So, after one productive evening on the IRC (thanks a lot to everyone for help!), there was a bit of history thrown together for the little southern island nation, and I have been trying to think how to slowly get it onto the forums. Since creating separate threads for different aspects of it seems kinda counterproductive, triedto put it all into a single one.
Let's start in chronological order, with questions from me along the way? Dates are semi-random, so that can be changed around, though I'd like to keep rough lengths and amounts of periods the same.
pre-1850 - not really thought out as of yet, but there exist several separated tribes, mostly on the north of eastern island (Tarrell), which coexist, but do not form a single consolidated government of considerable size.
~1850..1911 - colonisation of the islands begins.
Main exports - gold and iron ores in easy-to-reach deposits.
Main questions - how exactly development of the area goes? Below the world average, most probably, but are there any exact parts that need to be gotten right? Also, which international effects a colonial nation can participate in (if any)?
1911..1915 - Liberation of the country as a result of a peace treaty (THAT I'm sure of remembering). Economy is same, with addition of small-scale oil drilling. Borders are closed for both people and products from abroad, government (consisting of a parliamentary body only) sponsors nationwide "cultural restoration" programmes.
Famine of 1915 leaves Dalarian with the need to open borders, including for foreign companies.
1915..1948 - Economy is based mostly on oil exports, and not going to change anytime soon. Most wells are operated by foreigners, but profits are enough to purchase and reverse engineer machinery. Amount of factories reprocessing imports rapidly grows, to a detriment of quality and safety.
Explosion on one of them, destroying a fair part of a city, and following undecided decisions by parliament, result in civil uprisings and introduction of "President" (stays here until a decent-sounding "local" term is made up) as an overseeing entity for Parliament.
"Cultural defence" continues in form of ban on imports of any media that is not on Dalari language.
1948..1976 - Oil is still first in profitability, followed closely by machinery construction. Most of the railway network, including bridge between the two main islands, is being built. Promotion of Dalari language and culture continue, but to a lesser degree now that most of the people were brought up when the programme was active. Constructions of own spaceport and international transit airport happen, but none bring the success awaited by the government. (from here on not so much questions, except for a repeating "does that fit into the main timeline even?")
1976..2004 - Nationalisation of oil drilling and mining industries begin in an effort to avoid raising taxes. Country for the first time begins to open up more, allowing books and movies to be made and distributed on foreign languages (TV and radio broadcasts still demand the full dub of all programs). Series of laws are being passed, consolidating power more around the president, and not parliament, but meet little protest as Dalarian goes through two decades of greater stability.
2004..201X - Most is yet to happen. Schools are now allowed to offer foreign languages as voluntary classes. Many are concerned with an outdated economy, still getting most of income from mining, which by some estimates is about to run out of resources.
Think that's it to begin with? Please, do tell if something needs some kind of fixing.