Myro, I really don't know what you're on about. You didnt even participate in the old senate! Now suddenly that this happens you set up talk radio?? As I recall you were a senator once, (dont recall what happened, i think ya got screwed over by the 5 vote thing or something... dont remember) but in any event, if that's the case you didn't re-apply (can;t say as I blame you) but now suddenly you get all up in arms. I don't get it.
Oh, and the Judiciary reads AT LEAST ONE JUSTICE.... once again, I'm thinking alot of you are just wanting something to bitch about.
Now, no where did I say I would not be taking input. So keep your knickers out of a bunch. We've already taken some input from citizens and we'll continue to do so. This is not neccesarily the final draft.
Furthermore, look at these threads, this one, and the original thread in which I announced all of this. Sure, there are a lot of posts, but most of it is the same handful of people. Now, I'm not saying that means those silent support me, but what I am saying is that it goes to illustrate the mammoth levels of laziness in this region. It's taken this to even get a bit of a reaction out of y'all.
We're going to get this hammered out, and then we're going to get to work. We're going to get the new legislature up and running, and then, if y'all want to have my head on a plate, so be it. But yanno at lease someone will have tried to do something!