Well yesterday i got Ranholn out of CTE heaven, and decided I should look at the traker for a nation i havnt answerd a thing for in... well a long long time, and when i do i just pick something fun.
Well it was 2.5 billion
and a converted GDP per Capita of... 4$
yes thats right it is larger then any nation on earth, and poorer then any nation on earth
This made me think two things, first, wonder if i can make it even more poor
Second rp doesn't have any good ol fashion 3rd world nations. So I was thinking of using Ranholns trackers to craft a bunch of third world nations that have only one resource really Human Labor. This will serve a few purposes, one for places to have outbreaks of diseases and other third world tragedies, a place for humanitarian aid to go to, and a place for Capitalist corporations to Set up Sweat Shops to produce goods paying people about a penny a day (1.09 cents a day if 365 days) that's for the average income, not even the poorest people.
Then we could have good fun like nations deciding how they should treat such poor ass nations.
I would also suggest these nations be in land with horrible climates, arid or something of the such, and have no real resources so conquest would be rather pointless, like the people destroyed everything they once had in wars or it just never existed or something.
what does everyone else thing?