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Author Topic: Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise  (Read 1480 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise
« on: January 28, 2007, 07:49:49 PM »
Do the math yourself.

T-80U $2 million
T-10 $2.5 million
M-24 Chafee $1.5 million
Chieftain MBT $2.5 million

Dardo $ 2 million

AA systems:
M163 VADS $3 million
M167 Vulcan $1 million

small arms:
M21 Sniper Weapon System $ 2000
AR-10 Armalite $ 2000
M1 Garand $ 700
SIG 510 $ 3000
KAC PDW $ 2500
XM307 (autocannon) $20 500

MANPADS (portable AA systems)
Mistral $ 40 000
RBS-70 $ 70 000
9K38 Igla $ 70 000

Mercenary Recruitment Agency

Total of mercenaries: 40 000

M16A2 assault rifle
M9 Beretta

cost/month: $ 8000

Note: 1 RP year with mercenaries = 1 RL week

The Filipino Government is not to be held accountable for the actions of the mercenaries!!!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 12:29:07 PM by Supremo »

Offline Daimiaen

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Re: Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2007, 04:57:19 PM »
To....The management of Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise.....

Could you please answer three questions.....

1)Are all 40,000 Mercenaries currently available???

2)How fast can I expect them to be "Delivered"???

3)Is there any possibility of adding more mercenaries....say....another 40,000???

Looking forward to your reply....

Ministry of Internal Security....Daimiaena
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Offline Saletsia

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Re: Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2007, 06:37:58 PM »
1) Yes
2) They can be deployed within 2 months time
3) Yes

Note: These mercenaries will REVOLT when ordered to work againt their motherland.

Offline Daimiaen

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Re: Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2007, 07:03:27 PM »
Thank you for your prompt reply....
Unfortunately we would need to deploy these troops within days.....And I am not at all sure what you are suggesting in your Note......These troops would be employed by government contract on an Internal Security matter.....

Perhaps if we have a requirement in the future that gives us some months to deploy we shall be back in contact....

Ministry of Internal Security...Daimiaena....
Nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists....

Political compass....
Economic Left/Right: -5.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.08

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2007, 07:13:06 PM »
We can mobilize 40K mercenaries within one and a half week. The fast mobilization would  cost an extra $1000 per soldier though.

Offline Parsanali

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Re: Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2007, 08:41:38 AM »
Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise,

The Principality of Parsanali would like to employ the service of 864 of your mercenaries to act as military advisers for the regular army for one year. Each man would act as an adviser for a full battalion, outranking every member of the unit except it's commander. The Parsanali regular army is poorly trained, and if our nation wishes to make it's self a true power in the world, we must work to improve our fighting ability.

Grand Vizer Kahmed Pasha of the Principality of Parsanali

Offline Bustos

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Re: Royal Filipino Arms Enterprise
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 01:01:32 PM »
With the collaspe of Supremo's government, this shop is no longer in service.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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