For me personally I really only care for two enduring aspects of our collective. Firstly our creative side is to me the absolute core of our identity, from our high standards to our integrational model of creative output. Secondly is our community, we've had a very strong core of people over the years who have dedicated an immense amount of time and energy not only into the GP or RP aspects of Taijitu but most of all to each other and I value our collective more than I could hope to express.
This, could we give less shits about gameplay already, you all have consistently said "gameplay will revive this region" "gameplay will bring in so many people" "gameplay will bring in oldies and newbies!"
What's the truth in that? None. I think most people who are new to Taijitu come here for the reasons above. Creativity and Community.
Fuck Game play. You all have been burned by it and swear against it but then passes three days and you all are sticking the ballgag back in your mouths.
I say we return to our Neutrality origins, tell NS to go fuck themselves, and not get involved in any more bullshit, especially TNP. All the people interested in that shit anyways are abandoning taijitu for other more active gameplay regions anyway. So fuck it, neutrality and concentrate on he homefront.