News: Long live the Glorious Revolution!
Good day, gentlemen.For starters, introductions. Citizen-Delegate The All-House Union of Myroria, and Citzen-Diplomats The Liquid Sunshine of Funkadelia and The Federal Kindreds of Mjollnira of Taijitu, I am El Fiji Grande, the WA Delegate of the International Northwestern Union (INWU). I'd like to introduce you to the INWU's Chancellor Estradia, Minister of Foreign Affairs Askium, and Gatito, a personal adviser of mine.The reason for this diplomatic telegram is with the intent of establishing embassies between Taijitu and the INWU. The INWU is a stable, if not growing region of 127 nations, and we wish to secure embassies and possible alliances with larger and more influential regions. We are also impressed with the continued growth of Taijitu as a region, and would like to congratulate Myroria for becoming delegate!I have formally requested embassies between our two regions, and if there is a more official protocol, please direct us to it.Thank you for your time and consideration.Signed,~ The Holy Moly of El Fiji Grande and fellow diplomats of the International Northwestern Union
They aren't very GP-active, but in spirit I believe they lean defender.
Quote from: MyroriaThey seem like a good enough region; anyone have any experience with them?We first met at the Taijitu Pavilion at the NS World Fair last December. We remarked on that you as a region had the best badges. What brought Taijitu back into our foreign policy was the TRR Rock-Paper-Scissors competition, and while we haven't competed against each other, we're reaching out to several of the regions in that tournament.Quote from: BustosWonder what they based their map off of.(Bustos) It's a long story, and it's been a long project. Initially inspired by the map of New Coalition of Nations (now defunct), the map was based off of donjon's world generator online.Quote from: AllamaTo anyone who may know: does International Northwestern Union have a military? If so, is it active in raiding, defending, or both?(Allama) We are definitely more active in terms of roleplaying. The INWU does not have a military, but we do lean defender.
They seem like a good enough region; anyone have any experience with them?
Wonder what they based their map off of.
To anyone who may know: does International Northwestern Union have a military? If so, is it active in raiding, defending, or both?