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Author Topic: The Beginnings (1780-1820)  (Read 9605 times)

Offline Bustos

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The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:33:58 AM »
Duke Christopher, of the Bustos, Governor of Valorium, Company-Steward of the Pelargir Company in the Far East, leaned over the table while listening to the report that had just came in.  The Duke looked at the table, moving some of the small miniatures on the map.  It was one of several tables in the Map Room.  Each with their own set of  miniatures carefully placed on top of them.  Each table had a different map and the miniatures were known army placements.  Additional maps covered the walls, dotted with pins, instead of miniatures.

Duke Christopher had sent his private army to take control of the four provinces that were under direct Eluvatarn control.  The Eluvatarn magistrates' local defense forces were stripped to a skeleton crew, recalled to fight in the Second Eluvataran War of Non-Succession.  The Duke was listening how three of the four magistrates willingly accepted his terms of surrender.  Cede control of the province, leave all belongings behind, and he, his family, and soldiers will return home unharmed.

The fourth province however, rejected the terms and resisted.  The ensuing battle, at Athene, resulted in a quick victory.  All of the loyal, valiant, and stupid defenders were killed.  Like a game of chess, The Duke used his miniatures to knock the defending pieces onto the floor, and advanced his into their place on the map of Valorium.  He now had complete control of the colony.

The Pelargir Company owned Valorium and he was a Company-Steward that was assigned to run Valorium for the company.  As the Last King wished to break up the power of the nobility and monopolies.  So, the Pelargir Company conceded to the Eluvatarn government, four Valorium provinces.

How dare they?  It was his family that explored the region.  His family that paid the price, in money and blood.  His grandfather invested thousands on the shipyard at Athene and the family has long since poured thousands more into many development projects.  His uncle died leading the expedition inland, mapping early Valorium.  To simply hand it over, any of it, was an insult to the Bustos Family.  An insult that Eluvatar and the Pelargir Company are now paying for.  Soon it was time to cast off the shackles and chains.

Duke Christopher looked up after updating the map and told his secretary, “Reply as follows.

Well done, Commander.  Retain the prisoners at the local jails for the time being.  When possible, allocate a ship for their return home.  Allow your men to help themselves to the magistrates' belongings but, claim all documents.  I inquire on the status of the shipyard at Athene.  I look forward to your reports and your return.  A bottle of the Captain's has our name on it.

End message.”
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 07:59:25 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2014, 12:40:47 AM »
A letter that was sent to every employee and printed in the colonial newspaper.

To the People of the former Eluvatarn colony of Valorium,

We have found our chance to free ourselves from the shackles and chains of two rulers far away.  Yes, two rulers that know us not.  Two rulers that have thrown away our blood and effort to serve their needs back home.  Two rulers that simply wish to take and give nothing back.  We have tried to appease these rulers by supporting their bickering and wars with monies and supplies.  But was that enough?  NO!  They want MORE!

As Governor and Company-Steward, I am obligated to protect my residents and employees.  I will not let us be taken advantage of.  As a result, our security forces, the Sons of Liberty, have been deployed to take back what is rightfully ours.  Yes, we have left Eluvatar and the Pelargir Company.

Fear not!  Better times are ahead as a newly created company, the Allied States of Bustos.  Let history mark August 19th, 1780 as our Independence Day!

No more paying taxes to Eluvatar.  No more sending portions of our profits back to the Pelargir Company.  No more waiting on distant tyrants to tell us what we can or cant do.  Thus, all employees will see increased wages.  New construction projects will begin to build our own factories.  Trade will be opened to all nations of Taijitu.

Please join and enjoy the festivities to occur one week from today, celebrating freedom to all.

The future is ours!

Duke Christopher, of the Bustos, Governor of Valorium, Company-Steward of the Allied States of Bustos

A week later...

Scenes from various cities.


Independence Day Parade

...more fireworks...

Food Preparations for a Party

...and more fireworks.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 07:59:50 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2014, 05:05:13 PM »
"...and then the remaining Eluvatan troops tried to surrender once the ships cast off. All more evidence that they had gotten word of our coup."

"Hostile takeover," corrected Duke Christopher as he refilled Commander Zeitev Yakovlev's cup with rum. He sat down in a plush chair across from the commander. "I thought there were no prisoners at Athene."

"There weren't.  Like I said, they tried to surrender."

"Hmm.  Your report said the shipyard suffered damage but you were unable to discern it's condition at the time.  Is it intact?"

