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Author Topic: I-S National Emblems Inc.  (Read 20738 times)

Offline Prydania

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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #120 on: November 13, 2007, 04:38:25 AM »
As indicated in the OOC section, I've been unable to post for the last few days due to personal issues. I'm back, and I look forward to getting to work on the latest requests.

G-C, if you decide to go with the new emblem, just say the word and I'll cook up a roundel and CoA.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #121 on: November 29, 2007, 03:52:49 AM »
Hey I-S. This is a flag request for a friend who is starting Taijitu soon.

National Flag:
a white flag with black chess knight in the middle with this phrase underneath it, Cunctando Begitur Mundus

Army Flag:
the same flag but with two crossed swords in front of the knight

Air Force Roundel:
A roundel with a knight and a single eagle wing

Naval Jack:
same flag but with three stars on the right hand side of the flag

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Offline Prydania

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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #122 on: December 11, 2007, 06:11:15 PM »
Well, I've got a flag and all but I'm not so good at this, so I want to see what you can come up with. Firstly, I'm looking for a new national flag and a coat of arms. That's all for now.

Fyi, everything is based off of the Greeks except for a few things, since Collosea's climate is tropical. Anything you might want to know when designing it would be in my national stat topic.

Thanks in advance, after seeing everything in this topic, I know you'll come up with something great  ;D
Sorry for the delay, here's what I've got....


I took your old colours, grey, black and gold, and used them on the Macedonian sun flag. You mentioned your nation was set up along Greek lines, so I used the Macedonian sun as your flag's primary element. The Macedonian sun was used by Phillip II and his son Alexander the Great as the emblem not only for Macedonia, but for united Greece itself.


A simple recolouring of the roundel of the RL Republic of Macedonia.

Coat of Arms:

The basic shape was taken from the RL Republic of Greece. The shield is divided in the same fashion as the flag. A phoenix was placed in the centre of the shield, as the phoenix has been on of the many symbols used to represent modern Greece. The Macedonian sun ties it all together at the top. 

Offline Osamafune

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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #123 on: December 11, 2007, 06:15:31 PM »
Omg, the triforce!!!!!1  ;D

Looks awesome, but I don't suppose I could also get an enlarged verson? Maybe 400X300 or 500x400? I don't know how to enlarge it without making it all grainy  :(
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 06:21:39 PM by Osamafune »

Offline Prydania

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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #124 on: December 11, 2007, 06:39:17 PM »
Wow, this stuff is great! I already have a flag here, but you think you could help me out with some of the other stuff? Here's what I have:

And the Faravahar on my flag:

Ok, here's what I got. I basically just cleaned up and unified your flag and coat of arms, plus I gave you a roundel....

Coat of Arms:



Posted on: December 11, 2007, 10:35:55 AM
Omg, the triforce!!!!!1  ;D

Looks awesome, but I don't suppose I could also get an enlarged verson? Maybe 400X300 or 500x400? I don't know how to enlarge it without making it all grainy  :(

Yep, just give me a second or two.

Here you go, 500X250:
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 06:48:33 PM by Inglo-Scotia »

Offline Prydania

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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #125 on: December 11, 2007, 07:40:32 PM »
Hey I-S. This is a flag request for a friend who is starting Taijitu soon.

National Flag:
a white flag with black chess knight in the middle with this phrase underneath it, Cunctando Begitur Mundus

Army Flag:
the same flag but with two crossed swords in front of the knight

Air Force Roundel:
A roundel with a knight and a single eagle wing

Naval Jack:
same flag but with three stars on the right hand side of the flag


Military Flag:

Naval Jack:


Coat of Arms:

Had a lot of help with the CoA courtesy of the Official Seal Generator.

Offline Cantr

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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #126 on: December 12, 2007, 12:45:29 AM »
Alright, I figure it's time I get real flag for myself.

The regular flag should have a dark green background (if possible, the exact same shade as the background on cantr.net) with the twelve animals of the Cantrian Zodiac in black arranged in a circle, in the following order starting at twelve-o-clock and proceeding clockwise: Dragon (eastern style, five clawed), Phoenix, Ox, Snake, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Pig, Monkey, Ram, Horse, Tiger (so the Tiger and Phoenix will both be next to the dragon).

The Military Flag is dark green with a Dragon, Phoenix, and Tiger on it, forming a triangle with the Dragon at the top.

The Naval Jack has only the Dragon on it, coiled up like a snake (be sure to make the arms clearly visible, else it may be confused with an actual snake).

The Air Force Roundel is green with a Dragon head on it.

If any or all of these are too complex, tell me and I'll think of something else.
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Re: I-S National Emblems Inc.
« Reply #127 on: January 01, 2008, 04:40:08 PM »
Hi I-S.

Is it possible to have an airforce roundel, a naval jack and military logo please?

I have this as my flag:

And this as my coat of arms:

Also is it possible to have a logo made for my 'Knights Defense Systems' (my RP shop?) I dont know what other information you want from me but the colours for all are red, yellow, white, blue and gold. We are highly religious Christian nation so may want to use that.
In my above post, I did not intend to offend or upset anyone. If you were so, I deeply apologise.

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