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Author Topic: Baltija has been banned  (Read 5671 times)

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Baltija has been banned
« Reply #75 on: January 30, 2007, 12:12:32 PM »
 Your opinion very much counts Ranholn, the thing is that while it would be *nice* probably to post evidence on the forum at large, sometimes, that' just not practical. But, showing it in private to the Senate, is not only practical, but an essential part of our checks and balances process. Something, I might add, which is not and has not been allowed in the "founder playground" regions.

 No one here said that this thread should be closed, and no one said that this should not be discussed, at least not that I've seen. All that was said was that this long after the banning, it really doesn't serve a purpose. I personally agree with that, but I'm not going to tell people what they can and cannot talk about.

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Re: Baltija has been banned
« Reply #76 on: February 05, 2007, 04:42:46 PM »
I thank you for not naming me before Merlin but I stand for what I have said and that I got somewhat out of line in the beginning with trying to get Baltija banned. I appologize to all admins for the way I behaved during that time.
And though I do respect Baltija as a human being I just can't and won't accept behaviour or views like those he displayed both here and in the Lex. Even though I would fight to let anyone have any view for themselves I won't let anything that aggressive, ignorant or condecending get a chance to spread, and I won't let anyone be preyed upon by anyone who are only trying to get a temporary ego-boost.

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