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(5:29:35 PM) Gulliver: HEY(5:29:40 PM) Gulliver: Eluvatar is technically in the room(5:29:44 PM) Dyr: you look familiar(5:29:45 PM) Gulliver: We have quorum I beliee >_>(5:29:52 PM) Myroria: beliee(5:30:06 PM) Myroria: I still want to wait for more people(5:30:08 PM) Myroria: like wast and towlie(5:30:16 PM) Myroria: and I don't think Elu is really here(5:30:20 PM) Dyr: and friartuck(5:30:20 PM) Gulliver: SHHH(5:30:29 PM) Dyr: bots are people too(5:30:36 PM) Gulliver: Well we have 6 people so 4 is an absolute majority(5:33:48 PM) Gulliver: I am going to go prod the congresses section(5:35:26 PM) Gulliver: "If a majority of the Party's membership is on #prop, they may convoke an immediate Party Congress by a majority vote."(5:36:42 PM) Dyr: the majority of the people present, or a majority of the party?(5:36:52 PM) Dyr: because Elu probably isnt going to vote (5:37:21 PM) Gulliver: Majority of the people present(5:37:46 PM) Gulliver: Since they're the only ones mentioned as the subject of that sentence(5:37:52 PM) Gulliver: Majority of everyone would be an absolute majority(5:37:58 PM) Gulliver: Anyway that's my proposal, it's not in affect(5:38:14 PM) Gulliver: Eluvatar wants to require 72 hours notice for proposals that alter the charter(5:38:18 PM) Gulliver: How do people feel about this?(5:40:24 PM) Dyr: if the party gets bigger, I can see why we have the current rules..but right now they're just irritating(5:40:42 PM) Gulliver: Well I'd like to have 72 hours be an option but(5:40:57 PM) Gulliver: If we get THAT big I'd suggest then we form a standing committee(5:41:02 PM) Gulliver: Which can draft proposals for a general party vote(5:41:12 PM) Gulliver: And is essentially our minilegislature(5:42:49 PM) Gulliver: "If a majority of party members are in #prop, they may convoke an immediate Party Congress by a majority vote. Else, any member may convoke a Party Congress with at least 72 hours warning."(5:45:06 PM) Myroria: I like that.(5:45:40 PM) Dyr: yes(5:45:55 PM) Dyr: but now we have to wait 72 hours (5:46:39 PM) Gulliver: NO(5:46:46 PM) Gulliver: This is the same congress as the one convoked for new years(5:46:49 PM) Gulliver: It was never ended(5:47:18 PM) Myroria: ^^(5:47:25 PM) Dyr: ah(5:47:58 PM) Dyr: then it passes?(5:48:15 PM) Dyr: and we dont have to deal with the time restriction anymore?(5:48:17 PM) Myroria: motion to pass Gulliver's resolution(5:48:22 PM) Gulliver: It has to pass with an absolute majority(5:48:24 PM) Gulliver: Which is 4(5:48:28 PM) Gulliver: We need one more person >__>(5:48:47 PM) Gulliver: And Eluvatar will want to require 72 hours for charter amendments(5:49:02 PM) Gulliver: And I might want to touch up the rest of the seciton while we're at it BUT OF COURSE(5:49:08 PM) Gulliver: If we pass this then we can do that whenever(5:49:19 PM) Gulliver: So yeah I'd be for passing this as soon as possible <_<(5:49:49 PM) Myroria: what's worse than finding a worm in your apple(5:50:19 PM) Gulliver: A worm in your penis(5:50:23 PM) Myroria: The holocaust(5:50:31 PM) wast [] entered the room.(5:50:33 PM) Gulliver: GOOD(5:50:34 PM) Gulliver: There we go(5:50:35 PM) wast: O(5:50:36 PM) Myroria: WAST(5:50:36 PM) wast: M(5:50:36 PM) wast: F(5:50:38 PM) wast: G(5:50:43 PM) Myroria: "If a majority of party members are in #prop, they may convoke an immediate Party Congress by a majority vote. Else, any member may convoke a Party Congress with at least 72 hours warning."