"For the most part, yes," the commander replied as he took a sip. "The retreating ships sent two fire ships into the port. The first one hit the remaining ships sitting in the docks, and set most of them aflame, taking a portion of the docks with them before we could stop the fire from spreading further. As I said, the second one sunk before it made it into the port..."

"...due to the fires burning too fast and damaging the hull of the ship. Yes I remember." Duke Christopher was please to hear the shipyard is still operational.  When he first heard the magistrate rejected the terms of surrender, he was very concerned how the shipyard would fare in battle.  Once repairs are completed, as the largest port, it will become a vital asset for the company.

"It's Eluvatar's move now but I'm sure the civil war will keep them busy for a bit" said Yakovlev after sipping more rum from his cup. He looked into the fire burning in the fireplace feeling the buzz of the rum grow and pondering his future, that was once so clear.  But one thing was clear, he eliminated his only real competition in the security business.

"How likely do you think they are going to retaliate?"

"I still stand by what I said when I told you this was your best opportunity. This civil war. I can't imagine the losers being so eager to support a foreign war nor the victors having the means to. They couldn't even supply adequate number of soldiers for your grandfather when he founded Athene. In any case, my men are already making preparations, just in case.  Ha."  The commander shook his head and smiled, "I remember when I saw the chaos of random mercenaries working for your father.  That's how I knew an organized free company was needed here.  And be profitable, too. Sons of Liberty, at your service." The once-bounty-hunter-turned-founder-and-leader of the free company known as, Sons of Liberty, smiled again and raised his glass.

Duke Christopher responded in kind slightly tapping his glass with the commander's. "To our future!”
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:00:29 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2014, 08:24:41 AM »
The Duke and Commander continued to talk as the night progressed, enjoying the warm fire of the fireplace in the Lord's den.  With the bottle, only half way finished, both enjoying a good buzz.  A retired ship captain had settled in southern Valorium, becoming a fine rum producer.  Simply known as the Captain's, the rum has become quite popular in the former colony.  A favorite of the Duke's and Commander's too.

“I don't know if you've thought about this, Commander.  I own all of the land within Valorium.  That means, my company is going to be the governing body of this new country,” the Duke said as he handed the Commander a contract.

“What is this?” asked the Commander.  Yakovlev skims the contract to get an idea what his client has in mind.

“Now, don't think I doubt your loyalty to the Bustos Family.  I wish to retain your free company.  This contract will affirm it.  Exclusively.  And permanently.”

“You're want to buy me out?”  The commander looked saddened and slightly insulted.

“No, no, no,” affirmed Duke Christopher.  “While yes, technically, ownership of the Sons of Liberty will fall under the Allied States, you will retain your position as the leader.  Ownership is just a small detail, for which, you can see I am willing to pay handsomely for.  In fact, you'll have the proper rank of...General.  This new country needs a standing army and I want you and your men to continue to be defenders of freedom.  You've been a good friend to my father, myself, and my family.  Your men have done an amazing job for all of Valorium.  Read it over.  Think about it.  Get back to me in a couple of days regarding this.  I hope you see this serves both of our interests.”

Duke Christopher got up out of his chair and grabbed the bottle sitting on top of the bar.  “Now, enough business.  Let's pretend we don't have any responsibilities and finish this bottle of Captain's.”
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:01:16 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2014, 09:24:44 PM »
Knock, knock.

“Come in.”

“My Lord, Kristen Drake has arrived,” informed the secretary, that poked her head through the door.

“Thank you, Miriam.  Please show her in.”

Kristen Drake, Editor in Chief of the colonial newspaper, The Valorium Chronicle, entered the office with a piece of paper in hand, looking distraught.  “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, my Lord.”

“Not a problem at all, Kristen.  Please take a seat.  What can I do for you?”  The Duke gestured to one of the three, plush leather chairs before his desk.

Kristen sat down in the chair closest to her.  “I have a problem at the paper.  This letter came in for the OP/ED column,” handing the letter over to the Duke.  “I've been threaten by some of my staff that they'll quit and an advertiser says they'll pull their ads if I don't print it.  I wanted you to know who's plotting against you.”

Duke Christopher read the letter and shook his head in disapproval.  The contents were full of ignorance.  Whoever wrote the letter didn't even have the guts to put his name on it.  “You're the Editor in Chief.  This is your paper to run, even if my family does own it.  Freedom of the press, it's in your hands.  Do what you think is best for yourself and your paper.”

