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Author Topic: Students Demand Financial Aid  (Read 15201 times)

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Students Demand Financial Aid
« on: September 22, 2012, 03:25:13 PM »
Quote from: Students Demand Financial Aid
Students from many universities in Taijitu Founder are protesting about the rising financial cost of studying at university and are demanding that the government provide more financial aid to students.

1. "We need money now," screams Colin McGuffin a student from one of Taijitu Founder's top achieving universities. "All these tuition fees are just too much! I need that money to spend on books, study materials, accommodation, and alco- well, uh, you get the gist of it. All these fees are doing is preventing people from poorer backgrounds achieving their potential. The government ought to pay for all university expenses. After all if nobody went to university where would all the doctors and teachers come from?"

2. "OH GOD NO THE EXPENSE!" screeches Jacob Barnes, your minister of Education before eventually calming down. "No, no. This is not a good idea. Do you know how high the tax rate is already without introducing something like this? We should be making tuition fees higher if anything. University is a privilege, not a right, and only the elite should be allowed within those walls. And by elite, of course, I mean rich."

3. "These young people are the greatest resource our nation has," says Finlay Chandra, a famous demographer. "If you're going to discourage them from going to university then you're cheating our nation out of its potential. What I suggest is government-funded loans to students from poor families. That way we can have the best of both worlds without the expense. Admittedly, some may still not be able to afford it but there's no pleasing some people."

4. "Why bother with universities anyway," says refuse collector Colin Jones. "These students could be working and earning a living instead of wasting time and money learning things with no point whatsoever. Who needs to know about ancient Maxtopian poetry, huh? Who would hire you for that? There are plenty of jobs out there, so why don't they go and get one? I'll tell you why: it's because they are lazy. I propose the government close all universities in Taijitu Founder and make people get a job after they leave school. With all the money saved from closing down universities we can have a well-deserved tax cut too."
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