(5:50:47 PM) Myroria: motion to pass this resolution(5:50:52 PM) Gulliver: Wait it needs to be more specific(5:50:56 PM) Myroria: GODDAMMIT(5:51:01 PM) Myroria: WAST DOESN'T HAVE ALL DAY(5:51:05 PM) Gulliver: Motion to amend Article 3, Clause 1 of the Charter to read(5:51:08 PM) Gulliver: What Myroria quoted(5:51:09 PM) Gulliver: THERE(5:51:17 PM) Myroria: SECONDED(5:51:19 PM) Gulliver: AYE(5:51:20 PM) wast: AYE(5:51:21 PM) Myroria: AYE(5:51:26 PM) Myroria: Dyer(5:51:27 PM) Myroria: Dyr(5:51:28 PM) Myroria: DYR(5:51:51 PM) Gulliver: DYR(5:52:13 PM) wast: DYR'(5:52:27 PM) wast: <Dyr> AYE(5:52:50 PM) wast is now known as ArchdukeWastOfTheMoles(5:53:07 PM) Myroria: IS TAIJITU'S MINECRAFT SERVER EVER GOING TO BE BACK UP(5:53:25 PM) Myroria: I WENT ON YESTERDAY(5:53:27 PM) Myroria: AND IT WAS DOWN(5:53:30 PM) Myroria: AND THEN I WENT ON TODAY(5:53:32 PM) Myroria: AND IT WAS STILL DOWN(5:53:52 PM) Myroria: THAT'S LIKE 12 HOURS WHERE I DIDN'T HAVE ACCESS TO A SERVER I WASN'T PLAYING ON FOR WEEKS(5:53:58 PM) Gulliver: TOWLIE'S MOVING(5:54:26 PM) Myroria: PM) Gulliver: (5:55:46 PM) Gulliver: Wast, I finished Let's Play Spy Fiction.(5:55:55 PM) Gulliver: It's plot was very deep and satisfying.(5:55:57 PM) Dyr: O yeah, I said yes sorry(5:56:25 PM) Myroria: MOTION CARRIES(5:57:49 PM) Gulliver: YAY(5:57:59 PM) Gulliver: Motion to adjourn this congress(5:58:23 PM) Myroria: second(5:58:24 PM) Myroria: aye(5:58:46 PM) Gulliver: Aye(6:00:24 PM) Gulliver: WAST(6:00:33 PM) Gulliver: ARCHDUKEWASTOFTHEMOLES(6:00:34 PM) Gulliver: DYR(6:00:55 PM) ArchdukeWastOfTheMoles: AFK(6:00:58 PM) ArchdukeWastOfTheMoles: AYE(6:02:01 PM) Gulliver: (6:02:26 PM) Dyr: yes (6:02:43 PM) Gulliver: Kay(6:02:44 PM) Gulliver: Congress over
[20:47:29] * Now talking on #prop[20:47:35] * You've invited Gulliver to #prop ([20:47:37] * You've invited Vivec to #prop ([20:47:38] * Gulliver has joined #prop[20:47:39] * You've invited Dyr to #prop ([20:47:47] <Gulliver> I haven't drafted it yet D:[20:47:49] <Gulliver> No time like the present[20:49:55] <Gulliver> for reference[20:51:09] * Dyr has joined #prop[20:51:49] <Gulliver> Hello Dyr[20:51:51] <Gulliver> for reference[20:52:16] * MyroPhone has joined #prop[20:53:09] <Dyr> someone register the channel [20:54:03] -ChanServ- #prop is now registered to Eluvatar.[20:54:04] <@Eluvatar> done[20:54:08] * Eluvatar gives channel operator status to Gulliver Dyr MyroPhone[20:54:15] <@Eluvatar> waiting for Vivec or are we all set already?[20:54:50] <@Gulliver> We have enough[20:54:52] <@Gulliver> We only need 4[20:54:58] <@Gulliver> Because current membership is 7[20:55:11] <@Eluvatar> ok[20:55:23] <@Gulliver> I hereby move we convene a congress on the settings for holding congresses[20:55:40] <@Eluvatar> I second that motion[20:55:47] <@Gulliver> Aye[20:55:50] <@Eluvatar> Aye[20:55:51] <@Dyr> Aye[20:56:04] <@Eluvatar> motion carries, Nth party congress opened[20:56:18] <@Gulliver> I think we need to replace hte curren clause with something like[20:56:23] <@Gulliver> "Any member may convoke a Party Congress by posting a thread on the Party boards."[20:56:39] <@Gulliver> is the current language[20:57:28] <@Gulliver> Actually I guess it's more the second clause that's a problem[20:57:38] <@Gulliver> "Party Congresses must be held in the official party channel, #prop, on the same server as the official Taijitu channel."[20:57:44] <@Eluvatar> Yes[20:58:02] <@Gulliver> "Party Congresses must be held in the official party channel, #prop, on the same server as the official Taijitu channel, or in a thread on the Party boards on the official Taijitu forum. "[20:58:04] <@Gulliver> Does that work[20:58:19] <@Eluvatar> Alternatively we could dispense with Congresses entirely[20:58:27] <@Eluvatar> and just allow proposal threads[20:58:40] <@Dyr> but that lessens the red tape[20:58:54] <@Gulliver> That was the other option[20:59:09] <@Gulliver> How about[21:00:06] <@Dyr> Proposal threads would work if theres a similar measurement of activity of the party membership. seconds/thirds for the motions, timelines, etc[21:00:15] <@Gulliver> " Any member may convoke a Party Congress whose business will be the adoption of a resolution on a subject. " replace with "Any member may propose the adoption of a resolution." and "Any member may propose an amendment to this charter."