“You don't want their names?  You're not going to arrest them?  Are you suggesting I give in?”

“I am telling you to run your damn paper.  There will always be malcontents.  Freedom will prevail, Kristen.”

Editor in Chief of The Valorium Chronicle showed up for work the next day.  By noon, she had gathered all members of her staff that threaten to quit into the meeting room and offered them lunch to discuss how she will print the letter.  Once lunch was over and the matter was settled, Kristen mentioned that there was one more thing.  She fired them.

Returning to her office, she prepared a letter to the threatening advertiser.  She thanked them for their prior support and that it would no longer be needed.  The letter included a check, refunding the remainder of their advertising account.

In the OP/ED column for the following day's paper, Kristen decided to add her thoughts.

To the readers of The Valorium Chronicle,

It is unfortunate that certain people think threats will stop liberty.  I am publishing a letter in this column that was passed to me and, under threats, I was pressured to ensure its publication.  Certain members of my staff were terminated and an advertiser was lost as a result.  I am sadden to think that people forget the meaning of Freedom of the Press, which this paper has always supported since it inception many years ago.  I did not have to print this letter.  I am choosing to do so.  The following letter has not been edited in any way.  I do not agree with their opinions but I do support their right to express it.  Without further ado.

Kristen Drake
Editor in Chief
The Valorium Chronicle

To the loyal Eluvatarans of Valorium,

Over the past few months, heinous crimes have been committed against us!  Duke Christopher and the Bustos Family have committed treason against the rightful, royal government of Eluvatar, in the name of the King, soon may he return.  Murdered his majesty's soldiers.  Sacked Athene.  Many of our leaders have sold their loyalties to Duke Bustos for money and power.

His rebellion was a power grab, so he, himself, can be king!  He engaged in his own civil war against the crown.  Instead of attempting to take the whole kingdom, he carved out his own petty kingdom here in Valorium.  Do not be fooled.  Do not be bought!

Stand against tyranny and for justice!

Organize!  Take up arms!  Join the Loyalists!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:02:26 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2014, 12:28:02 AM »
An official document from the early years of the company.  It has been preserved and is currently on display at the National Museum of History in the capital city of Twenty-One.  Given the age of the document, it is extremely hard to read.  A copy of the text sits next to the document on display.  It reads as follows:

From the desk of Duke Christopher, of the Bustos, Governor of Valorium, Company-Steward of the Allied States of Bustos.  February 17, 1781

The head of the Board of Directors will be the Chairperson, elected by majority vote from within the Board of Directors.  The Chairperson is elected for life, until resignation, incapacitated, or death.

The Board of Directors of the Allied States of Bustos, it is to include, but not limited to, the Directors of various Offices, that assist in the running of the company and large shareholders, 10% or more, of the company.  Other members may be invited to be a part of the Board of Directors, temporarily or permanently, by a majority vote, of the current Board of Directors to fill the need of expertise or experience.

All Directors, unless shareholders, will have no votes.

Each share counts as one vote.

Offices of the Allied States:

Office of Defense, handling of the military, General Zeitev Yakovlev

Office of Commerce, handling of all finances, Prince Rhett, of the Bustos

Office of Resources, handling of all assets, Carolin Katrin Meinhardt

Office of Public Relations, handling of all international relations, Princess Riley, of the Bustos

Large shareholders:

Duke Christopher, of the Bustos, Governor of Valorium, Company-Steward of the Allied States of Bustos - Percentage of shares owned : 58%

Prince Rhett, of the Bustos - Percentage of shares owned: 21%

Princess Riley, of the Bustos - Percentage of shares owned: 21%

To have an official and organized body of leadership, Duke Christopher created the Board of Directors following his prescribed criteria.  This system continues today.  It was after the first Board meeting on March 11, 1781, the Duke's title, Company-Steward, was changed to Chairperson with 100% of the votes.  It was this same meeting that the Allied States officially bought controlling interest in the free company, the Sons of Liberty, which was renamed the Allied States Military.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:03:10 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2014, 02:34:20 AM »
Between 1780-1790, there was a significant migration from Valorium.  A 5%-7% population drop occured during this decade.  The people involved in this migration were called the Exiles.  They involved all manner of people but the concept of leaving Valorium was attributed to the leadership of the Loyalists.  The Loyalists considered the Allied States as a rebellious faction from the true royal government of Eluvatar.  They were small in number but quite vocal.  Displeased and not wanting to be associated with the Allied States, they advocated those loyal to Eluvatar to return home.  However, not all Loyalists could afford the costs associated with such a trip.  While those that could afford the passage home left, others moved out into the surrounding Wild Lands.  Many others followed.

