Wuufu
Apprentice Prophet (Deputy Minister) of Cultivation: Vacant
Supreme Commander (Minister) of Retribution (Defense): Denth Kasten
Fleetmaster (Deputy Minister of Defense): Vacant
Prophet of Tranquility (Foreign Affairs): Guy
Apprentice Prophet of Tranquility: Vacant
Prophet of Illumination and Conversion (Information and Integration): Rogamark
Apprentice Prophet of Conversion: Arbiter08
Prophet of Admonition (World Assembly Affairs): The Salaxalans
Vice Delegate: Shimoda
Apprentice Prophet of Admonition: Shimoda
Prophet without Portfolio: Tim
High Council (Regional Assembly)
High Counciler (Speaker): Libertarian Librarians
Counciler (Representative): Legonimis
Counciler: Rogamark
Counciler: Tim
Council of Deed and Doctrine (Supreme Court)
Minister of Deed and Doctrine (Chief Justice): Guy
Apprentice Minister (Associate Justice): Sovreignry
Apprentice Minister: Wuufu
Regional Assembly Update and Failure of Constitutional Reform
The Regional Assembly in some (strictly professional) action The Regional Assembly had a somewhat rocky start, with the resignations of Red Dusk, Cormac and Toms causing two special elections. Despite that, the legislative activity remained fairly steady and the RA was able to work on some large projects, some of which - like the reform of the criminal legislation - are almost done.
Also, following a hot debate, the RA proposed a new and rewritten constitution to the citizenry. But even
though the revision, which was spearheaded by Cormac, produced a more easily understandable draft with little substantive changes, it failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority at the referendum. A concurrent amendment referendum for the abolition of the office of Vice President also failed.
General Election and Executive Government Update
Mr. President deciding on a citizenship application In December, Spiritus had seen one of the most hotly contested elections in a while, with the incumbent President Salaxalans and his running mate, Vice President and Chief Justice Guy successfully defending their positions against then-Speaker of the Assembly Rogamark and then-Warlord Legonimis by 10 to 8 votes. Hot campaign topics were the priority of foreign involvement and the current activity levels. It will be the last term in office for longstanding President Salaxalans, who has reached the term limit and won't be able to run again in April.
Following the resignations of former Minister of Integration Toms, Minister of Defense Tim, the retirement of Deputy Minister of Defense Cormac and merger of the Ministry of Information with the Integration portfolio, the President appointed some new faces to the Cabinet. RA Representative Rogamark was named Minister of Information and Integration, and SDF soldier Denth Kasten will serve the region as Minister of Defense. His predecessor Tim remains in the Cabinet as Minister without Portfolio.
Supreme Court Update, Govindia Keeps Court Busy, or At Least Tries
A Supreme Court Justice carefully listening to an attorney Due to Associate Justice Legonimis not seeking reappointment, the President appointed experienced member and former RA Representative of seven terms Sovreignry to replace him. The appointment was unanimously confirmed by the RA.
The Supreme Court has seen some more action in the recent past, with two advisory opinions sought. Also, notorious former member Govindia filed a civil lawsuit, trying to contest an administrative ban imposed by Tim in his capacity as regional founder. After large portions of the lawsuit were dismissed for untenability by Chief Justice Guy, and one attempt at refiling, the lawsuit is on hold for the time being. Plaintiff Govindia, although willing to pursue a third attempt, seems to be unable to find new legal representation, following his first two attorneys getting off the case.
SDF Troops Involved All Over NS
SDF soldiers, known throughout NS for their professionalism and discipline The Spiritus Defense Force, always ready to defend those who can't defend themselves, saw a considerable upturn in activity and membership in the recent past - largely thanks to then-Deputy Minister of Defense Cormac. SDF soldiers were deployed to a number of defense, detag and liberation missions, most notably the successful liberation of Anne Frank.
President Awards Exaltation of Spiritus to Three Recipients
The proud recipients The Exaltation of Spiritus, one of the highest honors Spiritus can bestow upon their best of the best, was awarded by President Salaxalans to three of the finest members of the Spiritan community. Cormac received it both as a lifetime achievement award and as a thank you for his recent excellent work with the constitutional revision and the SDF. Also honored was Speaker of the Assembly Libertarian Librarians, a long-term RA Representative and exceptional legislator. And former Minister of Integration and RA Representative Toms was exalted for his "unswerving dedication" and his loyalty and competence over a long period of time.
Rogamark's Remarks - The Thing About Parties
Since former Minister of Information Horse no longer serves in that capacity, there will be no more "Horsey’s Thing of the Month" in the Foreign Dispatches. Instead, in "Rogamark's Remarks", I'm going to comment on whatever crosses my mind, and it may be NS-related or not.
Rogamark's Remarks are my personal comments, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Spiritan Government or Cabinet, nor are they my official ministerial opinions.[/small]
Before the last general election, Spiritus saw the formation of a new political party, the Sinister Party. Contrary to popular belief, I did not found it, that honor belongs to Legonimis; I merely serve as their General Secretary and lead politician. Shortly after, Tim also founded a new party, named "God's Will". Both parties quickly satisfied the minimum member requirement under Spiritan law, and Sinister even ran on a "Sinister ticket" in the presidential election, specifically referring to the party platform.
While the two new parties formed, there was some debate as to the necessity and purpose of political parties in NS regions. A number of members seem to think political parties serve no purpose in NS, and the fact that most Spiritan parties have stayed quite silent in the past seems to back that opinion. So, why do they exist, and are able to maintain a minimum number of members, then?
If one wishes to found or join a NS political party, the greatest disservice one can do to it is to confuse it with a RL political party. That misconception is woefully widespread among NS players. In RL, most people aren't politicians, and besides voting in elections, they can only hope to influence top-level politics by joining a party. There is strength in numbers, after all. However, no NS region has a population large enough to necessitate that, and NS populations do not tend to split into a politically active minority, and a majority that may or may not vote in elections.
In any given NS region, it is reasonable to assume that the limited population does generally take an interest in politics, or they wouldn't be playing NS. Also, since everybody is a politician, more or less, they don't need the backup and infrastructure a party can provide.
But that view (that I held myself for years) is too narrow. True, Sinister does not have huge political success (yet), or a sizable basis. But we somehow managed to recruit almost all LGBT members of the region, and pride ourselves on it. Also, our channel has seen a number of great talks between Lego, the wonderful Johanna, and me. Try to see your party the same way you should see your entire region - as a social group with some political aspects instead of the other way around, and you will be surprised how much fun it can be.
Thanks for reading the Spiritus Foreign Update!Authored by Minister Rogamark
Edited by President Salaxalans