[21:00:28] <@Gulliver> Well, we can work out procedure later[21:00:35] <@Gulliver> Right now i mostly just want us to be able to hold things on the forum[21:00:43] <@Gulliver> And remove Article 3[21:01:00] <@Eluvatar> That'd work[21:01:05] * Vivec has joined #prop[21:01:12] <Vivec> um hi[21:01:16] <@Dyr> o/[21:01:26] <@Eluvatar> I'll copy Vivec on what we have so far[21:02:04] <@Eluvatar> done[21:02:24] <@Eluvatar> So, as written the Charter expects absolute majorities for everything[21:02:40] <@Gulliver> Only for immediate affect I thought[21:02:45] <Vivec> I doubt that'd be hard[21:02:50] * Dyr is now known as DN|BRB[21:02:50] <@Eluvatar> We could keep that, and add some sort of activity requirement, or we could require a second and set a vote duration[21:03:09] <@Eluvatar> > Any member who loses their citizenship, is convicted of a criminal offense by the Court of Taijitu, or violates this charter will cease to be a member. [21:03:14] <@Eluvatar> ^ is the current loss of membership rule[21:03:34] <@Eluvatar> well, I guess that's good enough for now[21:03:42] <@Eluvatar> we can adjust things if we get inactive members later[21:03:44] <@Gulliver> For now yes[21:04:00] <@MyroPhone> I'm fine with this[21:04:04] <@Gulliver> Article 6 and 7 don't specify absolute majorities[21:04:12] <@Gulliver> I think absolute isonly for immediate affect during a congress[21:04:21] <@Eluvatar> we can add "of party membership"[21:04:54] <@Eluvatar> well we don't specify vote durations[21:04:59] <@Eluvatar> outside of a congress[21:05:19] <@Gulliver> Hm[21:05:39] <@Eluvatar> I prefer absolute majorities to having vote lengths and seconds and whatnot[21:06:02] <@Eluvatar> It's not like we need to adopt charter amendments or resolutions very often[21:07:06] <@Gulliver> This is true[21:07:12] <@Gulliver> Okay[21:07:17] <@Eluvatar> so...[21:07:44] <@Eluvatar> 1. Replace " Any member may convoke a Party Congress whose business will be the adoption of a resolution on a subject. " with ""Any member may propose the adoption of a resolution." and "Any member may propose an amendment to this charter."[21:07:51] <@Eluvatar> 2. Repeal Article 3[21:08:18] <@Eluvatar> 3. Add "of party membership" to "Any resolution will require a simple majority." and "An amendment to this charter will require a two-thirds majority."[21:08:23] <@Eluvatar> --[21:08:27] <@Eluvatar> that cover it?[21:09:16] * DN|BRB is now known as Dyr[21:09:20] <Vivec> ok[21:09:22] <@MyroPhone> Yes[21:09:50] * Eluvatar makes a wiki thing[21:10:51] <@Gulliver> Yes[21:10:53] <@Gulliver> That works[21:11:04] <@MyroPhone> Motion to adopt[21:11:22] <@Eluvatar>[21:11:30] <@MyroPhone> This is like Taijitu's Senate all over again[21:11:46] <@MyroPhone> Sorry omit that from the public log[21:11:49] <@Eluvatar> lol[21:11:57] <@Eluvatar> well this will be the last Congress [21:11:57] <@Dyr> >_>[21:12:15] <@MyroPhone> Motion to adopt[21:12:18] <@Eluvatar> Second[21:12:20] <@MyroPhone> Aye[21:12:22] <@Eluvatar> Aye[21:12:37] <@Dyr> Aye[21:12:41] >FriarTuck< .join #prop[21:12:41] * FriarTuck has joined #prop[21:12:50] * Eluvatar gives channel operator status to Vivec[21:12:55] <@Eluvatar> .c 5/7[21:12:55] <FriarTuck> 5 / 7 = 0.714285714[21:13:02] <@Gulliver> Aye[21:13:13] <@Eluvatar> one more vote...[21:13:27] <@Gulliver> I thought it was just a 2/3's majority[21:13:32] <@Eluvatar> Of the party[21:13:38] <@Eluvatar> > # If a sufficient fraction of all party members voted for the final statement of a Party Congress, it may immediately take effect.[21:13:50] <@Gulliver> Isn't .71 > .6 repeating[21:13:54] <@Eluvatar> Yes[21:14:01] <@Eluvatar> Vivec will be the 5th vote[21:14:11] <@Gulliver> Ohhh[21:14:13] <@Eluvatar> MyroPhone, Eluvatar, Dyr, Gulliver = 4[21:14:15] <@Gulliver> Vivec D:[21:14:19] <@Gulliver> .c 4/7[21:14:20] <FriarTuck> 4 / 7 = 0.571428571[21:14:40] <@Eluvatar> Well it's less than 4/6...[21:14:47] <@Dyr> lol[21:15:17] <@Vivec> aye[21:15:19] <@Vivec> sorry[21:15:30] <@Dyr> \o/[21:15:35] <@Eluvatar> Done![21:15:38] * MyroMobile has joined #prop[21:15:42] <@Eluvatar> Since this was the sole purpose of the congress[21:15:44] <@Eluvatar> I say we're done here[21:16:06] <@Gulliver> Yes[21:16:10] <@Gulliver> Eluvatar post the minutes[21:16:14] <@Eluvatar> sure thing