News: Citoyen priority warning: Not reporting counter-revolutionary activities is conspiracy to commit counter-revolution under the Anticivil Activities Act. Penalties go up to and include permanent Ecclesiastical explusion.
[in]Citizenship1. Any person who possesses a nation in the region of Taijitu may apply for citizenship.2. The content of applications for citizenship will be established by law.3. Citizenship may only be revoked if a citizen's nation ceases to be in Taijitu, as punishment for a crime, or if a citizen renounces it willingly.4. Members who were granted citizenship before this legislation was passed will retain citizenship.5. The Citizen-Initiator will evaluate and accept or reject all applications for citizenship.6. If the Citizen-Initiator rejects an application for citizenship, the Ecclesia may approve it by a majority vote.7. The Citizen-Initiator may appoint and dismiss any number of citizens as deputies to assist them in their duties.[/in]
[st]The Ecclesia;Whereas before no legislation concerning qualifications have established for citizenship and the only impediment to citizenship having previously been the opinions of the Citizen-Initiator, let it be decided that the conditions by which Taijitu exists require stricter regulations in order to avoid the indoctrination of potentially harmful individuals into our community;I. CitizenshipAll members who were granted citizenship before this legislation was passed will retain citizenship and shall not be required to apply under the new terms, unless they resign citizenship and re-apply;Applicants will still have to post a request for citizenship in the appropriate forum, but may now opt to complete a questionnaire;The questionnaire shall not hinder attempts to gain citizenship, but shall only progress said attempts, unless said questionnaire raises red flags about the applicant, in which case the Citizen-Initiator or their deputy may conduct an investigation before approving the applicants request;Applicants who have completed the questionnaire shall be given priority opposed to applicants who have not completed the application, meaning a applicant who has completed the questionnaire shall have their application reviewed first;The full body of the questionnaire shall be determined by the Citizen-Initiator, subject to the conditions in this legislation and the approval of the Ecclesia;The Citizen-Initiator must conduct a background check, and may appoint a deputy, subject to the approval and the ability to be recalled by the Ecclesia, to conduct background checks in their name;II. Conditions for the ApplicationThe Questionnaire as described in I. Citizenship must have the following areas, additional areas may be added by the Citizen-Initiator subject to the approval of the Ecclesia;The areas shall be: Name, Former Regions of Residence, Former Political Posts, Other Aliases;Every area must be filled out for the Citizen-Initiator or their deputy to consider the Questionnaire valid, in which case they will be given priority, if they have not completed the entire questionnaire their application shall be treated as if they had not filled out the application;III. Oath of CitizenshipIn order to be considered for citizenship, in conjunction with the terms dictated above, the applicant must fill out an Oath of Citizenship;The Oath of Citizenship shall consist of the following:I, [forum name] in sound mind and good conscience, do hereby declare my loyalty to the Citizens' Democracy of Taijitu and to the principles of the Glorious Revolution. I swear to respect and uphold the Constitution and the laws adopted by the Ecclesia. I recognize that should I break my oath I shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and that my citizenship may be forfeit.The Ecclesia hereby passes Legislation Concerning Citizenship.[/st]
2. The content of applications for citizenship will be established by law.