Blockade Of Dysaniian Coast
Inglish and Canadian vessels have blockaded the Dysaniian coast in an attempt to starve the nation out thus ending the war. The government has also issued an order to all neval vessels. Any Dysaniian vessel, military or not, caught at sea will be fired upon and sunk. Already, Dysaniian shipping lanes are being patroled by Canadian submarines. The Navy is hoping to force Dysanii to terms, but many foresee them refusing. To other news, word has come that the Dysaniian military are using Canadian civilians in forced work camps. Recon planes show pictures of evidence that the Dysaniians are slowly killing Canadian nationals in an attempt to wipe out the population so that the areas that the Dysaniian want should they win the war will be cleansed of Canadians. Field Marshal Worthington has declared this an act of cowardice and will punish the Dysaniians for this. With the blockade and the work camps, this war has escalated. So far, the People's Republic of Loyan, the Libertarian Empire of Myroria, and the Empire of Inglo-Scotia have declared war on the Parliamentary Republic of Dysanii. With PI now mobilizing, the Canadian people see a chance for survival.