The Exiles, living in the Wild Lands, comprised of Loyalists, adventurers, anarchists, woodsmen, and criminals.  With no protection from the Allied States, Exiles were often preyed upon by unscrupulous people and the hostile tribes of the Wild Lands.  A few returned, accepting their fate as residents of the Allied States.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 08:03:59 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2014, 06:12:10 PM »
Charter of the Allied States of Bustos

1. The Board of Directors shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Company for a redress of grievances.
2. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
3. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
4. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
5. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
6. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.
7. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty golds, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the Allied States, than according to the rules of the common law.
8. The enumeration in the Charter, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
9. The powers not delegated to the Allied States by the Charter, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
10. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the Allied States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.  Board of Directors shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Unanimously approved by the Chairperson and Board of Directors of the Allied States of Bustos on July 4, 1783

More infamously known around the world as the Charter of Rights.  With the tenth right, it abolished slavery in the Allied States on said date.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:04:03 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2014, 03:56:16 AM »
October 4, 1799

The Duke's home, since the founding of the former colony, served as the colonial headquarters of the former Pelargir Company.  Now it continues to serve Valorium as the headquarters of the Allied States.  The small castle, stood on top of a hill in Twenty-One, easily visible to the surrounding inhabitants.  The Board of Directors gathered again for its quarterly meeting to report to the Duke on the activities of the company.

The current topic, an issue regarding the security of the western and southern borders.  Even before their separation from Eluvatar, hostile native tribes raided inhabitants along the frontier.

“These natives are leading a campaign to push us back,” said General Zeitev Yakovlev.  He took a puff of his cigar.  Since the opening of trade to all nations, he was pleased he could, not only, easily get his favorite cigars from his homeland, but cheaper too.

“How much have we suffered?” asked the Duke.  The Duke sat at the head of the long, conference table.  Even though there are only 5 members of the Board, the table could seat 10.  To his right was the General.  To his left was Prince Rhett.

Prince Rhett, of the Bustos, Director of Commerce, also younger brother to Duke Christopher chimed in.  “Our losses are minimal as we have very few assets that far out.  But they are encroaching closer and closer to our operations.  They disrupt our operations by hitting our logistics.  They have yet to successfully raid an operation to date.”  His head for numbers served him well while making sure that every gold the company spent, counted.  Anything that added more golds to the net profit was desirable.

General Yakovlev nodded with approval, easing smoke into the air above him from his mouth.  It was his men that protected all operations of the Allied States.  Carolin Katrin Meinhardt, Director of Resources, sitting to the right of the General acknowledged Prince Rhett's answer.

“So, how is this an issue?” The Duke looked slightly confused.

Princess Riley, of the Bustos, Director of Public Relations, the sister and youngest of the three siblings added, “It's the residents that are filing complaints.  We claim those lands as ours, charge them rent so they expect the same security afforded to them closer to the coast.”  In the 1700s, it may have been usual that a woman held a job, much less, such a high ranking position.  Their grandfather always reminded his family, that skill and ability mattered in the end, not their appearance or sex.

“They left civilized society to live in the Wild Lands.  What did they expect?”  Even more confused on how this was a problem for the Allied States to deal with.

As Director of Public Relations, she, not only dealt with foreign nations but, foreign and local companies, and the inhabitants of the Allied States.  Princess Riley's empathy allowed her to excel with interpersonal relationships, however, her solutions were not always good for the company's bottom line.  “While yes it may be the Wild Lands, it's a part of Valorium and people expect to be under the protection of the Allied States.”

The Chairperson quickly interjected.  “There are plenty of areas they can have our protection.  When we offered opportunities in the frontier, it was at these towns, farms, and mines.  Not in the middle of some random forest by themselves.”

Princess Riley was very aware of this detail.  “And, I explain that every time but they see it as our excuse to not spend golds.”

Carolin Meinhardt leans in a bit.  “Quite frankly, it's not entirely out of our means.  Enlarge the military and increase their workload.”

The General raised his eyebrows in approval at the suggestion of expanding his Office, then let out a small snort at the comment of having the workload increased.  The other Directors gave small smiles.

