Taijitu Exploration Society
To support the Loyan/ Terrangan expedition into the Eastern Wonder Wall, the Terrangan exploration society has proposed the following plan.
To use a Loyan ICBM left over from their nuclear disarmament.
These rockets would be equipped with probes that then would be launched form the ship close to the wall and fly into the weather anomaly to take measures of temperature, pressure, wind speed, direction of wind and moisture content of the air. As well as take measures in the electromagnetic spectrum.
The probe would then send the data by radio telemetry and store it at the same time should radio contact break.
The probe would land on a parachute and send out a homing beacon either by radio or – in case of a water landing- by sonar signals.
Also the TES has brought up a plan for the first journey of the „Infinity“ it will present to the Loyan government.
This plan proposes to travel trough what is known as the „Bulge“ from a southern port of Terrangar to the south.
This will allow the sub to be tested under actual conditions as will be found during the exploration and still be close enough to safe waters should anything go wrong.
Several ships will be positioned along the route outside of the „Bulge“ to act as rescue ships.
These are mostly fishing trawlers equipped with GPS,long range civilian radio and rescue equipment.
Until the „Infinity“ is ready the Terrangan Navy will send a Tupi class submarine close to the zones border to take measurements.
For safety reasons the submarine will however not penetrate too deep.