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Author Topic: Parsanali  (Read 1292 times)

Offline Parsanali

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« on: March 04, 2007, 10:20:48 AM »
Official Name: The Principality of Parsanali
Common Name:  Parsanali
Capital: Iskandryah
Major Cities: Ansan, Fayum, Siwa, Suef
Head of State: Khedive Cyrus II
Government: Monarchy, rules through military dictatorship
UN Category: Father Knows Best State
Economy: Very Strong
Civil Rights: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
Economy: Avrage
Official Languages: Persian, Arabic
Currency: Nuq
Official Animal: Leopard
Population: 23 million

The Principality of Parsanali is a large, devout nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its cynical population of 23 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up..

The large, corrupt government concentrates mainly on Law & Order, although Defence and Religion & Spirituality are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 37%, but much higher for the wealthy. A substantial private sector is led by the Trout Farming industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Agriculture.

Elections have been outlawed, all news sources are under strict government control, military spending recently hit a new high, education and welfare spending are on the rise, and political activists are routinely executed. Crime is moderate. Parsanali's national animal is the leopard, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Nuq.

The nation is headed by the Khedive, the monarch, administators and local govorners are appointed by him or his staff. Governors have a great deal of control over their provinces, and have a well armed police force to secure maintain control. However, all government officials are kept under tight control bu the secret police, "the Khedive's eyes." Government control over the country is very tight. The Khedive has many officials under him to help run the nation smoothly.

Citizen's Rights
The well being, property, and - to some extent - liberty of the population is well protected by the Khedive's laws, but most aspects of the economy are nationalized. Despite the heavy hand of the Parsanali government, the people can expect live without fear so long as they follow the laws of the land. The rights of every citizen, from the highest government officials to the lowliest peasant, are well protected by the courts.

Parsanali is a mostly rural nation, with a few cities along the Nali river the main focus of the population. Peasant farmers make up the bulk of the population, and they live simply without much connection with the wider world. The cities are drastically different from the rest of the nation, with far greater diversity and a more modern culture. Religion is important to the people of Parsanali, with the majority of the population Zarathustrian. A sizable minority follow Sufism, and although not officially discriminated against, they generally find themselves marginalized by the rest of the nation.

Ethnic Makeup
The vast majority of the population is Nalian or Sohoni, with Parsani and Kwajec making up most the rest. Nalians make up almost all the peasant farmers, and they are the anccient inhabitants of the Nali river valley. The Sohoni live farther out from the Nali, and live mostly off their herds of cattle ans some subsistance farming. The army mostly recruits Sohoni into it's ranks due to their history as fierce warrior tribesmen. The Parsani conquered the region hundreds of years ago, and although they did not initiate large-scale colonization of teir vassal state, all government positions were filled by Parsais. Today the Parsanali make up the urban eliet. The Kwajecs are mostly nomadic pastoralists at the upper Nali river. Before the conquest by Parsais, they made up the warrior-aristocracy. The current Royal Guard is composed mostly of Kwajecs.

Nalian: 48%
Sohoni 31%
Parsani: 4%
Kwajec: 11%
Others: 6%

The Parsanali economy has struggled to keep up with the industrial world with it's largely agricultural economy, but maintains a favorable balance of trade through the export of cash crops, textiles, and raw materials. The fertile Nali river valley allows for amazing production of agricultural goods, and fishing is also a major industry. The cattle herds of the Sohoni could be a major source of income, but have yet to ne exploited. Most everything that produces any money in Parsanali is nationalized, and the government has total control over the economy.

Exchange Rate: N$1.4153 = $1
Gross Domestic Product: N$309,249,168,000.00
GDP Per Capita: N$13,445.62
Unemployment Rate: 13.84%
Consumption: N$225,354,000,000.00
Government Budget: N$104,868,960,000.00
Government Expenditures: N$83,895,168,000.00
Government Waste: N$20,973,792,000.00
Imports: N$38,656,146,000.00

-Coming soon-
« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 09:28:29 AM by Parsanali »

Offline Parsanali

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Parsanali Military
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 11:15:02 PM »
9 Motorized Rifles Divisions
3 Airborne Cavalry Brigades
6 Light Cavalry Brigades
12 Artillery Brigades
2 Heavy Mortar Brigades

The army of Parsanali is composed mostly of conscripted Nalian or Sohoni peasants with Parsani officers. The army has the job of maintaining order in the countryside as well as defending the nation, and is best equiped for low-intensity operations.

Equipment: AKM and AKMS assault rifles, RPK machine gun, RPG-7, 120mm mortar, Katyusha rocket artillery, BTR-60 armored transport, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle, BRDM-2 armored car, Mi-24 helicopter gunship 2S4 Tyulpan mortar, BMP-2.

Royal Guard
3 Armored Guards Divisions
2 Foot Guards Brigades
2 Artillery Guards Brigades
1 Companions Battalion

The Parsanali Royal Guard is recruited from members of the Kwajec tribes loyal to the Khedive. The act as the body guards for the Khedive, the capital guards, and the elite shock troops of the army. The are the only military units legally allowed to enter the capital or deploy main battle tanks.

Equipment: AKM and AKMS assault rifles, RPK machine gun, Zastava M76 sniper rifle, RPG-7, 120mm mortar, BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle, T-90 main battle tank, EE-9 Cascavel, 2S1 Gvozdika and 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled guns, 2S4 Tyulpan mortar, BTR-60 armored transport, BRDM-2 armored car.

Air Force
30 F-16 Fighting Falcons
26 AV-8 Harrier IIs
20 F-4 Phantom IIs
4 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs

The Parsanali Air Force acts mostly in support of the army, providing protection against enemy aircraft and close air support. However, the small size of the air force and the outdated fighters limits their usefulness against any serious threats.

1st Navay Battle Group
2nd Navy Battle Group
4th Navy Battle Group
1st Naval Infantry Corps Division.

The navy of Parsanali is of modest size by most standards. It is composed mostly of guided-missile frigates and destroyers, and also employs a number of Ka-27 Helix helecopters. The Naval Infantry Corps is of division strength, but split into nine battalions. The naval infantry act as elite commandos for the military.

Equipment: Krivak-class frigate, Udaloy-class destroyer, Sovremenny-class destroyer, Ivan Rogov-class landing ship, AKM and AKMS assault rifles, RPK machine gun, Zastava M76 sniper rifle, RPG-7, 120mm mortar, Ka-27 Helix, SH-60 Seahawk, BTR-60 transport, BRDM-2 armored car.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 09:06:51 PM by Parsanali »