Meinhardt continued, “This will increase operating costs, certainly.  The long term benefits would be in our favor.  Better security would allow our operations to expand more freely.  Less logistic disruptions.  More people would move out there.  They too will assist in defending their homes, as they do now.  In the end, our labor pool along the frontier will grow.  That is our limiting factor, isn't it?”  The Directors saw where she was going with this line of thinking.  Meinhardt started working for the company as a quartermaster of one of the company's warehouses.  Her ability to maintain accurate inventories and excellent organizational skills caught the attention of Prince Rhett and he suggested her to the Lord to be given the responsibility of doing the same, for all assets of the company.

Prince Rhett saw golds flash before his eyes.  “We'll have to invest in development, on top of the security.  If we can secure our claims, the costs will be offset by the rent and expansion of our operations.  In the long run, we'll see returns on our investments.  These natives stand in the way of progress.  And if you think about it, they started it.  Really.”
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:05:37 PM by Bustos »
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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2014, 07:29:33 AM »

Some of various ads printed in the Valorium Chronicle during the Frontier Expedition.  The Allied States increased the size of its standing army during the 1800s.  Many new recruits were stationed along the frontier.  The hostile tribes had banded together, calling themselves the Great Tribe.  Until the Great Tribe was defeated, numerous atrocities were committed from both sides during the Frontier Expedition.

May 1798:  The Great Tribe begin their campaign to reclaim Valorium.
1800-1820:  The Allied States expand their military.
January 1800:  The Allied States lead the Frontier Expedition to repel hostile tribes from their frontiers.
October 1802:  The first recorded use of biowarfare by the Allied States, when Bustian Soldiers distribute smallpox infected blankets to released native POWs.
June 1817:  The Great Tribe defeated.  The Board of Directors and Chieftains of the Great Tribe sign Peace Treaty of 1817.  First recorded use of the Peace Blunt, introduced by Chief Sky High.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 08:04:27 PM by Bustos »
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Re: The Beginnings (1780-1820)
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2014, 06:58:00 AM »

The Bustos Family Crest

Duke Christopher I

Born in Athene, Valroium, the colony of Eluvatar on August 30, 1745, to Duke Iacchus V, of the Bustos and Duchess Praxis.  As the eldest, of three siblings, he was tailored to become the next Governor of Valorium and Company-Steward of the Pelargir Company in the Far East.  His education consisted of personal tutors and following his father around as he handled the affairs of the company.

His grandfather and father often spoke ill of the Last King, the royal Eluvatarn government, and the Pelargir Company.  They wanted to expand the colony but instead were commanded to keep the raw goods and monies coming to Eluvatar rather then spend them inside Valorium.  This forced the Bustos Family to take their own wealth to fund infrastructure development of the colony.  Duke Christopher learn to carry the same resentment towards royal government and the Pelargir Company.  A resentment that spread within the Bustos Family and their employees in Valorium.

He married Duchess Francette Jasmine, of the Myrorian House Hlarith in 1771.  She bore him seven children, three sons and four daughters.  He, famously, adored the color red.  Most of his wardrobe was red.  This led to a short period where red clothing was the fashion of the Allied States.  Most lions found in Valorium Zoos today are descendants of lions imported by Duke Christopher.  The Bustos Family continues to maintain a private zoo of lions.

The death of Duke Iacchus V, in 1766, transferred all responsibilities and powers to Duke Christopher.  He continued the status quo, until 1780 when the Second Eluvataran War of Non-Succession began.  On August 19, 1780, he led the hostile takeover against the royal government and the Pelargir Company.  He reorganized Valorium and created the Allied States of Bustos, a privatized government.

The book, Oboputh Gewaldesi Goludogalutuil (On Nations Ability to Become Wealthy, your Majesty) by Elendil Gofari, served as his manifesto towards becoming the epitome of laissez-faire capitalism.  Claiming his grandfather and father carried and taught him this same vision and that its teachings were his inspiration behind the Charter of the Allied States.

Under his direction, the Allied States opened trade to all nations, created the Board of Directors, wrote the Charter of the Allied States, abolished slavery, raised the standard of living, developed domestic manufacturing, secured Valorium's borders, and defeated the Great Tribe.  He led the Allied States until his death on November 23, 1820, at 75 years of age.  He was succeeded by his eldest child, Duchess Fernanda.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:09:36 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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